ANYONE do the juicing thing?


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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I tried the pulp a few times, but, you end up with so much, it just doesn't pay to try to eat all of it. I put mine right into the compost bins..but, now, with chickens, I might test and see if they like it. My juicer runs the pulp pretty dry though. It is like a tiny washing machine......with a spout. lol

I have never added salt, or sugar, or any flavorings to my juice. I treat it like a health food/medicine.....not drinking it for pleasure. My grandma taught me juicing back in the 70's...when she was staying with an elderly couple. The husband had her doing the juice thing for his wife...hoping it would stall the dementia..which now we know is Alzheimers. Juicing didn't help..of course. Our bodies will deteriorate with age. Normal. The idea is to achieve the best "Quality of Life" matter our ages. We can't stall aging and it's effects.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2011
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Central Ohio
I too got a juicer for Christmas!! I tried a combo of 1 spear of pineapple, 2 apples, 5 baby carrots(it's all I had) and 1 green pepper. I wasn't able to detect the pepper outright but the rest of the family did. I thought it was pretty tasty, even though it was a bit thick.

As for the pulp, this time I tossed it out to the chickens and they loved it. When I make meatloaf I throw carrots, celery, spinach...whatever into a food processor to make a pulp that I sneak in to add nutrients. I don't see why I can't just use the pulp from the machine even if it's more fruits than'll just give it a mild sweetness. I am looking forward to using the pulp to pump up other foods too as my DH and kids are not veggie friendly.

Kids were whining for fresh OJ but that was actually kinda a pain...removing the peel and I needed a ton to make 3 cups of juice. I may stick to store bought OJ unless I find a deal on oranges and have a lot of time on my hands!


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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I never bothered to make fresh OJ, and my new DH...cannot drink it. he is allergic to oranges anyways. I just use mine for carrot/celery/apple for the most part. But, I am the only one who drinks my juicer juices. It's good healthy stuff!!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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moxies_chickennuggets said:
I tried the pulp a few times, but, you end up with so much, it just doesn't pay to try to eat all of it. I put mine right into the compost bins..but, now, with chickens, I might test and see if they like it. My juicer runs the pulp pretty dry though. It is like a tiny washing machine......with a spout. lol

I have never added salt, or sugar, or any flavorings to my juice. I treat it like a health food/medicine.....not drinking it for pleasure. My grandma taught me juicing back in the 70's...when she was staying with an elderly couple. The husband had her doing the juice thing for his wife...hoping it would stall the dementia..which now we know is Alzheimers. Juicing didn't help..of course. Our bodies will deteriorate with age. Normal. The idea is to achieve the best "Quality of Life" matter our ages. We can't stall aging and it's effects.
That kind of talk will get you barred from the health food store and the gym! Half their sales pitch is that you CAN stall aging and it's effects. It is not PC to do that kind of talk but I am behind you......Way, way back:D


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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~gd said:
moxies_chickennuggets said:
I tried the pulp a few times, but, you end up with so much, it just doesn't pay to try to eat all of it. I put mine right into the compost bins..but, now, with chickens, I might test and see if they like it. My juicer runs the pulp pretty dry though. It is like a tiny washing machine......with a spout. lol

I have never added salt, or sugar, or any flavorings to my juice. I treat it like a health food/medicine.....not drinking it for pleasure. My grandma taught me juicing back in the 70's...when she was staying with an elderly couple. The husband had her doing the juice thing for his wife...hoping it would stall the dementia..which now we know is Alzheimers. Juicing didn't help..of course. Our bodies will deteriorate with age. Normal. The idea is to achieve the best "Quality of Life" matter our ages. We can't stall aging and it's effects.
That kind of talk will get you barred from the health food store and the gym! Half their sales pitch is that you CAN stall aging and it's effects. It is not PC to do that kind of talk but I am behind you......Way, way back:D
~gd~ shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! :hide

Edited...btw...I don't go to alleged "Health Food Stores".... And I have gym equip at home. Oh...and I am nowhere near resembling PC either.... :lol: :gig


