Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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aint she stunning, im getting so excited! lol
her beds made, crates all set up, going to work on sewing the ribbon to the collars today :D

today is BRRRRRR!!!!

bunny bottles are still frozen, will probably be lunch time befoe the hose is thawed enough to top up...
and still no baby bunnies, teyve got till weds of next week before I declare war...

right now ive got 3 males on the list for butcher, but if no kits by wednedsay ill be adding a few Does to the list too. ill probably butcher the 2 ldest does, giving me 2 proven 1-2 yr olds and 2 youngsters who'll be ready to breed for spring.
im thinking i need to cut down to 5-6 rex for winter ive got 10 right now...

also woke up to a raccoon attck on te quail going to have to lift the cages higher off the ground next year i think...
coons pulled the head off one...cats got that one for breakfast.
another had its wing pulled off completely...and another was scalped...
scarily enough scalped and wingless seem to be doing ok other than painfull, they ate this morning like nothing had happened.

im thinking next week ill butcher the 3 dult quail cages, and then in about 2 weeks the younger batc will be ready...
will start again with quail in early spring after the move if it all goes through the way im thinking...
right now there not laying, feeds not cheap, and its better as meat for me and the dogs than as raccoon bait.

everyone else is doing fine.. momma hen still has 9 adorable little chickies following her round, hoping to get them sold in the next week or so...
the goats are good, sage the pig doesn't seem to even notice rosemary has gone away, geese and ducks are happy...
just wish it wasn't so dang cold all of a sudden...
had to turn my heat up to medium (its still NEVER been on high) ust to take the chill off th hous this morning. and Saturday and sunday are supposed ot be in the 70's its gonna feel like summer...
back into the mid 50's after that
wacky weather needs mood stabalisers!

oh...and this morning, sat in the middle of the street...TEMPI!!!
Tempi vanished ust after dusty had her shs been gone a good 4 months now...
i feared the worst..
But this morning there she was, still wearing her pink collar and chip tag, sat there, she called to me, came over aid hi and then ran off again.
she was in good condition, a little dusty, but certainly not skinny so shes either bein doing ust fine caching her own meals or shes found herself someone to feed her.
I dunno if hse just cameback to say "hey you can stop worrying im fine" or if shes come back because she wants to come home...she wasn't interested in coming in the house today but ill keep checking for her, especially with the weather getting colder...but shes obviously not hard untowars at least, she had good condition, good weight and a good thick winter coat on her.
if she doesn't come back again ill assume he just wanted to let me know shes fine and has found a new life...hat i ont need to worry...
if she does come back, shes welcome to stay.

anyway...gonna go play with the sewing machine a little bit, then go do waterbottles...then later..finnish cleaning the house.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
How much are you asking for those chicks? Could you sex them? I have a friend down the street looking for some banty hens, but he might be okay with sexed chicks. It never hurts to ask anyway :hu


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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OH! Will you be home Saturday? We're headed out to Jackson for an hour or so sometime that day. If you'll be there we can get the ducks on the way back home.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Ill be home until about 5pm on Saturday so absolutely :)

unfortunately cant sex the babies...ive still not quite mastered the art with chicks (ducks are easy LOL!)
asking $3 a piece or $20 for the 7 that are left :)


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Okay I will relay the message then :) Do you have any idea what kind they are?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
they are mottled cochin (bantams)
one of the hens is a partridge but all the chicks are mottleds :D

these are the adults :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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looks like the chickies have a buyer, wants to pick up tomorrow...then with WBF picking up the duckies too my poultry load will be halved!
happy dance!

damp and dreary today, slowly puttering around a little cleaning there a little tidying here...
made Keiras dog tag its cooling as we speak, thatll get a clear coat and put on her collar :D
had to order a new martingale, the red one I have is going to be too small,only 12" t its largest and she needs 16-18" so that's on its way along with some other nessecary things I needed off amazon (a replacement cable for my tom tom primarily since mine is DED (to the point that when I tried to wiggleit to get it to work t immediately got so hot I got a blister n my finger so yeah no more of that cord lol) also ordered some paracord to make a traffic handle/short leash...

oh and my computer which is having issues goes to see the computer dr (a good frined) on Thursday hes going to open her up and see if he cant fix the DC jack so I don't thave to worry about it...right now unles my cord is in the absolute perfect spot it wont charge...and that absolute perfct spot is getting harder and harder to find.

and yeah that's about it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
chickies are going home in about an hour...

shower level awesome achieved

confirmed to pick up dober-girl tomorrow (still keep comming back to Keira as the name lol)
hes going to bring me any dry food he has left, plus all her toys, collar and leash, ill still take the harness and y leash just in case (what one personthinks is perfectly acceptable and safe, another person finds is simply a piece of rope tied to a I always come prepred) will also pack a bag of liver treats for the ride home to help start the bonding process...
the tags I made yesterday didn't quite come out right...1 was too small, and once I sprayed them I think I sprayed too thick as the color started to run and streak...
will try again and this time not be quite so liberal with the top coat.

my satin angora primrose whoshad 3 unsucessfull mating attempts since I got her is NESTING today...she was proven before I got her, bred to E's buck, nothing, bred to my buck about a onht later, nothing,bred to my buck again about 1 1/2 months ago I was getting a little concerned, but shes efinatly nesting as of this morning, hay, straw leaves and furare going in that box like the end is nigh and she needs to store. lol. *fingers crossed* would realy like a nice litter, to make up for all the feed ive been putting into them.
if she has a good litter and is a good moma ill eep the angora group...the wool is beautiful and ive told dad eventually id like to add a guardian llama or some alpaca to the goat herd...llama or alpaca mixed with rabbit is about as soft and warm as you can get! lol.

my rex hwever are not yet showing any signs of nesting...they've got until next weekend, ive decided the 23rd is butcher day and 3 males are on the block...if I don't see any babies by Friday...there a couple of girls going to the freezer too...just got to decide who...

and yeah, time to finnish getting dressed so I can meet with these chicks, then home and finnish cleaning/tidying the livingroom...then get ready to hang outwith frineds tonight.