Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/



Wow, the men in my family can be oblivious and insensitive, but whining or getting our feelings hurt just doesn't happen. :smack You won't even know we are hurting, unless its so bad or strange that we think it could be serious. Dealing with family can be rough sometimes. :hit


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
It sounds like he likes to play the sympathy card on his wife most.
When the ones that try to tough it out still get sick, it's hard on their self image.
My hubby is really grumpy when he is sick, which is pretty often. So I forgot about the other extreme for a moment.


I can be a jerk if i'm in real pain and somebody's trying to play the sympathy card. Mom is the one who complains about health issues, then sits around eating cookies all day. She's going deaf, and refuses to see a hearing specialist. Dad and i talk about her behind her back while she's ten feet away. It's like she refuses to believe she's going deaf, and there just must be something wrong with the tv. She accuses Dad of mumbling, then fusses at him for yelling. "You don't have to yell at me!"
"Yes i do!"
:barnie Sometimes i can't stand to be around those two. A couple of stubborn octogenarians!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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LOL< thats sooo gonna be my parents...
they love they probably couldnt survive without eachother kind of love...

but when dad gets his panties in a bunch...the entire house HAS to be as miserable as he is.
and hes very good at turning it that way too, particularly with the girls in the brother is either realy smart or realy that oblivious lol.
and id understand if this was like his bloody vomit eposiode it scared him, alot, i would have expected this kind of pissy mood wiht that...
but this...ive done it...many a times, it feels like someone planted a large rock in your chest.
its highly uncomfortable but its not anythign remotly neer enough pain to have a temper tantrum about...
hes eating cottage cheese this morning for breakfast, i asked him how he was feeling and hes eaten about 3 oz already so mustnt be that uncomfortable lol and his responce 'ill tell you when m done" yup gonna be another miserable day...todays plan is to take him swimming which mght take his mind off it then ignore him untill he gets over it.

i feel worse for my mum though because your absolutly right, he plays the card on her the most and she realy does start to feel guilty (like she pinned him down on the O.R table or something?! or force fed him the food he choose to put in his little stomach too soon after his last meal) and then she gets realy frustreated and upset...*sigh*

i swear if he doesnt do any better today im about 1/2 way to slipping him one of my uppers lol.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
He is used to feeling in control and his own body wont cooperate with him right now.
Between pity party moments - give him a hug and tell him it gets better.

Taking him swimming is a good idea. Having some fun and sunshine is good therapy.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well unfortuatly theres no sunshine today...
but thats ok were british i think rain actually recharges out batteries lol.

hes doing alot better for himself...mum yelled at him last night and it seems to have gotten him pas the pity party moments and today he had his breakfast of cottage cheese and fruit, then his shake and later some chicken salad (chicken, various seasonings a little stock and some greek yogurt all pureed) with a dollop of applesauce, its all stayed down his discomfort has subsided and he seems to be feeling a little better for himself today.

hopefully he wont go trying to cram more than 3 oz of food into his new stomach at any one time again any time
he'll probably have the other 2oz of chicken salad and 1oz of mashed carrots for dinner (were having chicken and mashed carrots lol) and then either another shake or some greek yogurt with fruit a couple hours after that.
i think as long as he doesnt have any issues today hell be feeling alot better about the whole thing tomorrow.

the swim helped too :)

in other news...

its raining! LOL
even tempi, who is usually impossible to keep inside has spent all day curled up indoors, she slept pushed up agains tthe scren all morning (i guess her way of saying if i cant go outside i might as well be neer outside lol) and now shes curled up with willow on the couch.
defintatly a very sleepy afternoon around her. the dogs are napping, the cats are napping, even jack jack is currently quiet and content dismantling his toys in his cage...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh boy...gonna be a long night.

hes been fine all day, been keeping good on hs serving sizes...

