Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Thanks for the heads up on Amazon for waterers... wouldn't have thought of checking them. Lol, I still think of them as booksellers.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
I guess the ice cream bucket would work for chickens, too? Mine seem to prefer the crumbles, but sure waste a lot.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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getting nothing done today. I should be cleaning but my drive is running at -10.

I did get Tallies crate cleaned and the divider put in...see its a 42" crate so it a little large for a not quie 9 week old pup (will be pefect for her full grown), however right now, 42" means plenty of space to sleep one end poop the other. divider is in so she only has the space the bed fits in available to her now.
she seems ot be consistently waking me up at 6am to potty, but theres also been occasional messes so I think im going to set my alarm for 3am...get up, take her out and then back to bed until 7:30-8ish hopefully.
housbreaking is otherwise going as youd expect with a pup this age. she knows where shes supposed to go, so now its a case of making itconsistent and then slowly teaching her how to hold it longer tha 10
I forgot how much a puppy goes pee LOL!

shes doing good though on all other accounts. other than trying to clean the floor with the kitten by dragging them about by their heads. but as a breed dobe pups tend to play rough so im trying to work with her but still be understanding that shes not ryingto hurt them and doesn't understand there a lot squishier than her.
same goes for my hands LOL!

HEY WBF, know ayone looking for a kitten?! lol

She has gained a ltitle over pound in the last week which im realy happy about. shes till behind in terms of size compared to most dobe pups her age, but she is gaining :)

so lets see....
whats the plan for this week?!
today, do some more cleaning, I want to get some laundry put away, vacume the bedroom, get the litterboxes done and clean up the kitchen and do dishes...
tomorrow ive got to run out to E's and drp a buny pedigree off for he to take to the show this weekend, then gotta get the other angora doe groomed.
Friday, not much planned...
Saturday isbusy though, meeting WBF in the morning, droping off her quacks and picking up my quail, ill probably take a quick wander around the fleamarket too. then a BBQ t a friends in the afternoon. (Tallie Too!)
then sunday were off to the park in the afternoon.

and that the starts a new week again. craziness I tells ya!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wehent out to feed this morning to the hard click clic of theelctric fence charger that meant here was either a line down or something heavy on the fence grouding it (its nice that the sound changes when that happens)
then I realized I couldn't see any of the goats...or worse...hear them.
got the pigs fed so they wouldn't harass me while I whent a looking...
the problem with the nial in insulator, half of them have holes drilled in the insulators that are just too large and they just pop right off the nail with even the slightest amount of pressure...
called and called, o response, then got to the run off area where the little section of fnece blocking it was down from the shere amount of leaves that had gathered with the rain.
now I was certain theyd escaped and behind me is 20 acres of rush and pine that been neglected for longer than my property was

then I heard the jingle of a bell, while lilly was having health issues and whent blind (pink eye I think) and was just getting back in with the herd I put a bell on poppies collar so that Lilly could find them no matter what...her and poppy are pretty much bestest buds so I figured shed be the best one. and I never took it off (though lilies eye sight seems to have returned amost if not completely 100%.

so I called and I heard Aspen call back...but I couldn't place the direction, sounds play back funny back in the trees, probably due to it being a hill back there
so I called again ad turned round andas I turned around to face towards the pasture, here coming up the hill, 6 very confused goats lol, theyd obviously been eating in the tall weeds (theres patches of weed 6ft tall) and couldn't figure out why I was in crazy mommy mode.
gave everyone scritche, including stinky head (apen is in rut) then came back and got everything finished up, the dogs in and fed and my own breakfast (yogurt)

then out to do the fence.

used the big 3" flat head nails out of a nial gun to replace the nails that the insulators kept popping off of, they shouldn't go anywhere now.
and too choppy my absolutely freeing adorable, only way it would be more me would be to paint it pin and put sparkly stickers on it, electic chainsaw and tackled 2 large-ih dead limbs that had fallen...they went big enough to be hard to chop, but tey were too big for me to move without first chopping them (about 4-6" diameter pieces) so YAY choppy!!!!
I feel like a kid with that thing, it realy does look like a toy! but man for a little tiny thing that looks like a works for what I need!!!

