Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Good to see you back - I was thinking we might need to call out the search party! I know how that crap feels, I fought it for two weeks before a real nasty sinus infection set in and I've been on antibiotics for a week now. But, I feel better than I have in a long time. I hate to take meds, but sometimes ya just gotta do it.

So good that you and DD are getting along! It takes some of 'em awhile before they figure out that grown-up/parent type folks aren't as dumb as they think we are, lol!

I've been working with teenagers for ten years now. We get 'em as freshmen in high school and they stay with our program until they graduate - and by golly - I've only seen one or two of them who didn't mature during that time.

Glad you're feelin' better!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Me too! I am STILL hacking and sputtering around :/ So is hubs. Stupid weather change is not helping. Cool one day, warm the next. Every time I leave the house it threatens to get worse again :rant I'm experiencing pre snow cabin fever :hit

Anyyyyyyway :rolleyes:

I hope everyone else has been having decent health and weather....well I know not everyone is having decent weather, but at least maybe ur not in the shape I am right now :lol:

I did get out and shop and we went to visit MIL the other day. We had a decent weekend. It was pretty lazy, DD and Spiderman watched movies and fought over who was gonna wash the silverware *smh* Those two are nuts!

DD got her report card today, 3 A's and a very high B in Algebra 2. Pretty proud of her, but still chewed her a bit about the B because she failed a big test and that's what brought it down. ONE point from an A :( She's kicking herself too. She REALLY got a chewing over Chorus though....she has known for almost 2 weeks that she was going to have to stay after school for practice. when did I find out? Hmm? Ya wanna know? Bedtime last night. That's when. I had to sign a paper for her to ride the bus to a town over for practice on Wednesday, which was okay. BUT she called me this afternoon, they have practice EVERY day this week. Oh well, even her teacher crawled her this time. She has told them over and over about it, and DD....had no idea :hu HOW do ya miss that? She obviously was NOT paying attention at all in that class. So, I made her lil butt come home today. She is just a manager, so it doesn't truly hurt the other kids performance for her to miss out, or I would have just let her go. I may make her come home tomorrow too. I'm kinda letting it hang in the air till the last minute to prove a point. She HATES not knowing till the last minute....DUH so does everyone else ;) I WILL get her properly raised....eventually :th


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hope you're feeling better...this crud just seems to hang on and on and on.

Congrats on DD's grades! Algebra? Ugh....

Hope you have some time to enjoy the weekend!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Well wow...I have been slightly busy. :p The Chorus show was really good. DD finally got the point that we like to know ahead of time on things because we are BUSY enough besides what she has going on without her last minute wrench thrown in and tossing everything off schedule and causing a mad shuffle to get it done. So.....I have gotten holiday shopping all but finished. Have saved about 40% across the board with sales and coupons, so we'll have a nice one this year to make up a bit for the not so great ones the last several years. DD is gonna flip out when she gets all this stuff :lol: I can't wait to see her face. We are spoiling the crap out of her this year. She has been a trooper the last few years when money was so tight. This is gonna be some crazy fun with her :D I still have a few folks to buy for, but I put the kids first and got it knocked out so I don't lose track and really overdo it with them. I'm tempted to anyway but......I can only stand her and neicey so rotten before it gets on my nerves and I wanna squish em :p

I FINALLY got NEW tires for the truck, again on sale :D and got them put on, for about half the price I expected. :woot I also got to squeeze in a trip to the mall for the kiddos and DD made me SO PROUD! She shopped sales, and come out of the mall with several items for LESS THAN HALF PRICE :th That kid catches on QUICK! She is so awesome! I mean for a teenager to get WalMart prices at the mall is pretty impressive if ya ask me, and the stuff was cute(she bought clothes) and looks great on her! She's anxious to go back :D The bargain bug has bit her bad :lol:

Now, we just have to get squared away on a few small bills, and the rest of this month should be smooth sailing, and next month should go off without a hitch. I have a contract to hatch eggs for a guy the next 3 months to make a little more pocket money to squirrel away, and I am tending to some immediate needs for my Amish friends which will net a bit extra change as well. The sad thing is DD got laid off from her job last week, but the good thing about that is less errands for me! I'm tired lol! By the time she gets called back hopefully she will be driving herself in her car! That'd be sweet!!

Beyond that.....I have not much news. It's cold as a well diggers butt today...and especially feeling it since yesterday was 72 degrees and I have seen spitting snow today :/ I think my coveralls took a walk :rolleyes: I can't find them anywhere, and have noticed a few other high dollar items missing since someone moved out when I did. The items in question went with me, but didn't come back with me, so that leaves ONE potential culprit. Good riddance I say. To him at least, I'd really love my coveralls today while feeding the animals, but.....whatever. It'll come back on him and his butt will probably be cold then :tongue I can't stand a thief.

EITHER WAY......I can't talk about it too much because it just aggravates me. Never will any person EVER share this house with us again...EVER! People in general tend to suck sometimes, and they can suck somewhere else is all I can tell them. Ya just can't trust many folks anymore.

