Coronavirus Concern Up

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El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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Anyone gonna do a bit of extra household resupplying during the 'safe' time before crazy buying happens again in the second wave that's been estimated to happen later this year?

I'm gonna get extra beans if I can. Most all my beans went to the fmils, cause the stores near them been emptied out far longer than she thought they would. She does not prepare for just in case at all and likes every other day store trips 🙄
Absolutely. I have some roasts, and a ham to can in the freezer. I have broilers to process in 3 weeks. I have 1/2 beef and a hog ordered from the slaughterhouse down the road. I am hoping that they will be able to fill that order. I am going to garden like crazy, and can or freeze everything that is not nailed down. We're picking up some extras at the grocery store each trip. You can order bulk groceries from Costco and they'll ship them to you in two days. I ordered some canned salmon, sugar, canned tuna, coffee creamer, and a few other things to add to my food storage. Shipping is also free. I hope to have my first shipment from them tomorrow.

I have bulk canning lids ordered, but I have enough on hand to get me through several hundred jars. I'm planning a big fall garden too. I've got my hands on another fridge and freezer for the garage to use to store fall cabbages, carrots, turnips and eggs.

I've got some extra pullets ordered for mid June and another batch of broilers scheduled for September. We are not hoarding or cleaning shelves out, but we are planning for the worst to come. I am fixing all of my rabbit hutches in case I need to start raising meat rabbits to supplement my freezer. I've got to order two gun scopes next month to fix up my hunting rifle and semi automatic rifle. That was something I had planned to do, but I hadn't got around to it yet. I had been using Dad's gun to hunt, but I'll have my own soon.

This summer, I am hoping to be able to add more dry milk and some other "preppy" foods to the pantry. I have a small supply, but I think it wouldn't be bad to have them on hand.

There are five people in my household, and if things get bad, it will easily become 6 or 8. I am trusting in the Lord to provide and keep us safe. Simultaneously, I am doing my part to be ready. I'd rather be an ant than a sluggard--- that is in the Book of Proverbs.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
Mom was set to watch two of her younger siblings when she was 5 or 6 while everyone else was out in the field working. Her brothers who were a year older and younger were in the field helping hoe or move irrigation pipes. Even as a little kid I helped move pipes and weed. I couldn't lift the 50 foot pipes, but I could manage to drag the 25 footers.

Mom also started lunch so everyone could eat before going back out.

She didn't have me doing cooking until I was 7. I helped peel potatoes and prep veggies before that. Potatoes were eaten at every meal except normally breakfast. I still can't use a veggies peeler on potatoes. I learned with a knife and waste less than someone using a peeler as well as do it faster. I've never cut myself doing so as I was taught proper paring.

I don't get this "but kids shouldn't have to work". Even my brothers could cook and follow recipes well before they were 10. Dad insisted they be able to feed themselves. All of us learned how to split wood and start a fire as young kids as well as fishing and how to shoot a rifle. We all had to help weed the garden from as soon as we could actually pull up weeds with our hands.

Youngest brother has been encouraging his daughters (7, 5, and 3) to help cook. The 7 year old got a sewing machine for Christmas from Mom and Mom was showing her how to use it. SIL can't sew but her daughter is pretty good at hand sewing doll clothes. Now she's graduating into her own clothes and accessories.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
I can understand that. I've known too many people though who couldn't run a washing machine or dishwasher, much less boil water because they never had to do any chores. It's oh so fun when you have to live with those people in the barracks. In A school I had one who wanted me to make her bed because she shouldn't have to. She kept trying to make anyone who was in the laundry room do her clothes until the Petty Officer in charge had enough of the complaints and made her spend a week helping in the gym laundry.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 24, 2020
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conspiracy theories and click bait news sites, yeah those are the things i'd base my life's decisions upon! *SMH*

The article I linked to was an in-depth investigation about the source of the Hydroxychloroquines trials, from The Guardian (left-leaning and hardly a fan of Trump). Yet it was able to recognise that the collective hatred of him is having far reaching impacts never before seen. The source of the Hydroxychloroquine data is called into serious question, by an Australian news team who have little need for the drug at all.

It has since sparked further reviews into medical journals and peer reviewed science journals. Many who understand the science, also understand that science is bought and paid for and can be corrupted. I base my life decisions on real world experience, and thought that this article may back up what others are asking and noticing about this situation.

