Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I posted this on my FB, but I thought I'd share with those here. I'm excited.

"The below mentioned 18 yr old is now 32. He resigned after 11 years at Tesla, and will be moving up to the PNW to be nearer his parents, sister, niece and nephew. How life changes over the years!!"


"18 yr old up for adoption. Expectations: don't ask him to work, have lots of food available along with comfy couch, clear out yer things so he can spread out his, must be able to tolerate zits in your line of vision, have dogs available to play with instead of his other impt tasks, hearing aids advised due to mumbling diction. Available immediately. Inquire within. Free shipping."

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Slept late. Enjoyed it!! Tired from 2 long work days and needed the rest. Beautiful weather out. Just a catch up and rest day. Got dishwasher & laundry both working -- lounging a bit, lunch soon. Need to plan for dinner. Chickens & cats fed at get up, so only milking chore is late. 🤔

Tomorrow I leave early for Gilmanor swap, meeting with @farmerjan for our 2x yrly visit. It's about half way between us. It's our vacay date.👍 Truly, neither of us gets to go far or often. Again, the weather has blessed us with "perfect"! :clap


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
House moving day.

Matthew 19:26

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Cool! Have seen this and ones like it before. Thank you for sharing.

Minor nit, though, not critical of you @CrealCritter . Those may be Mennonite or a very very liberal Amish order, based on the footwear and glasses. Traditional Amish typically also would not permit the video recording. At least how it is around here.

Cool video nonetheless!


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Cool! Have seen this and ones like it before. Thank you for sharing.

Minor nit, though, not critical of you @CrealCritter . Those may be Mennonite or a very very liberal Amish order, based on the footwear and glasses. Traditional Amish typically also would not permit the video recording. At least how it is around here.

Cool video nonetheless!
Yes, I suspected Mennonites. I can tell by their speech and dress. We simply wouldn't see this type of video from Amish, for the reason you mentioned. The video was the intent, not poster of the video either 🤷‍♂️

atleast we know one more way to move a house now 😁

Jesus is Lord and Christ🙏❤️🇺🇸

The Porch

Super Self-Sufficient
Jun 6, 2021
Reaction score
Slept late. Enjoyed it!! Tired from 2 long work days and needed the rest. Beautiful weather out. Just a catch up and rest day. Got dishwasher & laundry both working -- lounging a bit, lunch soon. Need to plan for dinner. Chickens & cats fed at get up, so only milking chore is late. 🤔

Tomorrow I leave early for Gilmanor swap, meeting with @farmerjan for our 2x yrly visit. It's about half way between us. It's our vacay date.👍 Truly, neither of us gets to go far or often. Again, the weather has blessed us with "perfect"! :clap
OH! glad I read this, I forgot I had towels in the washer

I got the chicken run raked and went down and got another wheelbarrow of wood chips
washed the chicken water jugs--watered the lavender beds
got dishes done, shopping bags put back in the trunk-
and now o_O going to go hang the towels out lolololo


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Since I'm not allowed to name animals around here. I issued a self proclamation, I get to name the group of them. Cattle are now called the Moo Crew.

Here are a few pictures from this evening.

Oreo's calf is the biggest, but born last. His belt does not cross his back. Daisy's calf is the smallest but birthed first. Bessey calved second and her calf's size is in-between oreo's and daisy's. This sounds so familiar... The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

This calving business is all new to me, but I've read heifer first calves are smaller than cow calves. I can now see that is true... but they are all cows now, so what's next? bigger calves, I reckon. Still amazed how fully developed they are at birth, quite the experience for me.

Here's the Moo Crew boss Oreo, with the baby moos. Left to right Oreo's, Bessey's and Daisy's. All three cows surrogate, so can't tell who's is who's by who is nursing from who 🤷‍♂️ looks like Oreos baby moo is discovering mud around the water trough for the first time, typical, if there's mud jump in it. 😂

Here's a picture of the momma's and their baby moos. momma's and babies all look good and healthy to me. I don't see any momma with a degraded body condition at all, all still have good shinny coats also. Only difference I see is, that that the momma moos don't look like walking barrels any longer. Tomorrow bessy's and oreo's calves will be 1 week old and daisy's 11 days old. The days in earth sure fly by, don't they?

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
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Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier
The fire weed bloomed a bit early here, like the last of July first of Aug. and is all deadhead now so from say from the 9th 6 weeks puts us at Oct. 21st,, and I have seen it snow in Oregon and Washington in Oct. not mush but it has.
Now for you,, I think up high it has snowed, a bit, but,,,hahah it will be what it will be

I remember snow on the ground in Eastern Oregon on Halloween when I was a kid. Not every year but it happened enough.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier
Oh and it's not cold enough above Heppner Oregon for snow yet. Mom and Dad were up at their cabin in Blake Ranch earlier this week to meet a State guy who's part of a team assessing fire danger of properties and what can be done to lessen it. It includes a grant of up to $600 to help get the properties safe.

Since my parents actually have insurance, they've done as the insurance company asked. Trees limbed to at least 20 ft up and no brush around the cabin.

Guy said it was one of the best properties he's seen. They just need to move their woodpile about 25' farther from the cabin. No wood on the deck. Wicker furniture stored inside if not there. Put a door of some sort on their wood shed to prevent embers from getting in.

Rake the pine needles out from under deck and put something up to block them. He said many people use wood lattice but it doesn't work the best. I told Mom to get some hardware cloth and screw it to the deck as a skirting. Cheapest way and will block the needles. It's not something my parents have used or actually knew what was. So I found some 2 foot stuff on Amazon and ordered it for them. $40 for 100' will do the whole deck and have some left over if needed elsewhere. Cheaper than other solutions and quicker. Just a drill, washers, and screws.