You have GOT to be kidding me............


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2009
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BB, I wish every kid your age had their head screwed as straight as yours.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
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Prattville, Alabama
Hey I have a set of first cousins on my family tree several generations back.
People almost never comment on the sixth toe. :lol:

Ok so not really about the toes.
Biologically, it used to make perfect sense to make babies as early as possible. With the way our society, health care and lifespans have changed, delaying children now makes the most sense.
So while I wouldn't preach abstinence to my kids for a number of reasons, I would definitely encourage them to wait until they're older and less dumb.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Um, not in my Bible.....sure, people twist scripture to justify their behavior all the time, it doesn't mean it is proper application of Bible principle.

Men in Bible times (you really have to look at how FAITHFUL men and women behaved, not at everything that is reported in the Bible. Many bad behaviors are detailed without being preceded or followed by the words, "This is bad behavior, don't copy it!" It was understood that the faithful reader, seeking to please God, would recognize it as bad behavior) were concerned about pleasing God, which meant caring for the needs of wives and families. Jesus set the example of how to treat women....and he always treated them with respect, kindness, and chaste love. Even when his disciples did not, having grown up in a culture that did not respect women.

The Biblical view of women is one of my pet topics. A man who also studies how men are to treat women, Biblically, makes a GREAT husband. Prime example: my dh. :cool:


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
ohiofarmgirl said:
redux said:
I think abstinence is overrated. It is a nice, quaint idea but it is not grounded in the reality of human biology.
Biology? thats what we should base our decisions on?? biology is why we have self control and some of us think its a virtue.

here's what i got from abstinence:

1. respect for myself
2. no worries about getting STD's
3. not knocked up
4. (*looks over at husband* ) The Big Man..

the generation who told women to just run right out there and hump away didnt do us any favors. please do not dismiss abstinence as some "quaint idea." some of us think its rooted in biblical principals that work.

sex between consenting adults is natural. between 12 year olds? shameful.
I am so with you on this!!!! Marriage is a protection. Not a restriction. Assuming two good people are married to each other, that is.

Hey, redux, do you like to hike? Just wondering....


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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you got it Free!

the thing that bugs me the most is that everywhere is the 'just do it' message and NO WHERE is there 'just don't do it.'

a good and Christian husband is a joy. and there is nothing demeaning about being a Proverb 31 wife....or using it as a guide to set an example for younger women. they need to see something besides Gossip Girl.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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My uncle was just recently in a relationship with his distant cousin, if that says anything. :th Oh well. Consenting adults. Only lasted two weeks anyway.

I don't know what your religion is or what kind of Bible you read Monique (none of my business) but entire religious sects and beliefs are based on a book that some would consider twisted out of proportion. Those sort of things what we call wrong were norms.

I agree with you Occam, back then, marrying a 12 year old and having kids made sense, it was needed to procreate and was VERY common, and often followed many biblical standards. Who knows how many of us wouldn't be here if social norms and standards were different, when compared to how people lived back then and their cultures.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
big brown horse said:
I have to agree, 12 year olds should not be having sex.

I think this age group should be kept busy after school. Cell phones, computers, texting and TV off limits unless I'm there! No MTV, VHI, and especially no Keeping UP with the Kardashians!! :gig

I cringe thinking of my own 13 year old having sex...YIKES! I know it can happen, sure, but not on my watch. Sure, she has crushes on boys in her classes, but she isn't going to be spending any free time with them.

She is too happy feeding the animals, gathering eggs, growing things in our garden, reading books and riding her horse...things a young girl should be doing.

On top of it all, this age group forgets to put on a coat when it is cold outside, how in the world would they remember to use protection??? Kids have enough to worry about in life. Getting a life long disease or ending up pregnant shouldn't happen on their parent's watch.

I talk about sex openly with my daughter, she knows all about the birds and the bees. Sex isn't a bad thing, just not something she should be doing at a young age.

I came from a family that didn't talk about "that" except in the most general terms. Being the inquisitive sort I am, well

It is definitely something that requires serious involvement from the parents. But of course, if you do not have a relationship with your kids, you cant instill values into them very easily. My 7 year old has a rough idea of it, having visited a few farms during the spring and owning dogs ;) and I plan to answer any and all questions truthfully & completely. (Unlike my mother, who unfortunately told me I could get pregnant from French kissing. Lying to your kids about the subject is worse than not talking about it at all, IMO.)

With the important notes that 6 weeks, or even 6 months is not long enough to KNOW hes the one. And 16 is too young, in my experience, much less 12. At 18 she can legally move out on her own, thats when she can fly free. Just dont screw up like I did. Wait for it, its better that way. Period.

Oh, and there was no restriction on marrying relatives until Moses time, otherwise, none of Adam & Eves kids would have been able to procreate. Think about it, only 2 people created, where did the kids find their spouses? Perfect genes dont start getting problems until many generations later. Answers In Genesis, good site. :)

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