@flowerbug It seems I have been on the receiving end of your snarkiness quite often and has made my visits to this site in the mornings pretty un-fun. I am unsure why, perhaps you are unaware that there is a world outside of the US. It might be best to put each other on "Ignore" as this is an ongoing issue across a few threads and I do not want to escalate it further.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Ya know... FB. I've been sitting on this post for a few days now. And I just can't shake it. I try not to respond to conflict. Really, I do. But. I'm gonna try to respond to this with love. You are entitled to your opinions and your assessment of the current state of world affairs, as am I. You are entitled to your political affiliations, as am I. But... I find this post of yours to be quite condescending. I have spent HOURS upon HOURS reading all of the information I can get my hands on. The scientific evidence I am reading is NOT conspiracy. Nor is it theory. It is based on SCIENCE from well respected scientists, AND DOCTORS. The stats that SHOW that Hydroxy and Zythro protocol are highly effective can be placed alongside the stats of patients who are treated aggressively, and inappropriately with vents. Guess which stats will win? Now, I know you're gonna say that the folks that respond to the former treatment really weren't that sick to start with. I'll counter that statement: treated APPROPRIATELY, they don't get sick enough to even require hospitalization. Moving on to the next: can you give logical explanation why these covid or even PRESUMPTIVE (meaning they've had multiple NEGATIVE tests) patients are immediately placed on vents, instead of the normal standard for all other respiratory illnesses that require supportive intervention starting with non-rebreather mask, and moving to vent only as a last ditch effort. The science is there that ventilators DAMAGE lung tissue, therefore have ALWAYS been used as a last ditch effort. I've worked rehab for more than 25 years. Worked on respiratory floors. Worked with patients who required 2 oxygen tanks b/c a single tank would not provide the 8 lpm that they required to keep their sats up to 90%. I've suctioned patients who were drowning in their own gobs of sputum. Standard protocol is, and always has been: provide the least invasive treatments first, and only progress to the next level when the current level of support is not sufficient. Is this conspiracy theory, or sound medical reasoning?

Amen! Nurse here too and worked a vent unit for many years. You can call it conspiracy theory claptrap all you want but the facts hold out. Lay people in the general population, driven by fear of death, will believe anything the news will tell them and they always have. Those in the medical professions, however, have to weigh the information through years of experience with how disease is transmitted, the incubation period, and also how respiratory illnesses of ANY kind are managed.

Where we get our information is first, from the schools we attended to become the very people who take care of the sick day in and day out for the better part of our lives. Secondly, from the various experience of working in subacute units, vent units, etc. Then we listen to other people with the very same background who have the back bone to actually speak out about the ignorance surrounding this idiocy that is currently going on and with which they are currently working first hand. They have much to risk by speaking out~which is odd...if their information is just so much tin foil hat thinking, why is there a huge effort to suppress it?~ while those who soak up the spoon fed information from CNN have nothing at all to risk by repeating the same drivel day in and day out, all the while wringing their hands in anxiety over it all~which is the prescribed response. Success achieved.

I believe what the Holy Spirit shows me to be truth, not what any one man says. If you don't have the Holy Spirit guiding you through this world, then you have nothing real to grasp at all, except what other men tell you, people you don't even know personally and don't know if you can trust at all.

Here's a little picture of how they are getting their Covid death counts, from first hand experience. My second cousin, a 23 yr old female with no other health issues, started complaining of a pain in her leg recently. Horrible pain that increased throughout the day. She called her husband at work to come and take her to the ER to get it checked out. As she stood to walk across the floor to leave the house, she fell to the floor and was never revived again. Of course, anyone with any medical knowledge at all, hearing this line of symptoms would know immediately that she had a blood clot in her leg, which upon her standing to walk, was dislodged and moved to her lung, giving her a pulmonary embolism as cause of death.

The hospital put Covid 19 on her death certificate as the cause of death. The family, knowing better, demanded an autopsy be done, which of course came back to state she had died of a PE.

Now, that's in podunk WV....imagine how many times that's happening in bigger cities, particularly since every hospital gets more money for every Covid death they many, many doctors reporting altered death certificates to prove the same. Isn't hard to start seeing where we "get our information" from, is it? It's right in front of your faces if you only dare to take your hands off your eyes and look.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
You need to be in tune with your body -- some people are. I am.

Couple days ago I had phone with me doing evening chores and prep for the coming rain. Expecting a call, I absently mindedly answered a call. To my surprise, a rep from my insurance carrier to set up a "wellness virtual appointment". WTH? So I asked why I would do this-- I'm fine. Well, to make sure I'm not having any issues. Advised her I'd just unloaded 4 bales of 75# hay, was now carrying a 40# goat kid, hadn't seen a doctor in 20 yrs, as no need, not even a cold! What would a not in person "visit" tell her? You can't even take my blood pressure. Not on any meds. No, not just letting you collect for a doctor visit I do not need! Here are my stats, pass them along. Bye!

I'm wondering why they have so much time to chase down healthy people. By the way, this is like third time this year they have called to get "wellness" visit. I'll call if I need them...ever.

I do feel regular check ups every couple years are good for some. May catch some issues early. But healthy is not dependant on a Dr visit....far from it, unless you have known problems...which your body normally tells you, if you listen.
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Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
My half brother had covid back in July. He works as an orderly at one of the Wenatchee hospitals and caught it there. He got it fairly mildly but still has problems breathing.

Mom has canceled any Thanksgiving. Umatilla county is still too high on covid cases and my SIL travels to too many people's houses for her job. She's had to be tested and the family quarantine for a few days while awaiting results a few times.