I have to get busy again. I have computer work to do, and house work to do, and a HUGE hot warm ya from the inside dinner planned for tonight for hubby who is out in this mess today :( I think this weather calls for some chicken and dressing and all the fixins. Yeah, I know....close to Thanksgiving, but we are probably gonna do steaks for Thanksgiving anyway :lol: This way we won't miss anything. Not that we would, we are force fed at moms every year regardless.

Anywhose later folks! I will TRY to catch up later this month!!!! But for now...I'm off :weee :weee :weee


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Just had a family meeting here. DD is at THAT POINT....yep, the one we all remember where you're too young to do things you want, and too old to act like that...so it gets bottled up until the top blows...or until someone shakes ya up and it all comes out. Either way, neither is very pretty sometimes :p I would HATE to be in her shoes :( Little things add up to such huge piles of omg what am I supposed to do? It's frustrating and it just generally sucks. SO.....I may need a little help here for those who have raised successful young women from teenage girls. And by a little help, I could actually mean a LOT of help...not sure yet :lol: True, this is my second...technically third, rodeo, but every kid is different. DD has a drive that is unbelievable for a 16 year old, and I DON'T want to put a damper on that. She wants things, and she knows how to get them...almost. The almost is the problem. Independence is another problem. Too much of it to be precise. No man is an island comes to mind....well no teenage girl is either so here we sit. She has too much pride to ask for help, and we have to drag the details out of her at times. She has 15 months left that she has to be here, not that she won't stay longer, but this is the "mandatory sentence" before she can move forward in her own life. College is on the horizon, but i can't even think about that right now. IMMEDIATE needs are, she needs to learn to drive. Period. She needs her car fixed...needs a new job, needs this semester to be over, needs a bit more freedom with the boyfriend(I will DIE... :hit ) and just everything in general. I need ideas on how to get her to some of these milestones without giving her too much freedom/responsibility too soon. She can handle it as long as she doesn't get overwhelmed...or more overwhelmed I guess I should say. It does no good to tell this kid it'll all come together in time, so I feel the need to take a more proactive approach and kind of schedule a "to do" type list and try to fill in all the holes in her little life that she sees as such HUGE deals. But, thus my dilemma, where the heck do I/we start? We have no time, not a lot of resources, and I don't see it just fixing itself over time. It won't....I've tried to clear the schedule and make more time for her and something always seems to "pop up" and throw a wrench in. I am actually contemplating....selling off all the animals or eating them and just taking an SS break in order to get her through to the point of starting college :hide That'd cut the workload for all of us, free up some expense, and let's face it....15 months is NOT a long time when you consider this could be the difference between her being ready to leave home, and her still having unanswered questions and lack of focused support and being afraid to step out into the world alone(not TRULY alone, but you get what I mean). I don't want to not be here for her because of things I have going on, she's 16, she's very much more important than my "stuff." Good idea? Not good? I dunno. It's hard to know what to do, but I remember 16, and I distinctly remember that feeling of being helpless and like the future is crashing down and you can't get where you need to be and are afraid of being behind off the jump. I would NEVER. EVER.....want to go back there.

Just talking out loud....bouncing things around. Trying to get a grasp of what step to take next. Pay little attention to my awkward ramblings :p I'm gonna sleep on it, maybe it has just been one of those days and it'll all be more clear tomorrow.

If anyone can advise.....I'm all ears. This one is nothing like the last one....I don't have to MAKE her move forward....she's pulling, with or without me, and time to teach is running out fast.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:lol: Okay brother :p

It's just so HARD to know what is her true feelings and what is manipulating to get what she wants. Grrr! She wants to be able to go out with this boy, BUT...I don't think it's a good idea. He's 19. She is 16. hey have already gotten into trouble. He seems like a good kid, she is a good kid....but good kids still tend to do stupid things when they have too much freedom. :/ I think that is most of her issue. She knows she screwed up taking it upon herself to allow him to take her to school without our knowledge when she wasn't supposed to be seeing him, and do things she knew better than to do, and now...she wants all that forgotten as if it never happened and for them to start all over, but she is having to deal with the..."you made the bed for yourself" situation. I still don't fully trust either of them, nor does her daddy. That aspect of the situation is just crappy, for all involved. But....it was her decision and now she can't stand reaping the rewards. Thinking we should stick to our guns on this one. Boundaries have already been trampled, and this would just open the door to more issues I'm afraid. It has only been a couple months ago they got into trouble. It's just too soon IMO to turn them loose. They broke trust, and only time will fix that.

But....the other things, I just have to make time for, as soon as possible. I need to be taking her out driving. I left that responsibility to her dad, but he doesn't have time with his work schedule. Thing is though...she scares the hell out of me :hide I AM NOT looking forward to it AT ALL :p

Anybody have a suit of armor I can borrow? And maybe a ton or so of bubble wrap?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't think I could have handled driving w/more kids than the 2 I had! I was the one that went driving w/them the majority of the time. It's a wonder my hair didn't turn gray! :lol:

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