Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You win lol! But, what's in a number? It's all in how you feel! (and some days I feel every minute of it) But not today. Got plans to keep re-arranging critters. I don't know how anybody builds anything permanent - I'm always changing things up. Someday I might have to actually break down and buy some new supplies. My scrounging pile is getting smaller and smaller. :(

Need to clean out both barns.... I'm really wishing that my awesome teenage helpers from a few years back hadn't grown up and moved away. I need some $h_t shovelers right now! I'd like to haul a significant amount up to the garden areas. It's magical's well broken down and ready for it's second job in the garden. It's pretty amazing if ya think about it. We have these animals that we love and enjoy, we feed them well, they crap, their crap helps to feed us well, and then sometimes the animals themselves make us a meal too. I love the circle of life!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
You win lol! But, what's in a number? It's all in how you feel! (and some days I feel every minute of it) But not today. Got plans to keep re-arranging critters. I don't know how anybody builds anything permanent - I'm always changing things up. Someday I might have to actually break down and buy some new supplies. My scrounging pile is getting smaller and smaller. :(

Need to clean out both barns.... I'm really wishing that my awesome teenage helpers from a few years back hadn't grown up and moved away. I need some $h_t shovelers right now! I'd like to haul a significant amount up to the garden areas. It's magical's well broken down and ready for it's second job in the garden. It's pretty amazing if ya think about it. We have these animals that we love and enjoy, we feed them well, they crap, their crap helps to feed us well, and then sometimes the animals themselves make us a meal too. I love the circle of life!

I've found that since starting to take 2K of Vitamin D, my joint pain is much better.

I started my chicken flock "this time around" most specifically for the manure, weed and insect control. The eggs and meat are a wonderful "add on" benefit. Then, there's the exercise. Having a flock and garden keeps me moving.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I am consistently low in Vitamin D despite being outside every possible minute - so I supplement also. I'm not sure what the dosage is.
I started my chicken flock "this time around" most specifically for the manure, weed and insect control. The eggs and meat are a wonderful "add on" benefit. Then, there's the exercise. Having a flock and garden keeps me moving.
If I didn't have animals and a garden, I'd be the biggest couch slug in the world!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Same stuff - different day. Electric fence...move pigs...unload My life is uber boring. But I'm getting stuff done and it makes me feel better.

Had those stupid pigs separated yesterday and Big Daddy undid all my hard work. I didn't carry the electric fence far enough... I was hoping he wouldn't notice that I hadn't put a strand across the gate that nobody uses. He noticed - he destroyed gate - he got out. :( But, the gate has been repaired and the hot wire extended and I swear to goodness if he's out tomorrow he might just get himself in big trouble. Sigh....

Had a guy out the other day to look at the hot tub. Gonna cost a dollar or so for repair but I don't care - I want it. He said he was gonna order parts - we paid him 1/2 down. At some point when I was walking out the back door today I heard the hot tub running. Went and checked it and - yep - it was running and the temp was up to 94. I dunno if the guy came and fixed it while I was in town - or whether it miraculously self-healed, lol! However it happened I'm thrilled. I guess I will add draining and cleaning it tomorrow to my 'to-do' list. That's a chore I'm thrilled to tackle. I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed my hot tub. I have missed it immensely!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
You got a lot done!! Haha there is a 11 year old boy that lives nearby. He loves to come over here and work, so we pay him $20 and lunch. He is the hardest working kid we ever saw! His parents like it that he hangs out with us. Last summer we had him at least one day a week, it kept him from sitting at home alone.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
He does! He's looking tastier and tastier every day, lol. Upon my preliminary peek out the window this morning it looks like he's still where I put 'im. He's a pretty smart fella.

The first day I confined him I just threw feed into that pen and some of he pigs went in there to eat - including him. I stood at the gate while they ate and let the females back out. Then I stood back and watched the little boys test the fence. BD never tested the electric - he understands, lol! But of course he went to the un-hot wired spot and went right through.

I till don't have the entire pen done - but I have the two sides that border the pasture with the girls. That's the spot he focuses on the most. I'm slightly concerned that he'll try to get out the other side and go visit the 'bad' neighbors? I wonder what that phone call from them would sound like, lol!!!

Still have lots of stuff on my list this morning. I keep crossing stuff offa the top and stuff keeps getting added to the bottom of the list. I'm never gonna get finished, but it sure is fun trying.

Got a text from my sister-in-law last night and my brother is in the hospital. Seems he had a debilitating head ache yesterday and they went in and had a bunch of tests and an MRI run. At one point his temp went up to 104...but it's down now. I haven't heard any test results yet today so I'll call later and check up on things.

Need more coffee and then I'll start pumping water out of the hot tub. That can be happening while I do some other morning chores...then I'll hop in the tub and start cleaning it out, fill it back up, turn it back on and hopefully by tonight it'll be nice, warm and inviting! Whoop - I'm excited! I'm thinking a glass of wine and a good soak will be great!
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