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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~gd said:
Can anyone explain the health benefit of throwing away the fiber? Frankly I eat more fruit and veggies raw just for the fiber. I am planning some major dental work and the dentist suggested a blender until I get my teeth replaced, a juicer was never mentioned as an option.
gd you aren't throwing away all the fiber. it is getting pulverized. my juicer will give very little pulp also. it is meant to use up almost 'all' of the item that is fed into it so it isn't like you are getting no fiber, you definitely will be getting fiber plus more.

juicer can handle whole cukes, whole beets, whole items and grind up skins and seeds well. a blender you need to core your apple, chop up smaller so the blender can do its work.

so a juicer to me is more of a total pulverization of whole items, vs a blender where you need to chop up. BUT of course now blenders come with great new speeds in them and they can pulverize etc if you buy a brand that can do many things.

even cut up celery in small chunks a blender I don't think will get you that 'non stringy celery juice' that a juicer would make.

just using kinda common sense on a juicer vs a blender cause I haven't tried blending veggies in a blender ever.

I am doing google searches on juicing and it is interesting and catching my interest big time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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FarmerChick said:
~gd said:
Can anyone explain the health benefit of throwing away the fiber? Frankly I eat more fruit and veggies raw just for the fiber. I am planning some major dental work and the dentist suggested a blender until I get my teeth replaced, a juicer was never mentioned as an option.
gd you aren't throwing away all the fiber. it is getting pulverized. my juicer will give very little pulp also. it is meant to use up almost 'all' of the item that is fed into it so it isn't like you are getting no fiber, you definitely will be getting fiber plus more.

juicer can handle whole cukes, whole beets, whole items and grind up skins and seeds well. a blender you need to core your apple, chop up smaller so the blender can do its work.

so a juicer to me is more of a total pulverization of whole items, vs a blender where you need to chop up. BUT of course now blenders come with great new speeds in them and they can pulverize etc if you buy a brand that can do many things.

even cut up celery in small chunks a blender I don't think will get you that 'non stringy celery juice' that a juicer would make.

just using kinda common sense on a juicer vs a blender cause I haven't tried blending veggies in a blender ever.

I am doing google searches on juicing and it is interesting and catching my interest big time.
I cannot use all the fiber my machine produces. I tried, when my 3 kids were young, and I had a full grown husband to feed. I don't juice every day, as that can get expensive if you don't grow your own. If you do....even better. I eat lots of fiber as it is...and just drink the juicer juices when my health is low.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I so agree Moxie. I have wanted a juicer for years just for the health benefits. I could not eat 3 stalks celery, apple, watermelon, kale, 2-3 carrots in one sitting. But I sure could juice them and drink all that very easily.

I think it can only benefit your body truly.

I just saw on the web a site that 'gives' healthly recipes to 'attack' some diseases, like altimerzers, chronic fatigue and others. WHILE it is says it is not a cure ever, it shows what veggies/fruits help a certain situation. It was very interesting and I am reading up more on it.

but key for me is boosting that immune system. you have a good immune system you are starting way ahead of medical troubles that can come from having a depressed immune system for sure


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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FarmerChick said:
I so agree Moxie. I have wanted a juicer for years just for the health benefits. I could not eat 3 stalks celery, apple, watermelon, kale, 2-3 carrots in one sitting. But I sure could juice them and drink all that very easily.

I think it can only benefit your body truly.

I just saw on the web a site that 'gives' healthly recipes to 'attack' some diseases, like altimerzers, chronic fatigue and others. WHILE it is says it is not a cure ever, it shows what veggies/fruits help a certain situation. It was very interesting and I am reading up more on it.

but key for me is boosting that immune system. you have a good immune system you are starting way ahead of medical troubles that can come from having a depressed immune system for sure
Well,I deal with MS...and PCOS....and now...peri-menopause. Is there no end?? :he


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Yea I was thinking like every 2-3 days do a few good juices to boost and give some energy.

I kinda want to incorporate it into my weekly eating schedule. Plus I want to use one as a meal replacement instead of always eating salads LOL
I eat tons of salads, it would be nice to drink one :p

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