High cholesterol


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Are Americans getting healthier as a whole or unhealthier?
Are they relying more on prescription medication or not?
Is weight going up or down?
Are children getting obese at a higher rate and at a younger age?
What about cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, something that was once almost unheard of in kids?
Where is the trend headed and what drives the trends?

Ask yourself these questions. Then look for the answers.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Wifezilla said:
Are Americans getting healthier as a whole or unhealthier? unhealthier, but foods are not the only problem on this issue for me
Are they relying more on prescription medication or not?yes and substituting carrots and dip over a donut as a snack might help ya know
Is weight going up or down?up as in every single country on this planet...we are doing it very fast but everyone is following...so global problem with wanting the "taste good, feel good fast foods way too much in the diet vs. eating an apple---geez people are human and default to the easiest and tastiest situation sometimes
Are children getting obese at a higher rate and at a younger age?yes, many factors. Parents are #1 problem. They put the food on the plate for kids
What about cases of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, something that was once almost unheard of in kids?fatty liver disease, while I don't have a clue about "all"---I did see on gastric bypass surgery shows that this is a monster problem in obese people so they have to put off operating :p I don't know this one lol
Where is the trend headed and what drives the trends?my personal opinion---trend is fine. Most are waking up the realization that health is the most important issue in ones life, from dying and being in a coffin, to controlling human obessions with foods or whatever the addictions are--and this word equals many addictions to ruin a persons life. My opinion, people do want to control themselves in this wicked world of greed and abundance, and it is a start that many are trying and media is suggesting eating a carrot for snack vs. a donut. Some might do it, others might not. No one, and I mean no can control the world and its populations. Won't ever happen, so choosing your personal path in life is solely up to that person....make what ya can out of it as much as you want...but don't be saying what is perfect for you will ever be perfectly right for someone else.

Ask yourself these questions. Then look for the answers.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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FarmerChick said:
eating a donut will effect 2 people way different

so being a species doesn't matter....it is what the species eats on a daily basis that effects their own person body
No it doesn't.

Both people will ingest sugars. Both people will have a metabolic reaction. Both people will have their bodies attempt to create insulin to deal with it. Both people will have to burn off those sugars to be okay.

The difference isn't in what the body does. All bodies will try very hard to do the same thing. The difference is in the amount of damage the body has sustained and HOW WELL it does its job.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Exaclty abi. And a person's heredity will decide how bad that damage is and how well it is repaired.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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just because eating a donut will affect the physical body different as an end result....doesn't mean all of the species can't eat the donut and be fine from the actual ingestion of said donut

so "being a species" doesn't have a bearing

yes as an end result, eating a donut will effect peoples physical bodies very different

the path to absorption etc in the body is an exact science for the body, what damage etc affects that is personal...but in the end 2 people eating the same things will almost never result in the same exact ending affect on the body

oh edited to say

what part of "individual physical bodies" reacting different to foods don't ya'll understand?

(while tons of factors not imaginable can affect food thru the body----you must say no two bodies will ever have end results from eating anything)


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
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I have a funny feeling there are two conversations going on here.

One is about the science of diet and how all bodies react to food... and another about the degree of damage and talent of the body doing it's job and how that can vary.

The science never changes. The anecdotes do and they aren't science.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I may have mentioned that earlier, but not stated it quite as well.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
That's okay, Auntie. I'm the communicator in the family.



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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2 conversations that include each other because

no one truly understands how scientific studies are enacted and results founded etc on this board as personal experience...anyone a true scientific reasearcher on this board? In the field of nutrition for the body...along with affects of "other million factors" included, anyone go to college and extra higher learning for this career? Anyone have their own "controlled" study? Anyone, got some real knowledge of what the hell they are talking about? All common knowledge found from other researchers tailor made to fit your personal body (nothing wrong with that...we all have to find our path in this life as I have said to what works and make yourself healthy)

and second

shoving ones personal diet experiences as the perfect diet down ones throat over and over again for the masses is not correct....and it gets old...as I stated before

all I have to say in the end is this---

what works for one will never work for another (tons of good info can be used but no 2 people will truly ever be alike in the use of nutrition in their bodys)

