Natural remedies for fibromyalgia/muscle pain/arthritis?


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
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Prattville, Alabama
MorelCabin said:
I'm telling you ...all you guys have to do is a really good parasite cleanse! After that it's all uphill. Your body gets back in sync and you 'll feel terrific!
I herbally deworm a few times per year, even in the absence of symptoms. I did it more often than that when I was working at the vet clinic. Worms can be subclinical in a healthy adult, but they still will cause some degree of inflammation and eosinophilia. Blech!


Got the t-shirt
May 14, 2009
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Scott County, IL
Mackay said:
Having to go on a gluten free diet is a sign of disease. Many many people eat gluten for years then suddenly develop a problem with it. A gluten free diet only masks the disease. It is still there. I guess this is good enough for some people who are not interested in seeking out a cure. When you are cured you can eat all the gluten you want.
I have to respectfully disagree. Celiacs Disease has no "cure" other than going totally Gluten Free. This is why none of the drs or pharmaceutical companies or medical schools focus on celiac disease or any other disease that has no drug cure. There is no money in it for them.
I have been on more handfuls of meds off and on since I was a young kid for my so called "ulcers, stressed stomach, phantom stomach pain, nervous stomach, nervous bowls, heartburn, stress vomiting, constant diarrhea, colitis, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowl syndrome, constant flu symptoms(except in the summer when I usually eat mostly garden stuff I grow) ect. ect. and I can tell you they do not work.

I have been Gluten free for a few months and the difference is remarkable. I wonder how much different my life would have been if it had been diagnosed and treated with a gluten free diet early on and I guarantee I would rather go hungry and watch my friends eat when we go out rather than eat what I know will make me ill for days on end. For example: first time out with friends since going GF, went to 3 different places to eat and all I ended up eating was salad because everywhere we went they had no idea if their food was GF or contained wheat ingredients. How horrible it is to be "different" when so use to being "normal"(38yrs) but not as horrible as being sick for days afterword just to fit in. Even my non believing husband did a complete turn around and now HE watches more closely than I do when we go out because he doesn't want me sick all the time like before. And if you knew my DH you would be seriously impressed. (he did not believe in allergies at all even when DD was 2 in the hospital under an oxygen tent due to asthma due to
allergies to food.)

Sorry if I sound preachy but it is a real problem when no one believes you. So unless you have been directly in close proximity to someone with the gluten intolerance or celiacs disease then you have no room to talk about not wanting to be cured.

And I will never be able to eat gluten again because as I said there is no "cure" for celiacs disease except fot not eating gluten...ever....

Oh wait that is my cure but I can't call it that because I don't have to go to the pharmacy every month and pay for it.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
They have found an interesting connection between Celiac disease and Scottish heritage. They have found similar connections between other dietary intolerances and other genetic groups. Like Fava bean reaction called Favism. That is "the severe hemolytic anemia, occurs only in susceptible individuals who have inherited a deficiency of an enzyme, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. This genetic trait occurs among people of the Mediterranean region and among black Africans."

It seems to be quite possible that certain genetic groups never consumed certain foods in the past. All of the population migration in these modern times, plus the wide spread availability of different foods has now became quite a problem for their decedents.

I guess my Viking ancestors just did not eat a lot of wheat bread and crackers on their boats. :lol:


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
I think you should do a search on celiac disease and IS recommended that you do a parasite cleanse if you have celiac


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
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Prattville, Alabama
If you do look into a parasite cleanse, I love the Parastroy kit. Ridiculous name, I know.
It is quite gentle and won' your day, if you catch my drift.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2009
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Occamstazer said:
If you do look into a parasite cleanse, I love the Parastroy kit. Ridiculous name, I know.
It is quite gentle and won' your day, if you catch my drift.
Okay, the scientist in me is screaming "quack meds" right off the bat just with the names. But then, the first time I heard about eating raw meats in NT it was the same deal... and bacon being healthy... and lard... so yeah, I've had to overcome a lot of things, so I will keep an open mind.

What are parasite cleanses and what do they do? Occam, I know your background enough to know you're level headed and wouldn't get "taken in" (not to say that anyone else around here isn't... man, foot in mouth, I give up!). Anyway, teach me oh wise ones! What does it help with?


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Prattville, Alabama
Lol, I know! The name is horrible!

Quack meds drive me crazy too. There is a lot of good to be had with herbal remedies, but that's just plain ol' chemistry there. Seriously, though, "heavy water" and some of the other loonie stuff cracks me up. Of course, I always see these ads in Mother Earth News and Farmer's almanac :rolleyes:

To be honest, I don't remember what herbs I was looking for when I chose that kit. I did a bunch of research at the time, and had a list of desired ingredients, and that kit was the one that met the requirements.
I wanted to do it because I worked at a horrible vet clinic...and, well, I'm a nail-biter. I figure no amount of fastidious hand-washing is going to help me if I'm gobbling on my nails.
I was concerned about hookworms, roundworms, giardia, and possibly coccidia, because those were what I, um, handled a lot of when preparing samples for testing.

There was a worms thread on BYC awhile back, and one member told a horror story about eating something while in Mexico that she later found out was fried chicken intestine. After years of health problems, she took an herbal parasite cleanse, and pooped out a bunch of worms.
Gawd. I would need psychiatric therapy and sedation after that!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Well that makes sense. So I get the properties of the herbal supplements; for example, I'd read about cloves previously. So the next question is, who all needs to do things like this? If you have a health problem, should you do a cleanse just to see if that is why? Or is this something people should do on a regular basis? Also, the sites that I see recommend like a six month course. Is that needed, or is that just to sell products? Thanks!