Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It feels so good to sit down! But what feels even better is knowing that I got quite a bit done.

1. I worked on rearranging the kitchen some more. W/the stuff that I've moved, it frees up a lot more counter space-or at least it will once I'm completely done w/all of it. I had hoped to get home early enough to finish. That didn't happen, so it will have to wait.

2. Since I'm going to be putting up a larger hay shelter, I needed to redo the fencing around my tack shed and hay shelter. If she didn't have a trailer body parallel to my fence, I would have been able to go back farther, and if I hadn't wanted to leave enough room to get thru w/a lawn mower, I could have had the fence back farther, but it is what it is. I'm not sure if I'm going to leave room behind the shelter or not. It will have 2.5 ft on either side so I can mow.

In order to redo the fence, I had to pull the staples out of the fence, then pull the posts out. I found that if I rocked them around a bit, I could pull them out w/out digging, or getting the tractor! Then once I got the one section out, I got the fence from the other section. I never finished that section, and that was the longer piece of fence, so I had to take that down. That was easy-it was only tied on. So, I cut the baling twine, got it down and put it up where it belonged. It was more than long enough. I didn't get it all stapled back on, so I just tied it in place.

The other section was easier to do. I only had to move one posts. And since I never finished this section, I had to put in another post. I took an old 4x4, and cut it to size. Then I took the other section of fence and tied it in place. And since it's supposed to tie into the lean-to hubby's supposed to build for my mower, I ran it over to the end of my shed. It just fit. But, it looks better.

3. RU had a bunch of old 4x4s by my area. I didn't really want them there since they're in my way. I started to move and sort them the other day. Some of them were the ones I had sorted out for my RP-she dumped the others on top. So, I moved all of them. The ones I want are in my area. The rest are stacked in a spot where the grass doesn't really grow.

4. RU had a RB in the middle of where you pull into the parking area. I was able to roll that out of the way. Plus, since it could rain, I threw a tarp over it and tied it down. I also put a rope up to keep my horses from eating it.

5. LF got a new horse-a Rocky Mountain horse. She had her saddled up, so I rode her for a few minutes. She's a nice enough horse, but I much prefer Misty. I didn't ride long. Her saddle is leather and is very stiff. The bottom of the fender (the leather part that the stirrup is attached to) was digging into my ankle. Pus, when I went to take my foot out of the stirrup, I found that it was stuck in the top of my shoe! I had to have someone get my foot out. But, it felt good to get back in the saddle. I need to get Misty going. I'm about to the point where I'm all caught up out there again!

I got home and I collapsed. I'm hoping I can get some more energy. I want to go out and work in the garden. It wouldn't have been so bad working today if it hadn't been so humid.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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are the screws in wood or metal? are they just stuck or are the heads stripped out. can you get a hack saw blade in to cut them off?
hope you get the hay shelter finished. it drives me nuts to worry about winter food supply. i still need to get some sb and I'm fretting over that
do you have room in the freezer for tomatoes? i know i don't but its such an easy way to put them away till you need them. and no its not bad to want your garden back. I've kind of been going thru that and yes it would be so much easier if i could just do it myself, just want 'em to get out of my way and let me do it
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Once again, it's a rainy day. And, I think I heard some sleet mixing in. I had thought about going to the hay auction, but that's not going to happen. Probably just as well since I need to buy more feed plus have the equine dentist coming on Friday. Combine that w/the farrier, and my account is pretty much empty.

Since it's another rainy day, I'm hoping I can get a ton done inside. Plus, I'm hoping to work in the greenhouse. I have a ton of stuff coming up that doesn't belong in there-like honeysuckle! So, since I can't do any other work outside, I'm hoping to spend quite a bit of time in there. Then, as soon as I can figure out how to heat it, I can get stuff going! I have some potatoes that are spouting in a container in my basement, I'd really like to move them out of the house and I'd like to get some stuff planted.

I'm glad that it decided to rain today instead of tomorrow like they had originally said. Since I have Bible study today, it means I won't be sitting around the farm doing nothing. Plus, I have my lesson tomorrow. And since I didn't have one last week, I'm looking forward to it.

Getting started today is a bit hard because of the weather. I'd rather just sit around and relax, but can't do that. Plus, it's about 20 degrees colder now than it was at this time yesterday, so I had to make a fire this morning. But as much as I hate to get started, I really need to. I have a lot I want to get done today-including a ton of housework. Plus, I'm going out for dinner tonight w/CMA. I just wish they didn't pick a place that was so far away. The only good thing about it is, I have to go past the gas station where I can get the cheap gas, so I'll be filling up. So my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Normal farm chores
3. Put blankets on the horses and hang hay nets in the run in
4. Bible study
5. Work in greenhouse
6. Feed animals
7. Laundry
8. Go out to dinner

This list doesn't look long, but I should be able to see a big difference in the house by the time I go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Y'all would have gotten a laugh if you had seen me today. I decided that I was going to do what I could to block the wind from coming into my tack shed. The tarp just wasn't working. So, I took that down. Last year, I had had a piece of Tyvek up. I had been going to trash it since it was really beat up, but had decided to keep it. So, I put that back up. I had a whole sheet plus a half a sheet of chipboard that were messed up. So, I decided I was going to cut them into strips about 4 ft by 11 in, and put them up on top of the Tyvek. Good idea, but the problem was getting them up there. I finally ended up balancing them on my head, then getting a couple of nails hammered in place. The first 3 that I put up were along the far edge, and if I hadn't done that, I would NOT have been able to get them up! Once they were in place, I put one up against the shed itself. That one I didn't need to balance! By the time I got that one up, it was time for Stormy's 2nd feeding. So, I fed him, got everything else I needed to do done and left. I have one more piece to cut, and am hoping I can get the rest of them up tomorrow.

I checked in the shed. Even though I didn't have the heat on, I could feel a difference in there. So, I think this is going to work. I don't know that I'll be spending any time in there until next week. But I think I'll finally be able to get it warm in there now.

I cleaned my kitchen this morning and part of the basement. When I got home, I brought some wood in, but didn't fill the holder. I was beat, so I crashed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score

I'm playing around w/my new laptop. This is a picture of a picture of the dog I had many years ago, my Cocker, Ebony. I still miss her.