came in, took a quick COOL shower to remove the bug spray and spider webs and cool down and now im chilling with a cold drink and a sleeping dobe puppy!
soon bacon and egg sandwhich for lunch...
then some cleaning up
then later im raiding WBF's house for dinner :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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had a lovely evening wth WBF last night, nothing bette than good food and even better company :D
I now have a bunch of cortinux quail to get me started, they seem to be quite happy in their new homes, hoping to get 2 more groups from unrelated lines now to mae sure I can keep crossing over groups to get good fertility and size and all that fun stuff :D

weather is BEAUTIFUL today.
gonna go out and give a couple of my gourds a coat of paint and try and prep the rest need to find my little hole saw for my drill thee thigns are not easy to cut il tell you that, my little fake dremmel cant handle it but my big drill with a wood bit on seems to be ok. got a bunch left to clean out, most will bebird housesbut theres a couple I want to turn into candle holders and stuff just for something different.
also got some little wood birdhouses that can also get painted up. hoping to make at least a little money off those.

now the weather is starting to cooperate im stating to put plans on "the list" of things to do that involves outside stuff.
ive got a 4x2 quail cage that will eb used for grow out to get finished (need to put the floor on) and some wire that im planning on using to make a movable growout pen/tractor for rabbits that ae slated to freezer camp...they can be tossed in there at weaning and butchered at 10-12 weeks and in the meantime be usefull and fertilize the vegetable beds. lol

I want to get those old rabbit hutches demo'd, will be using the wood to make duck selters over in the area I want to move my ducks to. im fairly certain im actually going to make 2 duck pens and keep my runners and my future khakis separate that way I can offer pure bred ducklings for sale and keep better tack of whos laying ad when (im hoing the khakis will be more consistent, the runners lay hard and heavy BUT they seem to lay in waves, laying for a month then taking some time hoping for something a little more level from the khakis...
will then get a spot set up for the banty cochins that currently free range the back yard, right now there residing in my little greenhouse but id like to reclaim that for future use and have a lovely little coop doing nothing right now, so once the rabbit hutches are out fo the way thatll get dragged intopace and a small run put up for when I need to separate out.

the current duck/gooe housewll get restructured a little and moved down the hill into the orchard so I cam claim some of the back yard back that there current spot is taking up.

and I want to put up a pen for the much as its nice to let them range, trying to keep everyones feed to the mouths of which they belong is proving a little less than easy.
thinking ill give them the patch that the goats used to have an hopefully they'll start clearing out the privet that the goats stripped down from the top, pigs can work fro the bottom :)

and I want to get my muse excersized and I need to start getting my body excersized too! ive been much too lazy while its been hot!

I also want to stat woring on Christmas gifts...

I think the next few months should be fairly busy as long as I can keep some steam in the engine!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Glad you had a good visit with WBF... and that you'e got some of those quail. I'll be getting eggs from her so those quail of hers are spreading out far and wide! I can understand wanting to separate the pigs and the other critters at feeding time. I could let mine all roam the pastures together, but come feeding time the pigs had to be separated. They would even take on the horses... at least until the horses figured out what was going on - then it was an all out fight. The pigs would be trying to toss the horses and the horses would be drumming a beat on their sides. Good entertainment, but too dangerous for all concerned!

Good luck with the gourd painitng - pictures please!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ugh, I hate waiting on folks...
running late is one thing...but when I know you've got an email capable phone and my email address in said phone at the very least a quick note "were running late" would be freeking appreciated.


generally pretty productive in a not realy kind of way.
got 5 gourds base coated, and drying, got another bunch (probably about 25) drilled for hang loop drainage and acess holes.

some will be made into bird houses some will be made into hanging tealight holders, but most will be birdhouses.
the tealight holders will get additional holes drilled in in cool patterns to let the light out.
so ive got 5 ready to paint, and another 5 soaking (the innards come out much eaiser when there soaked and spongy.)

so this should keep me busy for a while.
got some wooden birdhouses to paint up too.

