Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I will definitely be careful. Not trying to get injured doing this, I just want to learn something new. May never do it again...but I want the experience of having done it once.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Man it has been a busy busy few weeks and not showing signs of slowing down any time soon. My life will get saner in September. I've sealed the deal on a job, back to construction, and I can not wait!!!! But I have to lol! At least I won't be throwing myself back into the worst heat of the summer. Anyway, my business is picking up, entertaining guests, social activities have picked up dramatically, work has picked up with my regular 9-5 job, garden goodies are pouring in, and upkeep has gotten to be a bigger chore fighting aphids and squash bugs....whew...I need a vacation! Speaking of, my guy is planning us a getaway soon so I will have one before I go stark raving mad maybe. Life is whizzing at warp speed right now and I'm just trying to hold on to the merry go round so I don't go flying off face first. I finally went to my first NASCAR race...took my brother and my niece last weekend...seems like it was last month..anyway, we had a good time and did some sight seeing along the way at a winery where I got a nice bottle of local wine I have yet to pop the cork on because I can't handle life with a buzz right now. My stress level is still through the roof, but I'm managing it fairly well kinda sorta not really but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, that's where I've been...neck deep in a million projects and problems and blessings and everything in between. Thanks to those of you who've sent me messages along the way, I miss y'all too!!! Maybe...MAYBE prayerfully hopefully possibly God will see fit to help me with some of these loose ends flying in the wind that I can't seem to latch onto to tie up and I'll get a break sometime soon. But for now, I'm riding the tsunami just trying to stay on my board and avoid any debris!! I'm wobbly but I haven't fell yet=BIGGEST BLESSING...and honestly I'm grateful for the action. Y'all know if you've followed my journal that my life is either mountain or valley....I'm not even sure which I'm on at the moment because I haven't really had time or the inclination to look up from where I am to assess my location...I rather think maybe it's a mixture of both lol...so anyway before I ramble any more than I already have...welcome to my chaos and I'll catch up with everyone when I can! Meanwhile, hug someone, crack a joke, but someone coffee, mow someone's yard, something, anything, everything, to make someone smile because smiles make the world a sweeter place to live!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I am planning it all out right now :D Setting up my new tablet my honey got me and surprised me with this week, and making a list of things to not forget. Whew....it felt SO GOOD when my boss texted me this afternoon when I got off to "have a great vacation" and it begins.....NOW! 9 days of not bathing anybody, not washing their dishes or clothes, or toes, or hair, or nether regions, not putting up with awkward home rules or other people's dogs or neighbors or family or..well...just other people in general lol! I love/hate this job. It's not enough hours, not enough pay, and way too much paperwork and responsibility for that, but I make a difference in the lives of others, so....it's hard to take time off but oh so welcome at the same time!! I'm freeeeeee!! I can not wait to be out of this town for 5 days of it, and I will get back in time to dig taters with my sweetheart, and finish our compost bin together. I am so grateful for our relationship, and looking forward to spending some quality time together while I'm off! The longer we're together, the happier I am with how our relationship is growing. I was thinking today how even the "difficult" discussions we have had, deep discussions that are generally especially hard to be honest about feelings and self assessment because it makes you vulnerable and exposed and accountable to another human being...are just so natural and easy with him and that is an immense blessing. I can't say I've ever had a better best friend in all my 40 years. Nobody knows all my secrets and fears and failures and intents as well as this gorgeous man...nobody. I don't think there is adequate English words for the amount of happiness and peace he has brought to my life and the respect I have for him is staggering. We had an issue arise yesterday that would have potentially ended about 75% of new relationships, and I won't go into details, but we blew through it as if it was nothing and came out the other side closer than ever. We think alike, to a large degree, and we are so mentally and emotionally in tune with each other everything just flows as if we never hit a pothole in the road to begin with. I. Love. This. Man!!! Always amazes me how close we have gotten in such a short amount of time. I feel like I've always known him. He makes me see why other relationships didn't work out and makes me grateful they didn't. Anyway, that's all the mushy gushy lovey dovey story for today, it's just been on my mind all day rolling around in my head and I needed to get that out lol! I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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DH is doing an auditing job now. He goes to health clinics and see if they are in compliance on 'stuff'....he had to go to a place in a really bad part of Houston the other day. He got in just fine, but when he was leaving their big, ethnic male nurse suggested he walk DH to his car. Told him if he came back to do the follow up - to call from his car and he'd come out and walk him in. Geeze - and DH is not a little guy.

When he got back to our little home town he stopped to shop...went to start his car and it wouldn't start - the battery was dead! It had started in the bad part of town, and when he got to a safe place it wouldn't start. Wow! Color us grateful!!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Well, after the fact BUT -- hope you had pics before move in. sure want them NOW...while she's there & after...esp all the animals. You need to have her vehicle info (to track her) personal, friends, work, etc. No doubt she's going to take a hike. You can get a warrant for damages NOW, to be served and get court date set. I would definitely go after the $$$. Of course, a judgment gets you a piece of paper but, you can then take a lien on possessions, income, etc. If you can't collect, at least it will be recorded and create issues for her later -- which she deserves.

Sold all my rentals way back. Don't want a call at 1AM for not hot water!! Don't care!! Truly, most of my personal tenants have been pretty good...no major issues. But, you have always be "ready".

My goats are enough issue makers for me now. OK, ladies, WHO put this hole in the fence?????? :lol: