Are we living our dream?


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
DH started calling the Sasquatch

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Technically my house was one story but it flooded in 1985 for Hurricane Juan and we had 4 inches of water. After that every time it flooded I was stressed because of worrying it would come inside so after Katrina knocked us a little sideways and the house blocks were all tilting to the west, we borrowed $20,000 in addition to $10,000 we had and hired a contractor to elevate us 8 feet and put us on pilings that were anchored to the ground in concrete....not just put in mud. We later had a concrete slab poured downstairs to add more strength to the house. The house originally just sat on blocks so it could move but once it was bolted to pilings it was better so the walls pretty much flew apart...probably because of a tornado but the floor stayed put. I only have 2 rooms left standing and one of them has a little sunshine in it. My youngest daughter has her room and the hall in front of it.
Really it is discouraging but I will soon be at a point where I can pry plywood from walls and start cutting them for fires in a pit or make rabbit nests or whatever. I plan on reusing the studs and sheet metal to just close in downstairs. Once we set up the greenhouse we will still need a place to protect the plants in the event of another storm. I can also use it as emergency shelter, office or workshop or all of the above. If I can rescue some of my stuff before it’s ruined I can freeze dry food and store it there because I sure can’t do a lot of stuff I normally do in this little house or the camper.’s hard to be me. Most of my coworkers have found jobs. I am not even looking because it’s pointless. No more money than I have received, I would have to give it all away and hire someone (which there isn’t anyone) to clean up and demolition means heavy equipment pushing everything to the roadside for pickup and then I will just have a floor and whatever is left downstairs. They will just push my stuff down and haul it off. This is probably my best shot at independence. I seriously just need to grow food, raise meat, preserve food, store food, sell food, grow fruit trees, sell fruit trees, graft fruit trees. Hmmm. A week ago I went to get my daughter and DH wanted to get some cabbage plants from a greenhouse halfway between. While I was there I looked at the prices of orange trees they were selling. It was $35 each and they were in some 2 gallon pots. Walmart probably can beat their prices but man!!! That’s more than I was expecting. I would be a fool to not start some rootstock that I can later graft and pot. Even if it’s a three year investment...even if I start rootstock every year and have to wait 3 years to sell the first it will be worth it. I have so much to do that it’s ridiculous but I think it’s safe to say I can’t allow myself to become discouraged to the point of stopping.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
aside from lack of give there are other aspects of walking on uneven surfaces which really help as you get older. if you can manage it, walking on varying surfaces really challenges your brain to work on balance a great deal, but it also helps your feet, legs, etc work harder and to be more flexible and capable.

i learned this when i was practicing Tai Chi regularly and when first was learning we were on a flat floor in a classroom type setting. so it was very uniform and not a challenge. then for a summer and part of a fall the next year we were practicing outdoors at a park and sometimes on a beach and i was also doing some practice in the woods. the next winter when we returned to indoor practicing i was amazed at how much my balance and strength had improved.
I could not agree with this more!

Katy Bowman is my hero! Here's a quick overview on feet:
She advocates for walking on uneven surface textures to reduce foot and body pain.

But this longer video is more encompassing:

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Momma always cooked cabbage for New Years with salt meat. It was really good and really time consuming. DH and I wear gonna do that but not really anxious to babysit the stove for 7 hours and make the house hot. I found a recipe for cabbage casserole online and I am going to try it via crockpot. Have no idea if it will taste good but it’s supposedly comfort food 🤷‍♀️. Decided to cook another tarte a la boullie but this one is sugar free. Hope I get away with it.
Trouble is hiding under the bed and refused to run this evening because of the fireworks.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
2nd night at Fort Polk. Trying to spend as much time with the kids as possible. DIL is feeling better and getting around and I gotta hand it to her...she is trying hard to make sure she doesn’t get the kids sick. KN95 and hand sanitizer all the time.
I just took my first tub bath since before the storm and it was AWESOME.
DH has been calling and texting me so much I am beginning to think he likes me.
I do miss my stuff though. And I am told Trouble started whining as soon as her and DH left me with DS. Maybe I can do this every 3 months for an extended weekend or something. I need some story books though. How you take care of children with no story books?
Good night 😘😴

you start telling them stories from your life. :)

if you can make up rhymes as you go that will make things stick too.

one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish...

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