We rarely catch the cold or flu since I'm freaking paranoid because they get into my lungs and don't leave for 4-6 months. We've taken precautions and carried hand sanitizer for years. Hubby takes precautions because it worries him when I can't breathe and he doesn't want to give anything to me.

I also call out disease vectors in public and shame them, though. More than one woman has been forced, red faced, to wash her hands before leaving the bathroom. This has all stood us in good stead with this crap.

Lately I've been accusing people who try to stand right up behind me if they are trying to get into my purse. I can see no valid reason for them to be standing closer to me than my husband. Before this I'd loudly say "Back off you pervert." Everyone staring makes miracles happen.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va

The following chart shows annual deaths in the United States, life expectancy, top causes of death, and average deaths per day in the country. Data for 2020 is provisional through December 12th, and all data is taken from the CDC or the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS):

Federal data on deaths in 2020.
Thank you. It is tragic that people get this covid, and that there are deaths from it. It is fast and hits some hard. We are going to see the life expectancy lower as we lose so many of the elderly. But there are several places to find similar numbers that our overall death rate has stayed close to average. You have to account for the slight increases as the population continues to go up so there are more people and so there will be more total deaths overall.
I don't want anyone to die, but it is part of life. We are not only destroying our economy, we are destroying our way of life and we are becoming more and more like sheeple..... and if we are not careful, there will be people telling us what we can and can't do regardless of whether we want to take care of ourselves as we see fit.
I get the whole thing about overwhelming the hospitals, and caretakers, but if people were encouraged to seek EARLY TREATMENT, instead of waiting to get so sick they already need hospitalization, we would be far ahead. Staying home, isolating, has caused us to believe that is the only way to stay healthy; yet we will never build our immune systems with isolation...... whether you get a vaccine or you get a "case" of the covid, we have to challenge our immune systems to this so that we can withstand the next wave of infections. Make no mistake, this type of corona virus is here to stay. As has been cited by several on one of my cattle forums, if we get some exposure and subsequent immunity, it will hopefully carry over to help us to withstand other similar challenges to our systems.
The smallpox vaccine was developed from people that had exposure and immunity to the cow pox......ALOT of people died......
Having exposure and building an immune system that is as healthy as possible is the only way to go. And yes, vaccinations are also a way to help build immune systems. There is a reason that it takes years and hundreds of studies, to deem one safe.....


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
I've reached the point where I don't give a crap about where this started, how it got here, who's right or who's wrong. It's been christianized, demonized, politicized and dramatized to death.

Here's my question....what if this hadn't happened in the evil era we live in now? What if it had a different name and wasn't called Covid....what if it was called TB? Here's the suggestions for preventing transmission of TB:

This is from the Minnesota Dept of Health
Here are some very important things you should do to prevent spreading your TB germs to other people:

  • Always cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Some people cough less when they drink warm liquids.
  • While at home, spend only a short time in rooms that other people use like the bathroom or kitchen. You do not need to wear a mask at home while around family members who have been living with you.
  • Do not let visitors come to your house except for health care workers. Do not go to visit other people.
  • If you can, use a fan or open the windows in your home. This helps to move the air around. You may go outside of your home in the open air without your mask.
  • Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) is the best way to cure your TB. Your doctor and public health nurse will tell you about DOT. A health care worker will bring your TB medicine to you and will watch you take it. Be sure to tell your health care worker if you have any problems or questions about your TB medicine.
  • Do not go to work, school, your place of worship, the library, or public places like the grocery store and post office.
  • Do not use public transportation including buses, taxicabs, trains, and airplanes.
  • You should go to all of your medical appointments. Your doctor will check you and make sure the TB medicine is working. If you miss an appointment, it may take longer to cure your TB.
  • Your doctor or nurse will give you a special face mask. Wear this mask when you go to the clinic or hospital.
  • Your doctor or public health nurse will tell you when you can stop using your mask and return to normal activities.
Sound familiar? But, I don't see the whole world revolting over these suggestions.
The reason this makes sense is because it is telling the person WITH TB, to do these things. It is not telling the rest of the world to hole up and go into hibernation and let everything else in life stop.....It is not telling perfectly healthy people that they have to be "quarantined" ....just in case.....

That list makes perfect sense for someone with any type of "transmissible disease".... flu, cold, ANYTHING. QUARANTINE the sick one.....
In other words. if you feel sick STAY THE HE// HOME and get over it.
And if you read that article that @Beekissed posted.... the ASYMPTOmatic people are not a threat to spreading it.... so NO REASON to shut everything down since someone MIGHT be an asymptomatic carrier....

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
Vaccine: They will have to hold me down before I'll allow anyone to insert any type of vaccine in my body ever again. If it means that I will be blocked from stores, from commerce, from medical care... so be it. And, I can't respond to this w/o it being politicized. IMO, there are components of the vaccine that are in direct violation of Christianity: Human fetal cell lines, for starters. (read up on MRC5) Next objection: Recombinant RNA that has never been successfully used in humans. Last time it was used, IIRC was during the swine flu. They had to take it off the market b/c it was killing and having so many adverse reactions. Final objection: My body. My decision.
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