Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, it's raining out there. So, that means the puddle in front of my trailer is going to get more water in it which means it will be that much longer B4 I can try to move it. I'm really thinking of throwing a bunch of rocks in there, then bringing some more sand out and putting that in the puddle, but it won't be today. Guess I might as well go and get some more housework done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Right now, I'm sitting down to a much deserved break. Today was rainy and cold, but I still cleaned my field! I just didn't use the mower and cart. Instead, I used a small muck bucket and every few piles, I took it and dumped it in the cart. The bucket wasn't even close to full, but w/the rain, everything was water logged, so it got heavy quick. And, doing it this way, I got kind of wet. So once I was done, I went in the tack shed, turned on my heater and sat down w/a warm cat on my lap. Fed Stormy early, cleaned up poop again and left.

I think the horses really appreciated that I put most of their hay in the run in. I opened the one gate and left the other one closed until after I gave Stormy his 2nd feeding. This way, he still had his stall until he was all done eating. And, he didn't come out of it the whole time I was there! Misty and Licorice both walked around some, but not much. B4 we get more rain, I need to finish doing the stalls so I can put water buckets in there as well as something to put hay in so I don't have to dump it on the ground. And, if I can get my hydrant in, it would mean I could just run a hose into the stalls to fill them up.

The chickens didn't get to come out and play today. But, I don't think they minded. They were all under their coop when I went to feed them. I'm now getting 1 egg every other day. I hope I start getting more soon.

I went to TSC today, found out they had jeans on sale yesterday and today for $10.00. Wish I had known sooner. Of course, they didn't have any left in my size. :hit While I was there, I also got chicken food and a bag of Stormy's hay pellets. And, even though I don't need it yet, I went to the feed store where I buy his rice bran. Figured since I had the truck, I might as well.

But, the thing that's been taking me the longest is cleaning out my dresser drawers. I had 3 drawers stuffed w/all kinds of junk that didn't belong in there. I took it all out and sorted thru it. Some of it I threw out. Some of it I put in for recycling and some I burned. And, I went thru all the clothes that I had in there and got them all straightened out. Only problem being, everything I still need to sort and figure out what to do with is now on my bed. So, I have to finish doing that B4 I can go to sleep tonight. And, I want to go to bed now, even though it's not even 6:00! The weather today was hard on me. My right ear is killing me, and I keep getting mini vertigo attacks.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I got some stuff out of my tack shed into Honey's old stall! W/that out, I was able to move some stuff around, so it feels like I have more room. I was going to put in some screw eyes so I could have the rope tied up better, but my drill wouldn't work! Got home and it worked. :he So, I'll try it again in the morning. Got my field cleaned again, and took all the hay they didn't eat out of the run in and dumped it in w/some that were low on hay. They enjoyed it, so it didn't go to waste.

Got the chain back on my chainsaw, but we had some disagreement as to whether or not it should stay there. I finally got it to see my way and was able to get some wood cut up. My plan right now is to cut wood everyday (except Sunday). Then, when I get the wood holder in the basement filled, I'd work on filling the wood shed. Then, when the holder in the basement is empty, I'd refill it, lather, rinse, repeat.

I also got caught up on the dishes again. I think I've finally got them to where I can keep up on them. I hope so. Tomorrow, I need to clean my bathroom, then any other time I have will be spent on the living room.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, there was just no way around it. Where my trailer was sitting was making things very difficult at the farm. And it doesn't help that RU's son got a jeep from somewhere and parked it where I normally park my truck! So, I decided that one way or another, I was going to get my trailer moved. RU and I filled in the puddle. There was a whole pile of rocks and dirt mixed across the street that she was allowed to take. So, we got a bunch of that and overfilled the puddle. But, it was just too soft for me to be able to drive thru it. So, we got a chain, and wrapped it around the tongue of the trailer. Then, we wrapped it around the bucket of the tractor. By doing that, RU was able to lift it up the front and drag it to where I could hook the truck up to it. W/the truck hooked up, and w/her watching to be sure I didn't get stuck in the puddle again, or hit the jeep, I was able to get it in the parking area to a spot where it's out of the way. Hopefully once everything dries up, the puddle will firm up. If not, I'll have to ask hubby what else we can do. He'd know since that's the kind of work he does.

Because of how long this took, it was late when I got home. I just about had time to feed the goats and the bunnies B4 it got dark. I started to cut up the rest of the wood I cut down the other day, but wasn't able to get the one piece cut in half. I'm not overly thrilled w/this chainsaw I have. It just doesn't seem to do as good a job as others that I've used. But, w/out that wood, I wasn't sure I had enough for tonight, so I had to bring some in. I'm hoping I'll be able to get some more cut down tomorrow.

I got an egg yesterday, so I wasn't expecting another egg yet. After all, whichever one is laying has only been giving me an egg every other day. Well, I got an egg today as well! These eggs aren't that big. I'm hoping that as time goes on, she starts to lay larger eggs.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Usually, the starter eggs are small, then gradually get bigger, thank goodness. My hubster wanted to get rid of all our girls and get new ones when they started laying, because 'their eggs are too small'! Silly city boy :lol:


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I like all eggs of all sizes, my 3 year old hen's eggs are getting pretty large..... :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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BarredBuff said:
I like all eggs of all sizes, my 3 year old hen's eggs are getting pretty large..... :D
We got one today, we're guessing from one of the buff's after the molt, that wouldn't fit in the carton! :ya

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