My friends??? Pics of my meat friends on pg. 13


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
rebecca100 said:
A couple of years ago my dh and I went to Walmart to have our taxes done. Well, there was a man out front with bunnies for sale, all kinds including meat rabbits. I stayed inside long enough to get our taxes started then went out to look at the rabbits. I came inside a few minutes later and told dh how much they were and which ones I liked. He told me to go ahead and get whatever I wanted. The tax lady was listening and she brightened all up and said, "Your getting you kids pet bunnies?" I was suprised and kinda laughed. My dh said "heck no, those are for us!" "Well why do you want bunnies?" "to eat!" There was a long silence then she said "You eat baby bunnies?" Dh said "well yeah." "Oh. I didn't know people could eat a bunny." She was pretty quiet the rest of the time we were there. I honestly think she didn't know that rabbits are edible and quite tasty and we just totally freaked her out . I almost felt bad at the look of shock on her face.
And then I can go on about the story of buying muscovies from a vegitarian.(I honestly didn't know she was a vegitarian!)
Oh, yes! Tell the story! I laughed myself into a new panty liner over this one!!! :lol: :gig :lol:

In a way it's kind of sad, isn't it? :p

ETA: Great advice, free!!! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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The muscovy thing wasn't nearly as funny. Nothing really happened. I was listening to the Trading Post on the radio when I heard muscovies for sale for $3 ea. Well-heck yeah. I ran to the phone and called. The lady lived less than 5 miles from me. I was excited grabbed my purse and jumped into our old antique pickup with a cage and went on my way. I found her place with no problem and when I pulled up the woman met me and told me how they were overrunning her place. She had started with 2 and now had over 30 and she just wanted to get rid of as many as possible. Told me she would sell me all the babies for $20 IF I took them all. I was 100% for that. So I took all we could catch which was about 12 half grown ducks. I was thrilled at the find. We loaded them in the cage and stood and talked a while. They asked if I had a pond for them and I answered that I had a small one. they were curious about our truck which ran on propane and they invited me to church-7th day adventist(okay I still didn't have a clue). And we exchanged phone # in case she caught any more. She asked where I lived and i told her about where I lived(okay I am really dumb) and I got ready to leave. As I got in the truck her dh asked me how muscovy tasted. I told him"I don't know I've never had it." I now realize why he was asking. Anyway she showed up at my house a couple of weeks later to see how the ducks were doing in their new home. I had the ducks penned and dh told her that we were going to eat them. She tried to buy them back(for a friend she said) and I nicely declined and told her no that I wanted to keep them. She eventually left. Later I found out from a friend of ours that knew her that she was a vegitarian. I heard her selling ducks again on the Trading Post a couple of weeks ago and was tempted to call, if I actually thought she would sell me any again I would have.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Right before Christmas I saw on Facebook that a local friend had an older lamb escape after watching another being slaughtered. I offered to call church friends who live near her to be aware that the sheep was on the loose. They did end being the ones who spotted it and helped her get it back. A week or so later they asked me how the lamb was doing and I had to answer (sheepishly?) that he was in the freezer as intended. I forgot that this couple were vegetarians. They were horrified that they participated in returning him to his doom and didn't let the sheep get away. Even if it meant being eaten by coyotes or dogs instead of humans.

bibliophile birds

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 18, 2009
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Great Smoky Mtns, Tennessee
a year ago, if you had taken a poll of my friends and family of who they thought was most UNLIKELY to kill and eat an animal, especially one she raised from a day old, they would have all said me. i mean, i once ran over a bunny on accident (totally demolished it's head) and tried to convince my dad to take it to the vet....

naturally, then, everyone was completely shocked when i said i was going to raise chickens for meat as well as eggs. not a single one of them believed i could go through with it. now that i've done the deed, they have stopped teasing me. now i get to tease them!

but i do get a lot of questions about them being pets and how do i eat them when i know what they looked like in life? my answers maybe aren't so simple, as i am inclined to cuddle the chickens given the chance, and i do name the ones that get to stick around. but, for me, it all comes down to giving them a good life while it lasts. i'd rather have a little blood on my hands and know what i've done is humane and fair than eat factory chicken in my sparkling white gloves.

there have been a few people, who i didn't know well, who tried to guilt trip me for it. that is not a battle anyone is going to win with me. until you go 11 years without eating meat because of your disgust with the industrial system and it's cruelty, don't think for one second you are going to make me feel bad about slaughtering my free-range, loved-every-moment-of-their-lives, organic chickens.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Ayep! :clap My chickens have a great life! Actually, all my animals have optimal animal living in as natural an environment as I can possibly provide.

You can't get any better than that much freedom to just be an animal, run when you want, eat where you want and go to bed when you want....well...within an acre of ground.... :p


Power Conserver
Sep 12, 2009
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We are all entitled to our own thoughts and ideas. Perhaps the people you ran into time and time again just did not use restraint in their ideals.Everyone should be allowed to voice their own opinions yet should not step on anyones toes in doing so. Some people are passionate in their beliefs and and do not care about reactions to what they say.
I have chooks and I eat McDonalds , yes I talk to my chooks,they talk back ,if they choose to! They keep me company ,ask nothing of me but feed water and shelter and provide me with undeniable wisdom,as I took the time to learn about them and learned a bit about me too. Heck some people never get the opportunity to learn something about animals and people . We cannot always learn from our peers . Keep an open mind and realise not everyone can feel the same way about a subject.It is a breath of fresh air to interact with nonjudmental species that only have the barest of needs and can give so much to the soul that is unmeasurable.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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we get a lot of shocked looks too... generally from folks who wont eat the food we raise but get our of their cars with fast food bags.

so we just tell them the story of that stupid meat roo who was so mean we named him First. and he was......

in fact... today or tomorrow we'll be harvesting some of those toms.... hum..... i cant wait!


the funny thing that i've found is that the folks who are vegetarians want ALL the gory details of how we um..e r... "dress" them... i always think this is weird. but whatever.

of course the best one for me is... how could you do that to a PIG!?!? heh heh heh.. no problemo!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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where I live---very rare anyone says livestock is a friend LOL

but when someone says EW you kill and eat them----my reply is "I am a farmer" and they say "oooooo sure, now I get it"

I also tell them I would put anything on a spit and grill it---even their little yappy lap dog lol that gets crazy stares lol