the little wild kingdom


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
made some more progress today. :)

nice to see the snow, but that also means i could check for mouse tracks and there were a few so now i know i need to refresh the peanut butter in the traps next time i get outside. not too many tracks like before, so it may just be a single mouse left out there (for now).


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
I'm happy to have found this thread. Thank you for this. There seems to be a glitch, and I'm unable to register onto TEG

they have a Contact Us form on the bottom of the page that should help, be patient. :) have you registered before there? perhaps that can be an issue? i don't know, but good luck. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
yesterday i got some of the north hedge gone through but missed the bedstraw so had to go back today and finish that up. it was not an easy job as i had to open up the fence and then get the bedstraw from the area i opened up and then walk between the two fences (old one and new one) which had piles of dead rotting wood in there and honeysuckle bushes growing right up over it and i could not stand up straight. then work along the fence between the two fences and not fall or screw up my gimpy leg any more. i ended up going back out and then backing in because i did not want to attempt to turn while walking on those chunks of wood. i hope i got it all.

as fun yesterday in the north hedge i got to cut down a tree i'd pollarded before, well i didn't cut it all the way down but i ringed it so i hope it doesn't grow back again. also found a large patch of ground ivy so i spent some time removing that, but it was not super well established so not as hard to remove as what i'd had to get out of the grassy area.

no major poison ivy vines but i did see some new sprouts so later this summer when it is too hot to do something in the sun i can go play in there in the shade (and mosquitoes). one large wild grape vine did get cut off (and i just put the end of the vine up in the tree so it would not come down again). about a dozen burrs cut off. trash picked up. back property access checked out. yes, the bee farmer has been blocking our access point. :( maybe he won't have bee hives back there this season. if not he's gotta come back and get the carpet chunks he left back there or i'm going to snag them (not that we need them but i don't want them left back there). someone left a 55 gallon metal drum back there (empty). dunno why but heck they could have just dropped it at the metal recycler's yard which isn't too far from here. *smh* the road going back there is a mess. no, no plans on our part to fix it, the people who farm the property to the north are the ones who mess it up, they can fix it.

the rest of today i did some more weeding and puttering around until i had enough. getting pretty warm out there.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
saga (soggy) continues, pressure tank replaced but there is an issue with the well or the pipe between the well and the house. so now having to get the well people out to check on things...


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Oh no! One thing always leads to another….

it keeps getting better too. this morning i turn on the well pump and now there's no water pressure so something is not working right. the well guy is coming by later and my call to the plumbing company also has someone coming out again to check things. i hope they can be here at the same time... we'll see...


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Ugh - terrible when the "professionals" make life harder... :(

if i can't figure out how to increase the water pressure myself i'll have to call them back next week. watering this morning was like "Where's the juice?" not enough pressure, it will take me way too much time to water all these gardens if the pressure is always going to be this low.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
planted some lima beans this morning and then watered everything and then got into more planting to get the tomatoes in, but it got too hot out and i retreated for a brunch break and rested and cooled off for a little while and then went back out and got more tomatoes planted and then it was enough. time to come in.

i made the tomato planting more difficult for myself by also wanting to move dirt to make the garden more level, but also i'm planting some of the tomatoes off further to the sides where the old pathways were located so those areas are not cultivated at all and haven't been prepared in any way, so i'm digging bigger holes and moving dirt from other spots in the garden that have been cultivated so the tomato plants will have some room to spread some roots and with the worm compost they'll get plenty of food.

it is more of a matter of giving them enough space to have enough water available in those holes. how far they manage to get roots out from those holes will be up to them. i've done a similar version of this before and it has gone ok as long as they get enough water when it gets hot outside (which it will be all the next week but the plants will not be very big yet and have no fruits so it isn't as critical yet).

tomorrrow morning i start a few hours earlier and should be able to finish the tomato planting and perhaps get some of the peppers done. they will go faster, i don't have to move dirt or reshape anything and the garden where they are going is regularly cultivated enough that it will all be much easier. :) easier is nicer... :)