I also love sourdough bread, with bacon fat slathered on it instead of butter, filled with Swiss , freshly sliced tomatoes, basil and Parmesan....then grilled.
Yum yum yum!
Bummer..... those are for special treats, can't eat bread too often.
How about bacon wrapped dogs, topped with salsa, onions and cilantro and sliced jalepenos?
Crispy it is, just the bacon w/nothing else. That way I can taste the bacon. We have bacon. Maybe I need to go cook myself some! After all, I'm hungry, and I didn't really have dinner tonight......
Sorry about Barnee, but I know you'll enjoy Little Barnee. I'll bet she/he will have the same traits. I have a hen I lift on and off the roost also. Gary broke her toe with the chicken tractor right after I first got my chickens. I didn't know at the time I could set it so it grow crooked and now she's about 2 years and seems to favor it. She can jump up and off the roost, but I give her a hand when I can.