Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm hoping it dries out soon. I'm going to need hay soon, but can't have it delivered since there's a big puddle they need to go thru. And, w/all the rain, it's getting worse and worse. I'm afraid they'd either get stuck, or break something. It needs to be repaired, but as long as it's so full, it can't be done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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At home, it's not too bad, the ground is pretty sandy, so the rain soaks right in, normally. We rarely have puddles-unless we get a really heavy rain in a short period of time. But, out at the farm, it's a whole different story! There's more clay in the soil, so the water takes forever to soak in. And, since I wasn't able to do like I wanted w/grass seed, there's big bare spots. And, when they're wet, they're as slick as snot. Since mid-August, I think there have been only 1 or 2 days at the most when I have not had to wear rubber boots in order to feed the horses. I'm so tired of it. If I had my own place where I could do what I really wanted, and had more room for the horses, it wouldn't be a problem.

In other news, my ear doesn't hurt as much right now. But, since we'll be having more bad weather moving in, it will probably start to hurt again. Don't know if it helps or not, but I try to drink more water and tea when I'm like this. After all, if I was on a med for this, it would be a diuretic. And, both water and tea seem to have the same affect on me-w/out the side effects that the meds can have. So, maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't, but at least it feels like I'm doing something.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I think I mentioned on here awhile back that my DS moved out several months ago. But, other than his clothes, his iguana, and a few things he had for setting up housekeeping, he took nothing else w/him. And, he's been complaining for the past several months that he wants his desk. Only problem being, his desk is in his old room, and it's full of all kinds of junk! I've told him several times that if he comes over and helps me clean up, I'd bring home my horse trailer, and we could load everything up and take it to his house. Of course, he never has time for that.

His room isn't the only room that's full of junk. In fact, much of this house is. I have been trying for YEARS to get it clean. I don't know how many truckloads of stuff I've gotten rid of, either at a yard sale, or a thrift shop. And, it never seems to make a dent in it. I have been working for a few weeks now on going thru stuff. Some stuff is thrown out right away. Some stuff is put in boxes to be sorted out and put away at a later date, like when I have the space to put it where it belongs. And, some stuff is going in boxes for a yard sale. Only problem being, I've run out of room to put the boxes. So, in order to get some room, as much as I hated to do it, I went in my son's room, and did as much in there as I could. I told my hubby yesterday that I'm wanting to bring home my trailer, and take the stuff over to our son's. His response? What's the rush? This from the man who complains about how messy the house is, and that he doesn't want to be here at times because of the mess! :barnie Can I just shoot him?

I did talk to my son today though. He's not sure if he's working Saturday or not. But, he's planning on calling me on Friday to let me know. If I get rid of this stuff over the weekend, I should be able to get done as much of the house as I wanted to get done by Christmas! And, if it ever stops raining long enough to dry out, I'll have the yard, garden and most of the firewood done too!


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Unless it's a ground hog, crow, or rat, if you shoot it, you have to eat it, I was always told. :D

Hope it gets better!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't think I'd want to eat him. :sick

It might actually stop raining for a couple of days, though. I'm seriously thinking about taking a bucket and getting as much water as I can out of the puddle. That way, it won't take as long to dry out and we can hopefully fix it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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I was having the clutter issue too until dh left then I just threw it all away. Anything I hadn't used in a year got chunked. I have so much more room now and it is so much easier to clean. Now I just need to get the kids to start chunking some of their stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was a very productive day. In fact, I'm starting to really see progress around here!

First off, my son actually came over today. And he got his desk, chair, an old recliner, and some of his other junk. And, while there is still more junk in his old room, at least I now have some room to put yard sale stuff! Plus, we should be able to get a couple pieces of exercise equipment out of the living room, and down there!

I was so busy this year, that I never got my garden in. Basically, all I grew were weeds. Plus, I never finished the fence. Today, I started to clean out the garden plus put in the rest of the fence posts. I also cleaned up part of my yard, and cut up and split a bunch of wood. Some of the wood was wet, so I put that straight in the wood shed. The stuff that was dry came in the house. I was able to almost fill the wood holder in the basement. I don't know that I'm going to have a fire tonight, it was fairly warm today, and the basement didn't cool off. Plus, I think it's not supposed to be as cold tonight. (It was only about 30* out when I got up.) I also got some old leaves, saw dust, wood chips, etc raked up. Normally, I put everything in the garden, but I don't think this would break down that easily. So, if it's nice on Monday, I'll be taking all of that over to the township composting center.