I do want to eep a few back for the garden...probably the ones that don't come out so clenaly or have little cracks in them here or there...but most will be for sale once there done, will need some help with prices, ill need to get at least $10 a piece on the smallest ones to cover time and labor but im hoping to be able to market them n the $15-$40 range depending on size.

just counter ive got 25 gourds total. :)


just had folks come over to take a look at much as I think getting the pyrs was a good idea, money is realy tight and im having to seriously adjust...Bonnie is growing like a weed and eating 6 cups of food a day plus treats and is still on the skinny side. its just not possible for me to keep feeding her so I placed her as available.
had a woman contact me whos having a hosue built on 9 acres, wanted her but cant tae her yet, would I be willing to board her?

so today she came down (who I was waiting on) met pup, fell in love and paid the adoption fee plus left a bunch of canned food and gave me cash for the months dry food and her next dose of frontline and heatguard.
shes hoping topick her up the first weekend in October. so that's a HUGE weight lifted, not oly is she going to a good farm home, but I don't have to worry about her food this month and don't have toworry about feeding her in future months.

I think the goal right wow is to get everything lined back up correctly and then mabe in the spring consider a guard llama since he would be able to eat goat feed and the goat hay without any problems. he'll provide wool as a bonus and mabe thatll help take the edge of the alpaca wants too lol.

but figuring out a new adjusted budget toget me better ahead is going to be the major goal over the next month. no bonnie food and a start on quail for meat is a huge part of trying to make that happen since none livestock animal food is my current biggest expense after bills.
thinning out the bunny heard a little will also help...need to focus on meat production with those ad stop dawdling around...they produce or they or the other...

and yeah.

I also managed to get the lawn in the backyard mowed with my ltitle scotts classic reel mower (love it!) and straighte up the itchen some (I actually hav a counter top again LOL!)

tomorrow is Selmers family fitnesss day and there doing a morning of ecersie in the park, walk, prizes, zumba yoga demo ect...
ive gotta go that way tomorrow anyway so I might stop by...
got to pick up game bird feed and food for Bonnie anyway. then heading to a frineds for lunch...
and then sunday morning will be some food prep, and in the afternoon were having a picnic in the park for the group.

moday starts back to farm stuff....the goal is to do something "farmy" every morning (other than chores), then in the afternoon spend at least 1 hour being crafty...
I want to work in 30 mins of yoga every morning, and 30 mins-1hour of cardio/strength in the afternoons....and once talllie is finished with shots, well be heading to the park a couple times a wee for the cardio portion.
time to gt back on the healthy wagon. and im going back to weekly b12 shots, my energy has been lagging again since I cut back to bi-weekly.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Family fitness day would be fun, but my truck is my priority right now, or I would be there too :) Ducklings are doing great and being adorable. It's supposed to get cooler tonight so I put a light on them. They're sooooo kyooot! DH is head over heels already, but you saw that last night :lol: And, I know what I forgot....jams for your dad, and CHEESE, I was supposed to give you CHEESE, lotsa CHEESE :lol: Dang it, can't believe I forgot that one :/ I have a fridge full right now. DG had a sale, buy cheese, get bread(making them about a buck each), I bought cheese, got bread...a few :hide times, and the bread got gone, but the lingering :p SOOOOO, next time you are close enough and have the know what to do ;)

Hope the quail start to lay for you soon. Might wanna get a light on them though. Days are getting shorter, and they won't give eggs year round without lighting, may not even start to lay if you don't. Mine have slowed drastically in the last few days. Light is going on them, because I have a shipment to make Monday to our buddy fem :D :D

Glad you got the Bonnie situation figured out :celebrate That's good for everybody!! :weee

I had a great time visiting sis, come back ANY time :) You're always welcome here!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i was thingking about light too, haror freight has solar rope lights right now on cheap, think that would be enough or do they need full spectrum to lay? would have to figure out a powercord if they need they lay based on number of daylight hours or type of light I gues the best question would be lol.and especially with them eing in a shady spot...