Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yep, perfectly normal November weather, lol. It's giving me lots of time to get things done so I'm ok with it. But if the wet stuff keeps falling (and I'm not complaining) it might get a bit muddy to spend much time in the garden. I don't have a lot left to do out there so I'll sacrifice some garden time to get out of this drought. Heard the other day that we're 11 inches behind. Hope we're making progress now.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
We had a tenth of an inch of wetness overnight. Lots of lightening, but not right over us. DH said we had some intense winds, but that they didn't last long. I'm ok with the amount of rain we got. I needed some of my newly planted seeds watered and now it's done. Yay!

Raine, who is an almost 50 lb dog, can squeeze through any two -nch opening. Not so sure why she thought it was important to trot all over my carrot bed, dig a little and drop one right in the bed. ARGH! Don't want no dog poop fertilizer on my carrots so I took a shovel and tossed that mess right out of there along with the dirt under it. Now I just get to wait and see if any carrots actually germinate or if she rearranged them too much. And, it takes forever for carrots to germinate so it'll be a bit before I know. Ugh.

Still waiting on new broccoli and napa cabbage seeds. They need to get here already.

I was pulling hay off the raised bale for the horses yesterday and found a big ant bed. They literally covered my hand. OUCH!! Can't exactly poison the hay bale so I guess the goats are just going to have to eat around it until this bale is gone. Then I can treat the ground before I put a new bale out.

I'm still looking at does and trying to decide who's next on the cut list. It won't happen until after kidding. But, it keeps getting harder to decide who's going and who's staying. However, I think I'm going to need a new buck. Probably shouldn't have sold Conan. Oh well... I'd love a new moonspotted kiko/myotonic type buckling. I need something with longer legs, lol.

Astros play this afternoon. If they win this one - that's it!!

Supposed to be a really nice day. Low 70's instead of mid 80's like the last few days. I definitely need to take advantage of it.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Congrats on your baseball team winning it all!
Thanks! It was AWESOME! Really nice that they could win it for Dusty Baker, the 73-year-old manager. MVP was a the old guy got his dream fulfilled and the young guy too!

I worked yesterday on cleaning/organizing under the white shed. It's a 20 x 30 multi-purpose metal shed that's accessible from the back yard and has a walk-through aisle to the front barnyard. The hanging quail cages are under there and several pens that have openings into a run along with open storage area. I've let it get too cluttered lately and it's time to get it back in shape. Made progress but still have lots more to do. I need to rake out the animal pen areas and spread the old poop in areas that will appreciate it.

I've got lift-off in the garden! Peas are up along with spinach, swiss chard, radishes and some chijimisai greens, collards and turnips. Transplanted broccoli and cabbage and have more seeds started. Hoping for good things. Fall gardening may be my favorite. Not as hot, weeds aren't as pushy and bugs are not waiting around to destroy everything (at least not yet). Also found somme surprise potatoes growing in some tubs that I've used for potatoes before. Musta missed some when I harvested, lol. That's a nice surprise.

Warmer for the next few days with no rain in the forecast for another week or so. Hopefully I can get a lot more done.

Cooked a big ol' hunk o' pork yesterday. It was a fresh ham (basically the back leg) from the last pig we butchered back in February. Oh so yummy! No way DH and I will be able to finish it in a timely manner so some will go back in the freezer. Kinda defeats the purpose of trying to clean the freezer out, lol. But it's not nearly as big now and it's deboned too. That'll help.

Time to get busy.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Icky, foggy, warm and humid morning. But no complaints because the garden loves it. We should hit low to mid 80's today. Mosly ok weather for working outside.

Still working under the shed. Did a little yesterday but had some other things to work on two so I bounced around. Probably be the same today. I'm easily bored, lol.
I may or may not have sent off an inquiry about a couple of Myotonic yearling does. :hide
I mean... ummm...herd reduction is still in progress if I sell 5 and only replace two of 'em? I think, lol. Probably a good thing that the seller seems to be on board with MY herd reduction and not HERS because I haven't heard anything back yet.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Icky, foggy, warm and humid morning. But no complaints because the garden loves it. We should hit low to mid 80's today. Mosly ok weather for working outside.

Still working under the shed. Did a little yesterday but had some other things to work on two so I bounced around. Probably be the same today. I'm easily bored, lol.
I may or may not have sent off an inquiry about a couple of Myotonic yearling does. :hide
I mean... ummm...herd reduction is still in progress if I sell 5 and only replace two of 'em? I think, lol. Probably a good thing that the seller seems to be on board with MY herd reduction and not HERS because I haven't heard anything back yet.
Small herd = more frequent turnover/purchases to maintain genetic diversity. ;)