As long as the weather's nice, I'll be doing housework once my hubby leaves for work-until I'm ready to eat, then go to the farm. Then, I do what I need to do around the farm, and try to get home at around 12:30 or so. Then, I'll eat lunch. Once I'm done eating, I'll spend time on the yard, the garden and wood. I doubt I'll have everything done that I want done in the yard, but if I can have the majority of the junk gone, as well as the leaves all raked up, have the fence up in the garden, and all the weeds out, have the wood shed filled, and a good portion of the house clean, I'd be able to have my operation w/out feeling like I need to get more done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm beat! But, it's a good tired. I went down in my son's old room today, and got more of that cleaned up-including getting up a section of rug that had gotten soaked years ago when we had water in the basement. My son was supposed to help me get it up then, but didn't. He came home from school supposedly to help me w/the basement, but instead, spent most of the day playing video games. :somad And, since I got no back up from my hubby, there wasn't much I could do. I do think my hubby is finally realizing that he made a bunch of mistakes w/the kids, but it's kind of late now. :/ But, by tomorrow, I should be able to start putting yard sale stuff, and stuff I want to keep, just don't have the spot for it right now in that room.

Because of all the rain we got last week, I was unable to keep my pasture picked up. I was able to get some of it done today. It's still muddy in spots, but not as bad as it was. They're calling for more rain tomorrow, but at least it's not supposed to be too bad, as in less than 1/2 an inch. I hope they're right. And, since it's not supposed to start until later, I'll work for a bit outside first, then go to the farm, then come home do some more stuff outside, then work in the house.

I got more of my garden cleaned out today. I was thinking of digging out all my asparagus because it hasn't really been producing much. But, B4 doing that, I thought about maybe just transplanting some of it. I checked on line and found out the reason it probably isn't producing much is because it needs to be dug up, thinned and replanted. So, I'll be doing that, as well as transplanting my rhubarb. I'll move the rhubarb a bit farther from the fence, and instead of having 4 rows of spears, I'll only have 3-they'll just be longer. And, if I have any roots left, I'll see if I can sell them.

I've been cleaning the yard up the best I can. We have a ton of honeysuckle growing in one area. I worked some on pulling that out today. And, I'm actually able to see where I was working! The goats were happy because I gave it to them. I had a whole bunch of other stuff I was going to take to the township composting center-until the neighbor reminded me that it was closed today. Wish I had remembered B4. They're only opened on Monday and Saturday. I am NOT going to take all of that stuff out of my truck, so I guess it will just have to stay there until Saturday. I'll be adding more to it. I think I'm going to take all the stuff I'm raking up from my garden as well. Then, I'll start all over w/organic matter in there.

I also got some wood split. The wood I'm working on is some huge chunks. I cannot just split it w/the axe. Hubby is yelling at me because I can't find a wedge, so I'm using my axe as one. He's afraid it's going to come apart. But, I've been doing this w/this axe for years-and I can't see where it's made a difference. Probably because of how it's made. Some of the wood I put in the basement, some I put in the wood shed. If I continue w/the pace I've been going, I should have all the wood I have at home done by next Monday! Then, hopefully it won't rain on Wednesday, and I can go and get another truck load. W/what I already had at home, plus what I've brought home, I have about 3 truckloads. Where I used to work, there's at least another 4 or 5. RU has another 1 or 2 more for me. So, that would be 8 truck loads minimum. (Don't ask me how many cords that is cuz I don't have a clue.) Another 4 or 5 truckloads should be enough for the winter! I want another wood shed, the one we have isn't big enough. I'd like another one that size. Then, I'd get both filled. And, when one became empty, I'd burn out of the other one, and work to refill the one.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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holy cow that is progress.

you worked hard, very hard. time for a relaxing evening if you can! whew

but it is nice to look out and see true progress. or have that room finally cleaned out.

I tried and tried with asparagus. Just never did well for me. And I love to eat it! :)

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