Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Man...that trip is coming up soon!

glad to hear your mom's appointment went well but sorry to hear she's got to have surgery.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i know right, i cant belive its april tomorrow...happy, but seriously...
ive been planning this trip for a while but suddenly it seems like its comming too quickly.

ive got to print out some forms tonight to see if i can get preapproval for usda financing, (better terms than fha and conventional) if not itll be fha or conventional...
ive got my fingers crossed, soooo many ideas running round in my head

the plan in the distant future:
a small heard of dairy does, right now im planning on 4 standard sized dairy does (2 nubian 2 lamancha) plus a mini mancha and a nigerian buck...the idea being ill freshen the girls with mini boys to get first generation dairy minis...i figure if im going to have my own buck, rather than have 1 buck and a wether, ill have 2 bucks lol.

a trio of baby doll sheep who will live in the orchard (mostly because i like babydoll southdowns lol)
a trio of glostershire old spot pigs (meat, plow, clean up crew)
a small mixed egg flock
id also like a small flock (4 hens and a roo) of good salmon favrolles and one of good black copper marans
indian runner ducks and khaki campbells for eggs
mabe a cayuga trio too just because i LOVE cayuga ducks
a trio of american buff geese (just because i always wanted geese)
a couple of trios of heritidge turkey (meat and feathers)
a few pens of cortinux quail (meat and eggs)
rabbits, standard rex for meat and fur, new zealands or calis for young meat (rex are best aged to stewers to get the best pelts) probably 2 standard rex boys 2 standard rex girls and 3 nz or californian does.
id also LOVE to try my hand at mini plush lops (as they are known in the uk) its essentially mini and holland lop under a mini rex buck... so mabe make a trio out of that batch.

plus ill have mah nekkid dogs, a big dog (looking into the SA boerboel as they were bred as farm dogs) and kitties of course.

nawh...i havent given this AnY thought what-so-ever LOL!!!

of all that, the chickens goats, rabbit and quail will be the main focus, the rest will be based on how much land i actually end up with (keeping those fingers crossed for 2+ lol)

soooo exctied!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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PF, does your mom still have full range of motion in her shoulder? If she does, tell her to move her arm-even if it hurts! The only reason I still have full range of motion after having my rotatory cuff surgery is because I did this. The doctor said that if I hadn't, chances are, I would have limited range now.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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right now her movmemt is incredibly limited, the dr seems to think that the bone spurs are large enough to be causing sever grinding which is causing most of the pain...BUT she is still continuing to "muscle" through the pain and use it for light stuff...(and being its her dominant arm often forgetting and using it even if it does hurt simply out of habit LOL!)

he did say the recovery from this surgery will take at least 3 months and some people never heal properly but alot of that is going to depend on how hard she works at physical therapy, he says that alot of people wont "work through the pain" and end up with sever scaring that willl destroy use, so shes very dedicated to keeping it moving before and after the surgery which is good.

i feel bad for her, shes only in her early 50s and already got alot of arthritis and now this...
im so worried this will happen to me one day too, so im obsessive about taking glucosamine and calcium and trying to keep those muscles strong lol.
but shes a determined (read stubborn lol) woman whos not goign to let this stop her!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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After I had my operation, the doctor had me walking my hand up the wall. The next time I went in to see him, I think he was surprised that I could get my arm all the way up. Shortly after that, he had me start PT. There was a guy there that had the same surgery at about the same time. He was still walking his hand up the wall, and I was using weights, and doing all kinds of other exercises. Sounds like your mom will be the same as I was.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i woke up this morning expectin to be depressed under a white blanket...
and nothing, yay for april hype. not even a dusting of that white stuff we call snow...
were having some random light flurrying right now, but i doubt anything that will accumulate into anything...
so heres to hoping that spring has won the batter and is taking back the month of april.

today is cleaning day...yay *rolls eyes* i dont know how this place gets so dang messy, its insane...

oh wait...yes i do...thier names are jack jack and jasper...LOL


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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kittens just make the world a better place. :love


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh my goodness, its lovely out this morning, sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze, got my windows open *dances*

got to mark out the individual beds in the tilled area today, ive got some berry bushes to get in the ground...

ive also got a blueberry and 2 raspberies that need to be moved eventually as they are currently in what is going to be the chickens new just not sure when the best time to move them would be.

ive also got more to do on the planning of my trip, finding realtors in the areas im going to be in to take a look at houses ive found. many of them may not even be availabel anymore because they never update the public listings *shakes head* but im not going to worry too much about that untill mid-late NEXT week...
right now i just need to get relators lined up, because i cant find a realtor that will do the entirety of middle tn LOL!

mums got her surgery date for may 3rd, so it looks like she WILL be comming with me, which is a big help because were going to share the cost of the car and motel room, so it takes about $200 off the cost of the trip *yay*

dads offered to pay my car insurance this month for me so i can afford this trip...
this is my FIRST vacation in 8 years, and the last vacation i whent on, not only did it rain the entire time but my dog died at the beginning of the it wasnt exactly what id call memorable in a good i want to make the most of this vacation as its the first, and last ill be taking for a very long time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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so this morning
i planted the 4 new raspberry bushes (theyve been sitting in the shed for a week)
plus 3 new blueberry bushes. and i moved 1 blackberry and 1 existing blueberry...
i want another blackberry cane for up on the hill.
1/2 the hill is going to become the new chicken pen (keeping them away form the flower beds and veggie garden) so once that fence goes up i want to plant a couple more fruit bushes along that fence.

we also have the fence along where the veggie patch is so im debating between planting grapes along there OR planting currant bushes.

we have 2 grape vines in the yard already but they dont produce yet...

im also thinking of doing a modifeid Espalier apple tree in the area i just removed the blueberry and blackberry bushes from (up against the back of the shed, which is full sun), im thinking they would be able to withstand the chickens (as that area is going to be part of the chicken run) as long as the lowest branches are higher than the chickens reach...
then do a second one on the far side of the deck.

then once the fence goes up infrotn of the veggie garden, theres a flower bed being extended to go infront of the fence expanding a current flower bed...

oh and of course, theres still marking the individual veggie beds out and getting them planted soon
i know our last frost date is supposed to be april 15th...

soooo much to do.
but it finally feels like spring is here :D

*happy dance*


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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last update for today i promise :p
oh and new kitten pictures tomorrow :D (they are semi mobile!)

spent my afternoon "building" the beds, got everything marked out, raked, paths trampled ect...took all afternoon but we now have 4 4x8 beds (not raised this year due to cost but will be eventually)

dads going to make me a 12" x 12" planting "frame" as i cant realy string off my squares this year (were doing a modified square foot method) and then i can start with the planting. since most of my seedlings didnt make it (beans and peas are doing good though) im going to direct seed carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauli, lettuce, spinach ect...

im hoping my tomatoe and pepper seedlings start to actually grow (right now they have those first 2 seedling leaves (that look nothing like their leaves will do) and they are green and strong, but dont seem to be doing much else.
ill probbaly invest in some already started plants too to fill in any spaces.

anyone have spaghetti squash seeds btw?

so yeah, that has been my afternoon. im feeling rather accomplished today...yay me!

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