Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sodas/bottle water and sammiches all around!
any preference for animal based protein on the sammiches?
cold cuts with all the basic trimmings (lettuce, tomatoe, onion ect?)
this actually might work! SOOO EXCITED!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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pinkfox said:
sodas/bottle water and sammiches all around!
any preference for animal based protein on the sammiches?
cold cuts with all the basic trimmings (lettuce, tomatoe, onion ect?)
this actually might work! SOOO EXCITED!
They'll eat what you give them :hu Not really picky. I think I am the only one of any of us with food allergies, so whatever is fine. It is just fuel after all :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
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So nice to see it finally working out. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im feeling a little more relazed today, slept untill 9:30, and the sun is out, started my day with a narner and a glass of milk and just kinda doing nothing right now...

i think a little later ill see if mum wants to go hit up the 2 semi local flea markets, one is the biggest in the area (elephants trunk) the other is a new one thats open after the trunk just down the road (they didnt want to compete) mums thinking about getting a stall on the second one next month to sell her fleece blankets, they make lovely christmas gifts so i think shed do quite well if she did every weekend from beginning of november up to christmas (assuming no snow days) and being in the afternoon she wouldnt have to be up at 5am to get there and set up for opening...
so mabe that would be a nice afternoon thing.
the weather is perfect for it.

dads supposed to be going down to the boat today to remove all his toys, its just too expensive now so hes donating the boat to the sea scouts, but he wants to remove all the high tech expensive gadgets first, they dont need them and he could probably ebay them and make a little something back.
once the figure out what there doing next spring (they want to mouve out of ct) dad will probably get a small day sailer once they figure out where there going...but for now...its not even in the water this season because it was just flat out too expensive.
i feel bad, hes upset, but its one less bill theyll have to be paying out, between winter storage, summer moorings and the cost of maintence on a sail boat....its not a cheap hobby by any stretch.

right now though hes playing with his tent. my sisters frined and dad (hes an avid hunter) has invited my sister and dad to go on a camping trip next weekend, there going somewhere in upstait newyork friday to sunday, for hunting, fishing and general "guy time" itll be her frineds dad, our dad her uncle and her and my sister...
the tent hasnt seen the light of day in about 2 years since i used it last, so hes pitching it in the back, to make sure it hasnt been eaten by pretty sure when i used it last one of the hooks for the rain fly had been snapped and i never got round to stitching it...but other than that it was in good shape.
so hes busy at least lol.

otherwise today is kinda...weird...i didnt make nay real plans because i wasnt supposed to be here...but ill make the most of it...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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an update to the moving saga.

called the originationn terminal this morning to confirm the truck drop off for tomorrow...everything is all set and shes got a note on the order to get it here as early as possible (8 am ideally)
she also said if we can get it packed quick theres no reason they cant pick up the same long as we give her a call before 2pm tomorrow with an exact time needed for pick up she can send a driver out to pick it up same day. if it gets here for 8am, we could probably have it packed secured and ready to go by 11 am...

this is a GOOD thing.
truck should be in my new driveway on the following monday and id have it untill weds unles im done before that,in which case again theyll pick it up early...yay!

i put in a payment to my credit card, so thats comepletly paid off now, which means tomorrow after making a call to make sure i can stop my direct deopsit before the 1st of nov, i can go to the bank empty and close that account and have no loose ends around here.

i also made a veyr important desicion today...just right this moment...that when i get down there and buy a going to paint it hot not sure why thats an important desicion...but it is. and im going to grow a blue and pink clematis up the post and plant pink, blue and white flowers around it! itll be the most colorful mailbox in W.TN lol.
all the flowers infront of my new house will also be pink blue and white, mabe a couple of pops or yellow in the climbing roses i wan to plant...(i like jacobs coat roses) so i figure the mail box should match too! :D


Jun 27, 2011
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Your mailbox and flowers will be an excellent personal statement! I really hope the company does the drop off as they have promised and all goes smoothly (at least for a while)!!!!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh me too, ive had friends use ABF (the mother company to the UPACK line) and said they were very good. and this company gives you a tracking number so ill be able to see exactly where my delivery is at any time

managed to pack the jeep this afternoon, since itll have to go at the bottom of the driveway im sure...
will need to unload and do a second load for the boxes but otherwise i cant see it taking long at all, especially if i can get a few good hands on this end to help get the bulky stuff down the driveway with dad so hes not mauling alone.

in other news, checked out the prices online for my mail box...and it was cheaper to get it from a local store here because i had a coupon, exact same post, with a poly box instead of metal (whihc i prefer as the metal ones always end up rusting) for about $15 less than it would have cost me form lowes after taxes for the same post with a metal box.