then for dinner he made himself fish.
i put out 2 oz of fish and 1 oz of mashed carrots (hes supposed to be eating about 3oz per meal right now)

then he added about 2oz of fish and an oz of cabbage...
firstly no cabage it tends to cause uncomfrtable gass.
secondly i put out 2oz of fish because thats how much your allowed..not 3 oz of fish and an oz of veggies, not 2 1/2 oz of fish and an ounce of veggies by 2 oz of fish and 1 oz of veggies,,,that it, 3 oz total!

he ate the carrots and about 2 oz of fish then stoped put his fork down and took a deep breath...
i thought "hey good hes listening" and mentioned that if hes done he should reove the plate form the table so hes not tempted to pick at it...

yup no...

instead he took a nother 2 bites of fish and a big forkfull of cabbage then got a pained look on his face...
yup you guessed it...

another knot in his stomach, another vomity feeling and why?! because he didnt listen to it...

i love him, but seriously...
when your paperwork says 3oz, it means 3oz total, not 3 oz of this, plus some of that and mabe a little bit of this on the side...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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MUCH better day today, he was a little upset that hed only lost 1 1/2 lbs this week, but i ignored him..told him not to think about it and that the body realy does have weeks where it takes time off, when you loose weight so fast the body shocks sometimes and there will be weaks where no matter how little you eat you WONT loose...
took his measurements though and hes down 8" overall which is great.

did good wiht his food and we whent to the gym then for dinner i made eatballs and spaghetti and i set 2oz of meatballs and 1oz of sauce aside for him...he was warey and said "im supposed to be eating more than this by now", but he ate it, he ENJOYED it, and even better, no problems, no pain, the 3oz seemed to be perfect size as he finnished it, felt satisfied, but didnt have that realy uncofmfortable one bte too many feeling so YAY!
meatballs was one of those foods that i could eat early out with no problems so im glad hes the same...
given he managed dinner wiht no pain hes already in a much ebtter mood...gonna finnish the night later with some chicken salad and cottage cheese which he knows lands well, itll be nice to end the day on a positive note and might give him a boost tomrrow too.

tomorrow night is swim night :)

in other news though not much happening today...
got a couple of emails going on which is going to lead me to a dilemma if i get this house.

see theres 2 breeds of dog i REALY want in the future.
Cane Corso, and Great Dane (i also want another crestie) and would realy like 5 pet dogs total...

ive had my heart set that my next dog will be my "big dog" and ive fallen hard for the cane corso...
well i have a breeder frined in KY who put me in contact with her frined who breeds cane corsos (and there about 2 hours form nashville) hes got a litter due in October from his champion male and an unproven female, the litter if born on their due date woudl be ready to come home ON my birthday in december...and being this female is reg but not yet any proven working or ring titles (hes planning on showing her next spring) hed let me take a baby at a big discount...

then i get an email from another frined a breeder in Nc and her sister breeds great danes, she just reacently had a litter of pups and 2 of the buyers on the list have backed out...the pups would be read to come home mid september and she has 3 harlequin males available...


so im realy not sure, pups are going for the same price, there both about 4 1/2-5 hours driving distance form my hopefully new home...both pups would be from wonderfull males but unproven females (great lines however on all sides)

raising 2 pups at the same time is SOOO not happening lol.

especially since i AM planning on adding a female hairless chinese crested soon too.

so do i claim a harl dane (if i were getting a dane it would have to be a harl) or do i wait and claim a corso pup as a birthday gift to myself...
i love both breeds, im more experienced with danes but LOVE the corsos too.
the plus side to the dane is im more familiar with the breed, there overall a little less drivey, ready to come home sooner and would be a little older by spring of next year (when im planning to add female crestie)
the down sides, im terrified of the danes short lifespan...10 years is OLD in a dane...and im realy realy used to dogs living 15-20 years being involed in toy breeds, high risk of bloat/torsion and MUCH bigger over all.

