Coronavirus Concern Up

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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Been using homemade laundry soap since 2006 and always keep a good stock of the ingredients on hand....and am thanking the Lord for giving me the information and will to do so long about now. So cool to just go into the pantry, take out ingredients and make 4 large jugs of detergent in a flash.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
@FarmerJamie if your wife did have it, it's heartening that she apparently shook it off. Same with @CrealCritter

We are in Day 12 of our self-imposed quarantine, and so far everything is looking good for us. We have to go into town for a couple of things ( Pick up the laptop, and a heat lamp for the chicks that should be arriving tomorrow, because the current one is from last time we had chicks and I don't know how long it will last.) Plans are to continue the quarantine for at least another 2 weeks and then we will look at what's happening in the county.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Anyone else worried about harvest supply problems in the near future?
yes, I'm growing a bigger garden this year and preserving everything I can. Big motivation to quit being complacent about goals to not be dependent on grocery stores. I think my family can do it but we never bothered to test it out. I'm thankful this is hitting now before the growing season rather than after.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Northern Wisconsin is a huge tourist area. There are a lot of people who have second homes up there. All the counties up there are on TV asking people with vacation homes to stay away! "Stay home - stay safe!"

I passed 2 vehicles with IOWA licence plates and 3 trucks towing fishing boats that were headed south on the highway this morning. Want to bet where they were coming from? Makes me mad.

My Aunt was in the store getting a few essentials (milk for one) and the couple in front of her at the check-out had a full cart of stuff. They happily told the checker that they were going to stay at to their cottage for the next month and self-isolate. Self-isolate, right ... what was the first thing they did? They went to the store and exposed everyone in town to anything that they have!!

The big problem is that those areas don't have much for health care facilities. They also have a higher percentage of retiree's than normal. My parents have to drive 45 minutes to get to their doctor for appointments. And that is considered a short drive. The hospital in my town has 18 beds - and we are happy to have a hospital at all.
yep, you're on point. In in that tourist area too. The county has already put out a statement that they can't do anything about people coming in for tourism, but they also issued a statement telling people not to come, and if the come to bring groceries and supplies for 2 weeks and NOT go shopping.

It's spreading exponentially here. All from one person who refused to stay home when sick, and now there's a person exposed to that person refusing to self-isolate. 🤬

So, this is when I stay home strictly I guess.

DH is still working. I sewed masks for him. Not the stupid surgical style masks, but tight fitting half-face masks with a filtering material that filters 95% of particles. Should be nearly as good as an N95 if he changes it enough to keep it dry. He asked me to sew them for his whole staff. We're concerned about his exposure from employees who are not following the stay-at-home order. I put a hamper in the mudroom and will put a change of clothes out there. Lock him out of the house until he changes. He is diligent about hand washing - I can be thankful for that.

I'm moving on to creative cooking since my fridge is looking bare. Today I'm using up frozen corn to make creamed corn casserole. We don't like creamed corn... :gig But I have frozen vegetables [that we don't like] so I might as well start cooking with them. Better than going grocery shopping. Might be able to sweet-talk DH into getting groceries, IDK.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
Braved Costco today. Got the stuff that was needed. Still no TP, but was able to get baby wipes which hubby needs at the moment for ease of use with only one working arm. I always check on the TP to see. Canned veggies are still nonexistent there.

Limited access to store. Set amount in at a time. No more than 2 people per card. Got to see a 7 person family turned away. They threw a fit and stormed back to their vehicle.

Got Chick-fil-A drive-through for lunch. First fast food I've had in 3 weeks. We couldn't finish the large fries we shared with our sandwiches so that's a good sign. The plus side of hubby not having fast food access is we've been eating less, healthier, and spending less. He can never eat a lot of it again because of the risk for another stroke. That drove home what all my nagging couldn't. He's slowly getting use back. Fine motor control is still limited.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
@Daisy I can remember when my brother or I would catch the so-called children's diseases like chicken pox, mumps, and measles, my mom would make sure we spent a lot of time in each other's company so we both caught the disease and gained the immunity. In fact some of the neighborhood moms would send their kids over to play with us too. Back then, it was considered the smart thing to do, because catching those diseases when you were young meant you didn't get as sick as you would as an adult. Somewhere along the intervening years, that wisdom got tossed aside and parents started trying to shelter their children from every wayward breeze. In fact I would wager that if a parent was caught willfully allowing the child to catch one of those diseases now, they would lose custody of said child.

Back to the current: the quarantine was NOT intended to prevent people from getting Covid-19, only to prevent everyone from getting it ALL AT ONCE and overrunning the capacity of the hospitals to care for everyone that needed help. That's what "flattening the curve" is about. I think that, sooner or later, no matter what steps are taken, everyone is going to be exposed and either fight it off or not. Constant fear and stress actually makes people more susceptible in the long run. I am one of those in the higher risk category. Trying to avoid the virus by isolating myself forever is no kind of life although I am taking some precautions. But really, all I can do is try to keep my immune system as healthy as possible, and hope I'm one of the lucky ones. If I'm not, I'll see y'all on the other side.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
We had to go for feed today. My horse feed that I have used for 20 years, the closest source is 45 minutes away. We get their pig grower and game bird crumble for the CCX too. We stopped at Walmart in that town to see if there was toilet paper. Imagine my surprise when not only they had TP, but it was Charmin and no limit! It was the big packs of 30 mega rolls, 3 was all I could carry. Turns out, we only need one because our DD scored some for us yesterday. BUT--it's share the wealth, right? I texted a neighbor with 4 boys and asked if she wanted 2 packs and she was thrilled. So I did my good deed for the day.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I'm not too worried about those of us on this forum, but I'm worried about all the people that have never bothered to grow their own food, don't even know what it looks like. A lot of people are gonna be hurtin'

I agree. Of course, we all WANT those others to do at least something for selves.....knowing most won't. It's life. Sadly.

Here I am looking at 4 or 5 broodies giving me new layers for Winter plus roos for the freezer. Not going to buy chicks. I will be fine with chicken & goat meats plus what I buy for beef/pork. Dairy goats will carry me thru for all my dairy needs plus help feed others. I love more of them! I feel prepared and very Blessed!

I'm stocking up on coffee & chocolate.
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