Daydreaming while waiting impatiently!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Yesterday afternoon I went to the grocery store. There was a man shopping who was a little too awkwardly friendly. A little banter between shoppers isn't unusual here, and DS16 dyed his hair bright pink which attracts a lot of attention/comments, so I didn't think anything of it.

When I left the store, he was parked next to my car. Windows down. And he's staring at me while saying "there's your new mom" to his dog. As he drove away, I tried to get a pic of his car/license plate. (No luck, glare) He was watching me in his rear view mirror - backed up and asked if I wanted to take a picture of his dog. (Ewww!)

I was freaked out, was giving me Jayme Closs vibes. I called hubby, swapped vehicles with him - just in case the guy put a tracker on my car. Turned out DS16 left an rx bottle - with our address on it- in clear view in the car. After I got DS8 off the bus I went back to the store. Fortunately the interaction was caught on camera and we could see he didn't go up to my car. I felt able to go home after that.

And this is why I wear costume jewelry engagement/wedding rings when I go shopping. Kicking myself for forgetting to wear them yesterday!!!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Congrats for venison!

I’ve been wondering how the clinic is doing too! Is it a whole new clinic with a whole new staff? Or, is it a move to a new location for an established clinic? Or, something in between?
New clinic, same staff
The old location is open 3 days/week for simple appointments - vaccinations, exams, pharmacy
I've been wondering how the new clinic is, now that its open? Good flow? Staff like it? Do YOU like it? How are the customers reacting to it?
Everyone seems to like it. There have been a few hiccups, but nothing major.

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