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  1. smackiesmommy

    fuzzy tea bags have dropped/causing fighting

    As some of you remember, my mother bought my son some rabbits for easter and we have some that we are going to breed as well. The ones that are the "pets" have started fighting for some reason. We have kept them together for a few months now with no problems until last week. I noticed today that...
  2. smackiesmommy

    quick question about bunnies

    I know that tomato leaves are not good for bunnies but I was wondering if it would be ok to give the okra leaves that i trim to my fuzzy ones?
  3. smackiesmommy do you deal with it?

    I'm sure that I'm not the only one here who feels like they do EVERYTHING. The clothes and the dishes and taking care of the child. Then there is cooking and taking care of the animals and garden and balance the budget for the house. Buying everything needed in the house and the odd jobs that...
  4. smackiesmommy

    How often do I need to work my garden

    I am still new to this and am learning as I go. I live in georgia where the dirt is clay and rocky and it get hot. Our garden was tilled and the soil adjusted to the right PH. My question is how ofter I am supposed to get out there and "work" it. It gets watered every other day or every day...
  5. smackiesmommy

    Help! grandfather burned my cucumbers

    my pepaw is very old school and at that age where you can't tell him anything. To make a long story short he came by the house and place a mixture of chicken compost and fertilizer around most my my garden. While I know he was just trying to help i think he burned up most of my cucumbers. Is...
  6. smackiesmommy

    home made pads

    not sure if I could ever really do this (kind of a tampon girl myself) but I came across it and thought I would share seems like a cool idea
  7. smackiesmommy

    Fire ants in my compost pile

    Help! I went out to check on the compost pile today and to add some egg shells to the mix. When I grabbed a stick to put them down in the middle I found them. A huge ant bed has formed in my compost pile. What do I do?
  8. smackiesmommy

    Smackiesmommy's journal

    Name: Courtney A.K.A Smackiesmommy Birthday: July 12, 1987 Hometown: Newnan, Ga Current Residence: Newnan, Ga Relationship Status: Married Political Views: Government should keep their nose out of my business Religious Views: Wiccan Activities: being a mommy and karaoke Interests: Interesting...
  9. smackiesmommy

    Raised vs tilled?

    Which is best for a small family in your opinion? I know that there are pros and cons to both but I just wanted to know what the more experienced gardeners thought
  10. smackiesmommy

    chicken about to lay?

    As you guys know I got my girls over the weekend from my uncle. I know they are of age and have laid before but I wasn't there. My Dom is doing a good bit of clucking today and when I went to feed them I noticed that one of them (not sure which one) has some blood in their poop. Since my Dom is...
  11. smackiesmommy

    Happy as a pig in mud!

    We got a new place over the weekend and after lots and lots of unpacking I finally got to start on my yard. I got my compost started today (whoot!) and started on the chicken coop. I hope to have it finished by sunday and have the chickens inside. I know that this isn't really news or helpful to...
  12. smackiesmommy

    home made butter...yum!

    I made home made butter yesterday for the very first time and now i will never EVER go back to store bought butter again. Has anyone else done the same or found something that once they have made they can never go back?
  13. smackiesmommy

    rabbit meat?

    ok I have to ask...what does rabbit meat taste like and where do you take the rabbits to be processed?
  14. smackiesmommy

    Icebox in a root cellar?

    My husband and I have been talking a lot as of late about what we want to do when we move. We want a root cellar and were thinking...would the ice in an ice box last longer if the box were in a root cellar? It is already cool down there so it makes sense to us but then again we aren't experts...
  15. smackiesmommy

    outhouse....where to place them

    if someone wanted to go off the grid, how far away from your home are you supposed to put an outhouse? and how ofter are you supposed to move it?