So I was already paranoid...

Jan 24, 2009
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I've never done the math but I think that 54 years of ss with say a modest 3% interest would come to about what I can expect to get from SS when I retire. The problem lies in what Tallman wrote. The gov can't keep their fingers out of it. At expected payout rates it will be down to 75% payments by 2037. Of course I think stronger minds will prevail and do what needs to be done. Rates either need to increase or caps on taxed income need to be raised. There are too many people that have been paying in for years to just cut the program off.

As far as the way the govt runs things. They aren't really any worse than corporations. They just don't cheat as much.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Big Daddy said:
As far as the way the govt runs things. They aren't really any worse than corporations. They just don't cheat as much.
Maybe not but their stupidity makes up for that!:lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Wifezilla said:
Whether or not the gun and ammo control fear was based on rumor or not will also become clear in a few years.

Anyone wanna take bets on this one?

Chocolate, alcohol and condoms sales have increased. I guess if you have no job and no prospects, that you might as well stay at home and have a little romance.
Based on fear or not we did buy guns this year. A good hunting rifle and my son bought a hand gun and were thinking of a permit to conceal. After living in South
Dallas for 15 years I fully understand what people are capable of and its not pretty and I certainly didn't "get it" until I spent time there... naivety is a thing of the past for me and if you live within 200 miles of a big city you may want to think twice. If necessary we will fight back. If not I will share what I have.
If some of these type get to roaming looking for food and medicine who knows what could happen.
So can you store condoms? Do they keep for 10 years? :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Don't be worrying about condoms so much ya'll---if it got "that bad" we would need the re-population..LOL-LOL

guns.....we buy guns all the time. Tony is a hunter and needs guns for different situations. But guns last a lifetime if taken care of properly.

So in gun laws etc. will be more of an effect on those that don't have them. I have 15 guns in the house at this time. I am fine. Most of us SS people are...LOL

Also.....stock up on ammo for the guns. Cause without the ammo, your gun ain't good for nothing except clubbing or for old parts to help wtih another fix.

Any "just anyone" owning a gun don't help "bad" situations at all.....the key being, you must be the type of person that does not hesitate to pull the trigger. Cause the "criminal" won't hesitate. The "good" person will and that is the downfall of all of the good guys....the hesitation.

Sad but true, but good also...??? LOL--ya'll know what I mean


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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My father was a gun guy. Hunted all the time. In fact he died out in the wilds hunting rabbit... chasing the critter down he had a heart attack at age 41.

He always said that you should not point a gun at a person unless you fully intend to kill them.

We were intending to get the rifle after we got up to Idaho but with the economic issues as they are we wanted to spend our bucks while they were still worth something.... the hand gun was secondary...more based on fear I guess. My dad always carried a hand gun when hunting in case a bear came up on him or to finish off a dear.

My husband was raised using a gun , but my children, no...not so far.

I really don't think Obama intends to take these kind of guns away, but I am not so sure about those machine gun type of things....


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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When you get down to it, the way I see it, we have a greed and over population problem rooted in belief systems that are outside of natural law.
Humanity has moved way to far from the land and a sustainable interaction with mother earth.

Until that is rectified there is no other course than the one we are currently on. I have accepted that and I am preparing the best I can.
Jan 24, 2009
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Mackay said:
Big Daddy said:
As far as the way the govt runs things. They aren't really any worse than corporations. They just don't cheat as much.
Maybe not but their stupidity makes up for that!:lol:
Don't seem like the big corps have been running real smart either. So add stupidity to the list along with greed, corruption, cheating and stealing.
Jan 24, 2009
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I missed the ammo and gun stock rally. Looks like it's time to invest in the manufacturer of Valium.

Does ammo have a shelf life? In the Army we used to go to the range on occasion to just fire out of date ammo. Only time we were ever allowed to rock and roll.

Obama isn't supposed to confiscate all the guns, ammo, knifes and dentures until the health plan is passed.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Wifezilla said: is pretty easy to see where people get the idea he may be after their guns or wish to impede ownership at the least...

As for other democrats and a few republicans as well? Heck yeah they want you unarmed and helpless.
I just don't know what to think. Having lived in a huge city in a not so great neighborhood We, the kids and me have ducked bullets whizzing past our windows more than once..and then one day I heard a commotion out my door and saw a kid about 16 with baggy pants walking infront of my house with a pistol in his hand .... and then when the highschool kids had a graduation party 2 doors down one was killed in a drive by shooting and the one day they found two bodies shot dead in a car on the street behind me, then there was a home invasion about 6 blocks away that left the owner dead from gun shot, then there was the bank robber held up in an attack in a house about 6 blocks away for over a week, and he was fully loaded... and then there was the kid shot in a local highschool.... and then the string of old ladies murdered in their homes by gunshot after being raped...

oh the stories that don't make it to television!

So who should have the guns? tell me again?

But in Texas you have the right to blow away anyone who comes on your property and threatens you....but I don't think I need a machine gun to do that, do I?

In some cities the bad guys have become a significant public nusiance and gun wars are already waging. Maybe we should all jump in with our oozies?

I think that if I ever needed a gun to protect me from my government that I would be lost anyway. Their guns are so terribly big and I'm just not ready to purchase a tank or armed helicopter. :ep

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