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  1. C

    Herbal Pain Relief

    Hello, I am trying to find alternatives to prescription pain meds. I am looking for something that would help for pretty severe pain and inflammation in muscles, joints, and ligaments. Not interested in anything illegal, or alcoholic. Thank you.
  2. C

    K-12 Curriculum for 100.00!

    I have been kind of looking around to find a curriculum to start formal schooling with our nearly 4 year old. I was wanting one that is thorough, and all we would need, and cheap. I found one that I think is really great. It seems rather old fashioned, which is very appealing to me. Some of...
  3. C

    Super Kefir grains?

    I had bought some kefir grains a while back, and tried to use them regular. I think the problem is that, I seem to have over active grains. If I leave the grains in a quart of milk for 12 hours, it is already starting to separate. 24 hours, and it is pretty much curds and whey, totally...
  4. C

    Anyone heard of Fresh Rinse?

    I saw this today, and I was wondering if anybody had heard of this or had more info. According to this, the Fresh Express ready washed salads have been using this technology since the end of May. It mentions something of using lactic acid, and peroxy-something acids...
  5. C

    Canning questions

    I am going to try canning some chicken. I have a presto canner that has the weighted gauge instead of the actual dial gauge. I am trying to figure out what weight the gauge/bobber thing is that I have, and trying to figure out exactly what I should do. I plan to do pints, I have about 12...
  6. C

    How can I store raw milk, and for how long?

    Hello, I found a source for raw milk, "Creamline" milk, from Jersey cows. I am really excited, but it is about a two hour drive to get it. I need to know how long it will keep in the fridge, and if I can store it, etc. Ideally I guess I would like to only make a monthly or twice monthly...
  7. C

    Kefir and gas....

    Sorry if this is TMI, but I am having a really strange reaction to my kefir shakes, and was really wondering why, and how to remedy it, without meds. I am trying to drink kefir every day, and the most enjoyable way to have it is in a smoothie with about 12 oz kefir, one banana, and 1 or 2...
  8. C

    Cabbage Soup Diet

    Hello, I am just wondering about this diet. I used it once before, following it to the letter, and lost 12 lbs. You make a cabbage based veggie soup, and eat as much as you want of it, and certain things each day for 7 days. Other than being hungry, I didn't have any problems. I gained the...
  9. C

    Is there a healthy oil for frying?

    Some might laugh at that title, but I am trying to figure out what oil we can use to fry with. We use olive oil for most things, but not sure if it can be used for frying, and it would probably be too expensive, even if it could. I am thinking about ghee, but not sure how expensive that would...
  10. C

    Spare the rod......Not a bible quote

    This may seem a little odd to be posted here, but I was just reading some posts, and the phrase "Spare the rod, spoil the child" kept coming up, and being stated as a bible verse. I looked it up. It is not from the bible. Though many scripture verses seem to be in agreement with this phrase...