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Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
Somehow I missed this.......The removal of god from our schools, our pledge......I feel it is the devils work.
Just this am on CNN, I saw advertisements on the side of buses in NY telling people to enjoy life there is no god. Something like that. UGH I really dislike it when other people make my mind up for me.
Sorry I dug this up, I felt like I had to get my two cents in.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
No, it said "There is no God. Be Good for Goodness Sake". It's the American Humanists organization, an atheist organization. I don't mind Be Good for Goodness Sake, but the first part was put there just to incite, and I don't blame anyone who believes for being upset with it. Keep in mind, though, the atheists have a right to free speech, too :rolleyes:


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
Thank you reinbeau I knew I didnt have it exactly right, lol. Everyone has a right to free speech, They were showing i on tv again this am (again CNN), I agree, How would I feel if someone tried to take away my rights.......not very good. As with anything, take what you need and leave the rest. It matters not to me what is on the sides of buses or billboards. I should have thought before I posted this.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I think the ad stinks!
A public bus line showing that ad? Come on, public bus line serves all. To simply say no to that advertising dollar would have been smarter.


Power Conserver
Nov 6, 2008
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I've signed this petition already. I pray this doesn't happen. We all have to stick up for what we believe in! Times are really changing rapidly! We all need to do our part and pray for our nation.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Again afraid to offend the few so they offend the many. It really makes no sense to me. Most Jewish people are not offended if someone wishes them a Merry Christmas. In fact I have heard many of them turn right around & wish it back. So no harm no foul I say. But those few who say "oh no you can't say that because it offends me" They are violating our freedom of speech.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
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South Central Michigan
Homesteadmom said:
But those few who say "oh no you can't say that because it offends me" They are violating our freedom of speech.
Well, to be a bit contrary here, someone saying they'd rather you re-word your greetings is not at all violating your freedom of speech. They're just suggesting you say it differently. Violating your freedom of speech would be if you got a ticket and a hefty fine for saying it.

Like, when my grandfather-in-law calls black people a bad word, I correct him. I'm not violating his freedom of speech. He's welcome to say it without fear of official repercussions. But I'm helping him (or trying to help him) to be more sensitive in the way he discusses others.

reinbeau said:
No, it said "There is no God. Be Good for Goodness Sake". It's the American Humanists organization, an atheist organization. I don't mind Be Good for Goodness Sake, but the first part was put there just to incite, and I don't blame anyone who believes for being upset with it.
Again to be a bit contrary... you have every right to be upset with it, and so does everyone. But the first part is not just there to incite, it's an integral part of the message this group believes in. That message goes something like this:

"A lot of people do good in the world because they want to secure their place in heaven, and they're afraid of hell. A lot of people do good in the world because they fear the bad things that God might rain down upon them if they were bad. We think a much better motivator than fear of God is simple goodness. Being a kind, good person. We don't believe in God, but we believe that being good to your fellow human beings is a reward in itself. God does not exist, so we shouldn't be good out of fear; we should be good for the sake of goodness itself."

You can disagree with that sentiment, and I think most people do. But I just thought I'd explain it a little... it's not just to incite anger from Godly folks, but to present a different way to think about WHY we do good things.

Farmer Chick said:
I think the ad stinks!
A public bus line showing that ad? Come on, public bus line serves all. To simply say no to that advertising dollar would have been smarter.
Maybe. But I certainly see similar things from Christian organizations all the time. A bus stop near me has a big ad that says "Only Jesus Saves" on it. The public TV airwaves are always playing those (generally very well-written and excellent) public service announcements from the Mormons. I don't see a difference. All of these examples, the atheist bus ad, the Mormon TV ads... they're all presenting their beliefs to the public, and they're all presenting beliefs that many people don't believe. None of them offend me. I am free to agree or disagree with any of them.

Generally I disagree with all of them, but I don't mind it any more than I mind a McDonald's ad saying they have the best burgers in town, even though I know where to get a better one.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Scott, with all due respect, I don't need an education in humanism, christianity, and the interactions between them. I am very well versed in humanism, I just don't care for it. I am a Pantheist, and belong to the World Pantheist Movement and have been discussing these philosophical differences for years and years. There are many humanists in our midst, as well as some who still consider themselves christians, and some who are total and complete atheists. We're united in our reverence for Nature, if you'd like to read more about it check this link.

I am not a Christian, but manage to live my life by my own principles without having to thwart those who do believe, which is what so many humanists are about. I'm all for people living so as to create heaven here on earth, if they believe that way (I do). I'm against those same people trying to say those that do believe are wrong - they're not, for themselves.

As a side note, I've also heard all of the wrangling over the 'Golden Rule" (for the rest of you, you wouldn't believe how many take personal offense at the very thought of following the traditional golden rule - google it and be amazed at the evil that can be attributed to it!). The pagan Rede is generally considered the least offensive, 'An ye harm none, do what ye will' - but I think all this parsing is done just to make some smugly feel smarter than others.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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ScottyG said:
Well, to be a bit contrary here, someone saying they'd rather you re-word your greetings is not at all violating your freedom of speech. They're just suggesting you say it differently. Violating your freedom of speech would be if you got a ticket and a hefty fine for saying it.
Well I am going to politely disagree with you here.

It is our freedom of speech they are treading on. This whole politically correct garbage is infringing on our freedom of speech. They can choose to ignore any holiday greeting without comment and go on their merry way. Don't tell me to say it differently. I have every right to say it how I wish.

And I don't have a fear of God. Anyone who truly knows him, and his Word, would know that it isn't God that "rains down bad things" on them. Bad things happen to everyone no matter what they believe, it's called the natural course of things LOL

Like today we have had a really bad day. It isn't God's fault, or Satan's or anyone else's for that matter....the fault lies totally with that goat in the pasture that just won't stay in the pasture!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Yep...the rain falls on both the just and the unjust. Gotta agree with you on that, Quail!

I would also agree with the excess of politically correctness in the world today but I don't think its going to change anytime soon. I haven't had anyone correct me when I wish someone a Merry Christmas~which I rarely do anyway~but I would definitely use the moment to educate that individual on my freedom to voice whatever pleasantry I should choose. I personally feel that folks who correct others for simple things like saying Merry Christmas are needing some attention and have chosen this as a way to get it. Sad, really.

I, myself, never say "God bless you" when someone sneezes and have been reprimanded for not doing so. I once read that this all started when, in medieval times, it was believed that the heart stopped whenever someone sneezed and saying "God Bless You" was sort of like saying last rites for them in their moment of "dying". Now we know that this does not occur, why do we still say "God bless you" whenever anyone sneezes? Always wondered about that..... :hu
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