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  1. Mainergal

    Who reads what we write?

    Ok, I'll admit - more than once I've typed in a response to one of these threads and then thought better of it and deleted it. I too got rid of facebook etc. My cell phone is a pay as you go and there is no gps or camera on it. My last phone was so old that when I was recently trying to add...
  2. Mainergal

    Bin Laden is dead!

    Yeah, not to be a conspiracy weirdie or anything, but this is all pretty odd. I wasn't really thrilled to see people gathering and "celebrating" either. Something's just not right here. :/
  3. Mainergal

    Do You Like Where Your At...?

    I originally grew up in WV and lived in several places including right in Boston, MA. I didn't get a chance to venture out west much but ended up settling in Maine. I have to say that getting into the "Northern" part of Maine as posted here before does really make a big difference. I love it...
  4. Mainergal

    Best manual pasta machine.

    I've been looking into getting a manual pasta machine. Just the roller thingy to make the dough flat and make spaghetti and linguini. I've shopped around on Amazon and so many people complain the the darn things fall apart or get metal shavings into the pasta and such. Does anyone have a...
  5. Mainergal

    Days for Gardening

    I'm in Maine (5b) and the season is short, but not as short as SD. Last Spring frost is usually May 15 and First frost can be as early as Sept 15. I have a greenhouse that my husband and I built last year (unheated) and I already have spinach, lettuces and kale going in the greenhouse beds...
  6. Mainergal

    Fill up your Gas tanks and reserve tanks TODAY!

    Filled up both cars and every can we had yest, almost $150.00. Glad we did it. We've been stocking up on food in a serious way. It seems like the world is right on edge at this time. March is going to be a Lion in more ways than one.
  7. Mainergal

    Top Ten List for 2011

    I so loved the what did you accomplish for 2010, I'm dying to hear what the next year has in store for you all. Give me your TOP TEN! 1. Try to grow feed for my chickens instead of buying. 2. New Garden space in the front yard. 3. Grow Wheat. 4. Make Cheese (that taste's good lol). 5. Grow...
  8. Mainergal

    What did you accomplish in 2010?

    I love this thread!!! So inspiring for 2011. - I added a TON of books to my SS library. - Started looking at ONLY heirloom seeds. -Tried to make cheese :rolleyes: got a book for Christmas so next time it will actually be cheese. - Raised more chicks and added them to our flock. - Let a broody...
  9. Mainergal


    Bartering is awesome! We still do quite a bit of that here in Maine. The cold can be a little harsh at times, but I am in a pretty sweet spot near the coast that is still in zone 5 so I can grow a lot. I'm trying to get my act together to put a table out front and sell some produce. Already...
  10. Mainergal

    Attention New England/East Coast

    I've been looking all over and I'm ordering today! I haven't been able to find a reasonable price for bulk wheat berries or other bulk dried goods because of the shipping to the East Coast/New England. has a fixed rate for orders over $100 at $11.99!!! Order now because...
  11. Mainergal

    What Are They Thinking...??

    I've been up here for about 15 years now, was originally from WV. I'm in the midcoast area so the ocean keeps the temp nice. It can get cold tho, some years we've dipped to -20, but that's about the coldest I've seen. The last few Winters seemed to be mild, or maybe I've blanked it out so I...
  12. Mainergal

    What Are They Thinking...??

    Come on up guys! The weather's fine! :lol: Almost 50 today.
  13. Mainergal

    Chicken waterers in the winter

    I have a watering can in the house that I fill with hot water for my ladies in the winter. So they can sip some "hot tea" until it freezes and then I fill the watering can and melt it again the next morning.
  14. Mainergal

    Growing a medicine garden

    This year I grew valerien (sp) for stress, relaxation, tension and toothache plant for something cool - it really works!
  15. Mainergal

    How far do bees travel?

    I've been reading up in preparation for next spring, gonna try a top bar hive. Bees can travel up to a 4 mile radius from the hive. That's why you rarely find organic honey, it's "natural", but hard to control what is happening in the neighboring fields to be able to call it organic.
  16. Mainergal

    Mandieg4 - Update and lots of new pics of kids and animals.

    Wow, six months! That's great! My husband didn't get a deer last year and we really missed the venison. He just got his first this year and we are so excited. It's hanging and we'll be processing this week. I'd LOVE for him to get another and try to go a full six months for our family. We...
  17. Mainergal

    New England

    Midcoast Maine, bracing for the long Winter. Leaves are about gone now. I'll be missing those.
  18. Mainergal

    I stumbled across a local co-op (middle MA area, serving New England)

    Thanks! I got the email. I'm just getting started so I ordered a small amount of berries to try this out. There is a semi-local place that has them I came to find out, but only hard red. So I ordered my hard white to test some recipes and if I can do this, I'm sure I'll get into contact with...
  19. Mainergal

    What Are You Doing Today?

    I did a chicken feed run, worked on my complete organize and clean-up in the kitchen, worked on the storage pantry in the basement (just went to Sam's yesterday!) and now the wood stove is cranking and I'm making homemade pizza - Mmmmmmm. Hope you all have a good one. :)
  20. Mainergal

    I stumbled across a local co-op (middle MA area, serving New England)

    I'm curious - did you go to the co-op? I'm in Maine and it's frustrating when you see 50# bags of wheat berries for $13 and $45 to ship it! I grew a test patch of bolero white wheat this year successfully (the chickens didn't get all of it) :lol: But for the two small areas, the grand take...