Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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lol fem

A.D.D. is such a horrible problem to deal with and have. I sometimes think I'd rather that it presents itself as hyperactivity than irrational belligerence. I have dealt with a young man who had the hyperactivity issues, and it seemed more controllable than the mental aspect of A.D.D. and more noticeable when the person just needs their dang meds.

Well....the kid has went off her meds again. I figured that when she started out like the Energizer meltdown bunny and we couldn't talk any sense to her. After everything calmed down, when she got home from work last night I asked her about it. She's been "forgetting" to take it EVERY DANG MORNING for who knows how long... I'm thinking it has been several weeks at this point. Her grades dropped last 9 weeks there on the end, and they just started another 9 weeks not too long ago. She still has a full bottle, and already supposed to be getting a refill. I could just scream. It wouldn't do any good, but I could just make myself feel better. I don't know WHY anyone would just not take it, knowing full well she gets in more trouble because she can't control herself, is miserable because she can't get along with anyone, and just...imagine how she feels? It just doesn't make any sense to me. i would want to feel better and be able to think and problem solve on my own. When she is off her meds....she just can't do it. She stays upset. I thought it was the boyfriend. She has been mad for literally weeks, withdrawn, for literally weeks. I'd try to talk to her, try to get her little things to show her I care...ya know us broke folks can afford her favorite candy bar here and there :p and just, hug her, take her places to get her out of the house when i had to run errands, asked about the boyfriend, whatever, to try to coax her out of her "mood" and have chalked it up to teenage hormones to a large degree. And truly teen hormones is part of it but you would not believe how hard it has been. I've seen crazy teenager hormonal episodes, and they generally don't last for four hours of screaming squalling insane irrational inconsolable absolute meltdowns. I have tried to think maybe there is nothing wrong with her, maybe she's just the typical kid being a typical kid, but no. I'm sorry, I just can't believe that is in any way normal behavior. We have tried er off the meds and SHE wasn't happy...of course nobody else was either, but SHE decided to get back on them.

Anyway...maybe she will get back on them. It's up to her. I can't baby a nearly 17 year old. Personal responsibility has to come from somewhere. If she starts to go nuts again she will just have to go to her room. I can't take it. I won't take it. It's up to her to fix this. I won't be here forever, she has to decide for herself if it's worth it or not to go off her meds and live a miserable existence and make everyone to where they can't stand to be around her. The ball is in her court. I hope she makes the right decision. And that is ALL I have to say on that note.

Today. Today I am going to find some shoes. My current pair has seen MUCH better days lol! I've worn them almost completely out in the last year and a half. NEED new! i wasn't going to get new ones, because...well they may look like crap, but the functionality was not bad, the soles are still on them at least :D But, DH is going to work, and we have the money right now, and so I am getting some shoes. So is he, he just doesn't know it yet ;) I got DD 3 pair for Christmas, so she's good. I may see if I can find her a cute pair of jeans or something, but she is NOT going with us shopping. Nope nope nope, momma needs a break! We will wait till she is at work to go.

I still have about 5 loads of laundry...the pile was bigger than i realized. I cleared 8 loads yesterday. Then I have some plants to repot and get under lights as well. Hopefully I can get all of that done today and try to relax tomorrow.

I surely hope today is better than yesterday. Please, God, let it be!!! I hope everyone else has a beautiful day!!!!! Much loves to yas for listening to my rants :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the good news is theres some sunshine and warmth coming out way over the next 10 days :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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That's crappy Jamie :( We had sunshine and nearly 60 degrees FINALLY! We got a load of stuff done, and now I am beat.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...ugh...two more days, I may not make it :( A.D.D. meds should be instant instead of taking a week to level off and work right. Round 2 tonight :/ It's sad when you can honestly say you had a great day until your child got off the bus and it has been hell ever since. *wonders who she has to piss off to get fired from this job*

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