the plus to the corso, a more managable size of dog, ive been drooling over corso for a while, longer time to put some extra money aside for purchase, and gives me a little longer to get a REAL fence up for the dogs
the downs, im not as familiar wiht the breed...
desicions desicions. LOL

i told them both im in the process with the house and nothing is in stone yet so we'll see what happens..this might yet all fall through.

id like both breeds one day...but which comes first?!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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funny how life works

today i started going back to water areobics...if i get this house ill only be able to go for another month or so at this YMCA an given the closest Y to the new house would be about a 45min drive im not sure if getting a membership would be worth it, id have to go and check it out, an hour drive 1 way even twice a week, might suck muchly on a limited income lol.
but there and our usual instrictor left for college in colorado yesterday...
and while we were told we would have an instructor...we didnt...
one of the ladies that came to class used to teach a water areobics class so she took over, and i actually enjoyed it MORE than i did wiht our previous instructor...i actually felt like i was working out rather than just going through the motions.
got a realy good workout, came home had a light dinner...and now im realy debating finnishing the evening with a skinnycow icecream bar (i love skinnycow!)

in other news, another good day in diet land for daddy...
the putting no more than 3oz on your plate and going alot slower seems to have sunk in and is working for him. still having trouble getting the required liquids but 11 month out and i still just cant drink 64floz of water...its easier in the winter because i drink alot of green tea...but plain water...ick!

should hear back from the appraisal soon...*gah* sooo nervous.
have i mentoned i realy want this house?!
and today flet distinctly early fall like....LOVED it!

whent with dad to order pellets for the winter (they have 2 pellet stoves (well actually 3 but ones not hooked up right now))
sat out for a little bit...
it was just lovely!
and right now im snuggled on the couch with mah dogs and the kitten with a ligth weight blankie!
fall is my absolute favorite season


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
today was a pretyt good though not very exciting day.

got up this morning and couldnt find the phone...
this led to me figuring it had to be under the couch...
so i armed myself and whent on an epic quest.

see the giant dust bunnies of the kingdom under the couch took the hellophone captive...
the battle was messy, but the giant dust bunnies are now safley contained in the prison of shopvac
the phone is free and was returned safley to the kingdom of charger
and the kingdom under the couch iscurrently free of dust bunny teirany...

unfortunatly i know that the dust bunnies that survived have gone underground and are not potting their revenge and will certianly multiply rapidly...
But for now...i bask in the victory.

after the epic dust bunny battle i cleaned and topped up the fish tank and the betta bowl and groomed the dogs...yay for not scruffy nekkid dogs!

i still have to do the litterbox but ive got to make dinner in a few mins so thatll probbaly wait untill tomorrow.

i did get crafty today.
i used to dirve a hyundai and in my little car i had pretty seat covers id found at walmart on clearance, they SCREAMED my name quite literally being black and hot pink with sparklies lol.
then my hyundai died in no uncertain terms. i put 4 different brand new batteries in it and it woudl still have issues starting, mechanics couldnt figrue out what was worng with it, and ontop of that i had no horn, the windows didnt work and no airbags (dont know how they got broken but they no longer worked) so i part ex'd it at the same place i got it and my family has gotten all our cars from for the vehicular love of my life, a 05 chrysler sebring.
sad part is, it gets the same milage my elantra was getting lol, but it is getting a little less on the gad than id like, but i loves her! alot.
however because its a convertable (belive it or not the garage gave me such a good deal on the hyundai that i only paid $800 out of pocket for the sebring) the seats are funky and car seat covers dont fit...but Arcee (the car) has grey cloth seats, and between the dogs, and me, i dont want them getting today about a year and a half after bringing Arcee home i took the carseats from vroom vroom that had been in storage and modified them today...

i now have awesomeness seat covers in my vehicular transportation.

bonus points to anyone who knows who Arcee is named after :p

i still want to make some kind of cover for the back seats, but im thinking a simple sling type seat cover like you get from pet catalougs and such, would work well and i can aplique some kind of fun thing on it to make is something a little more me.

but yeah, think its time to go start dinner...

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