I am not saying that the info ya'll postd about good fats, etc is incorrect....they are ---for some! not everyone

alot of the info many post is very correct.....but not for everyone as preached

what gets me is ya'll think you are right about everything you type when in reality.....it is a spec in the knowledge. While it might work for you....it does not work for everyone.......while it has tons of good info in the basis, again, it can't be preached as perfect fact for everyone.

and at no time do I ever see anyone acknowledging this simple fact

so that is why it gets on my nerves and gets old....been reading this "perfect eating for every single person on the planet" threads for years now on this forum....and yawn, time to stop it.

yea many times I hear a few say....oh I said it isn't for everyone, somewhere in my posts...then again shove their personal beliefs on diet down the throats of everyone again and again as if it is the only perfect eating situation on the planet. yikes is all I can truly say lol

but I ramble at the end cause again, I am tired of it......and yes, if tired I should give up....haha....and I will

but remember this great simple post from Bethanial says it all

what is good for one is not good for another and shouldn't be preached as fact. Find what works for you in the end. She understands it lol

Bethanial said:
My Mom switched to all olive oil and butter, from the veggie/canola oils and butter - and her numbers went up! Some reason, olive oil affects her that way :hu

My doc has recommended I take Red Yeast Rice, Mega Red Krill Oil (fish oil if can't find that), and incorporate ground flaxseed. Haven't been back to see what the numbers look like yet; it's getting close to time though. and I can't wait to see what the real numbered results are for your efforts!

I've been down this road before with triglycerides, and lowered them on my own with no medication by using fish oil, adding ground flaxseed, cutting Cokes from 3-4 a DAY to 3-4 a week, and not doing as much fried foods.

Hoped that was helpful - and to reiterate what somebody else said, everybody and every BODY is different. You've got to find what works for you.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
There are any number of very well documented ways in which some peoples' metabolism/biochemistry differs from others. I am not talking "damage" specifically, I am talking inborn genetic variation.

abifae said:
one is about the science of diet and how all bodies react to food... <snip>The science never changes. The anecdotes do and they aren't science.
This is a kind of different use of the word science though... as far as I can tell, what you mean is "the actual real true mechanism by which things work". The reality of our bodies' operation.

That's not science. That's *fact*, and we are never ever going to know it 100% (and at present know a vastly smaller percentage and doubtless every single person has SOME errors in what they take to be "the facts")

Science is the process by which you try to get a gradually better and better idea of what the real facts are... or by extension, you could say science is our (a person or group's) current best guess at the real facts. This current understanding will necessarily be partly wrong.

So the "science" changes continually to some degree or another. No matter whether you mean mainstream scientific opinion, or public policy's usually axe-grinding interpretation of the evidence, or even (hopefully) your own personal beliefs about what The Truth is regarding how exactly our bodies work, as more or different information comes available.

Changes can be minor tweaking or great overturning or everything in between; but anyone whose opinion of how the world works DOESN'T change as more experience accumulates, is just not paying attention or thinking. Or is somehow convinced that they, alone among all the world and all the ages, are the one human being who knows every single d*mn thing there is to know, the whole entire absolute truth :p

Actually it is quite possible that "the truth" is changing slowly thru time too. A reasonable argument can be made that you might expect natural selection to act on metabolic traits in the human population (for traits that do have genetically-based variation anyhow), and arguments can and have been made that some effects can be seen among human populations today. I am not going to take sides (I think it's all pretty much just-so storytelling, frankly, could perfectly well be right, or wrong, but there is just NO good way to know from what evidence is available) but certainly it is a plausible thing that might happen.

'Scomplicated if you want to know how things really work, or predict what'll happen based on a correct knowledge of mechanism.

Again though -- that only matters if you just want to know for knowledge's sake, or if you want to know how much you can push your luck eating differently. If you are content to do what has a long track record of working for your forefathers, then "what's a healthy diet" is really pretty straightforward I think.