the box was white...notice how i said was.
1 can of high gloss "pink berry" spray paint and i now have a PINK mailbox.
i got number stickers for the side and its black on a white background so once i get down there now the base coat is done ill break out the acrylics and paint a nice black frame aorund the numbers so they dont look quite so "stuck on there" just to finnish it off. a couple of coats of clar once thats done and tada! a box fit for "pink fox farm"

and i can tell people...look for the pink mailbox LOL!

i want to get a pink gazing ball for the new flowerbed that will be going infront of the little front porch, the front porch will eventually have a white glider, which i plan to adorn with pink cushions (ive always wanted a porch swing but it doesnt have a real porch just a small concrete slab and a swing frame would block the window so i figured a glider would be prefect...) or ill put my white rocking chair and a little table there and again add a pink cushion (outdoor fabric obviously)

once i get the storm door off the front (its replacing the broken one on back) ill also be painting the front door, the house is a blue grey, and the door is currently hunter green, im thinking barn red would go with the roses and still work with the pink accents :D

i alwsya find mailboxes kinda just there...once i finnished spraying this one pink though i just looked at it and felt a huge smile wash over me...inside and out! it made me happy! and i figure if i have to see it every day it SHOULD make me happy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Just one thing to watch out for when planting flowers around a mailbox! (I have this from a friend that delivers the mail!) Don't plant any flower that will attract bees! It can make it very difficult for the person delivering the mail to do so w/out getting stung. But, it sounds pretty. I can hardly wait to see pics of it all done. And, I hope by this time tomorrow that both you and your belongings are on the road to your new house!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol i dont think theres such a thing as none bee attratching flowers, but i did put some thought into that and plan on keeping it small/low and tidy enough that the odd bee wouldnt have much need to be right on the box. mine is aparently also the first stop on the route which means an early am drop off so im hoping that maens bees wont be quite so active lol. but it is something i thought about :D, i may stick with a clematis, ornamental grass and carpet phlox the carpet phlox being ground cover should stay nice and low and the grasses dont tne dot be quite as "attractive" so just the clematis to worry about LOL!

i have a mail carrier frined whos allergic to bees and she said the same thing...mostly though she has the biggest problem with people who simply dont check their boxes, cant tell you how many times shes been swamred by ants (luckily only sugar ants around here but still) or Been bitten by spiders because people never actually check their boxes beyond taking the handfull of mail out.
she did get attacked by a swarm of jellow jackets one year from a newspaper box hung under the mailbox...aparently the house had stopped the paper so it wasnt being used and the yellowjackets decided to make a home in there...
she now says she prefers putting mail in boxes surrounded by well kept flowers because at least she knows to look for the occasional bee rather than being suprised by nasties from a box that hasnt had the extra TLC.

it makes sense, im more afraid of things when i dont know there comming..see a bee ona flower i knw its there can keep an eye on it, do what i need to and let it do its thing too...but to have one come at you from nowehre...that freeks me out (same with people, animals, random noises lol)
i do promise though, the mail carrier wount have to reach throug a jungle to get to the box lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well its 9:15 am...
my truck is due any time between 8am and 12 pm...
and im a nervous wreck.
most of me knows theyll show up...but another part of me says "what if they dont?"

*deep breath*

im REALY not good at the waiting game right now...
just want it here, packed and on its way...

in other news, the laptop that fell apart espite much effort committed suicide...
when the screen finally whent caput everything was otherwise working normally so dad was going to try and salvage it by using the base hooked up to a monitor, much like you would a desktop computer...hooked it up, everything was working then POP and a smokey smell...yup it esploded...not enough to be a danger to my dad who was working on it at the time...but enough to be heard down the hall and make us all jump.
dads a computer wizz and he doesnt quite understand what happend...figures it must have been some kind of short, blew everything internally except the battery, he managed to salvage a few parts for future projects, but shes gone
rest in peace laptop, you gave me about 5 lovely years of loyal service, and your final message of "no seriously I QUIT" has been heard. May computer heaven be kind to you!

edit to add: 1/2 hour later and the trucks still not here, whatever happend to "theres a note to get it to you as early as possible..." the depot this is comming from is seriously less than 30 minutes away...wheres my truck?!

once dad has finnished on the phone ill be calling the depot to see if we have a better idea than "between 8am and 12pm" (i mean a 4 hour window is kinda large for something traveling 30 mins tops)

then i get to call the previous truck company idiots and ask why i havent seen a refund to my card of the $150 deposit they owe me that was supposed to be done yesterday.
NOT looking forward to that conversation.

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