Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I caught 1 w/cantaloupe, and that was it. :/ Rebaited the trap 2x after that, and didn't catch any.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The weather man sure was wrong! They were calling for storms today, so I decided not to try and work w/the horses. I was behind on bagging feed, so I got that all done. It was trying to rain, but not really doing anything, so I did some weeding.

There's a sheep in w/CL's horses. I HATE that thing! He and I have gone round and round. Maybe he'd be better if he were whethered, but he's not. When I feed her horses, I have to chase him out of their area, then shut a gate. If I don't, it's almost impossible to feed her horses. Plus, there's copper in horse feed, which I know is toxic to sheep. He does NOT want to get out of there, but I insist. Yesterday, he managed to get the gate off it's pins. :somad I had to chase him out of there, then tied the gate in place temporarily, then get tools and fix the gate. I wanted to put the top pin upside down. That would have made it almost impossible to get off. Well, I couldn't get the pin to budge. So instead, I tied the gate to the pins after I had it back where it belonged. Today, when I fed, he tried to get the gate off, but couldn't. :woot So, that was much better!

When I fed my chickens, I didn't have to go where they had been. It was easy to get to them. I had 2 eggs in the nesting boxes! I still don't know if my one chicken is laying or not. And, it was too early in the day for Roxi. But, she got a bit agitated when it was getting to be about that time. Hopefully, she'll figure out where to lay. They are starting to settle a bit, and feeding was so much better!

KN's rooster did come over and hurl insults at Ralph thru the fence. But, Ralph showed he was the bigger chicken. He just ignored him. I'll be glad when I have my area all fenced off. But, I can see progress, so things are getting better! Now, I need to start getting stuff done at home.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Deb, be careful around that Ram. We had one...for a while. He tore down every fence and gate we had him in. Such a RUDE beast!! He is no longer with us...He got me one time too many. Since we have decided to NOT breed the sheep....we have no use for a ram, and I am happy!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't turn my back on him. Normally, he doesn't mess w/me. He kept trying to run up on me and head butt me. (This was B4 I had my knee operated on.) I chased him all over the field one day. Every time he lowered his head and tried to butt me, he was met w/a front kick. Since then, I haven't had any real problem w/him.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
I had 2 eggs in the nesting boxes!

KN's rooster did come over and hurl insults at Ralph thru the fence. But, Ralph showed he was the bigger chicken. He just ignored him.
:ya for finding eggs where they belong, instead of having to hunt them down!

Way to go Ralph! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know Ralph is enjoying the new area, but I'm not sure about the hens. They're not used to laying their eggs in a nesting box, but I'm sure they'll figure it out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I got 3 eggs today! And, I'm not sure, but I think one of them is from the one hen I wasn't sure if she was still laying!

The other rooster didn't come over today. I think he got disgusted. That's fine w/me. I was tired of listening to him.

The sheep managed to get into a different field, so I didn't have to put up w/him today!

The section of the field I planted is looking pretty good. There's some weeds in there, but there's more grass. Today I was able to mow it! And it places the grass is real lush looking.

I got more of the weeding done at the farm. Since I got my chickens penned up, I didn't need to keep the area where Roxi was laying all weedy. That area is now done! This is the are right in front of my tack shed, so that makes me happy.

Other than dishes, I didn't really get anything done at home. I had to take the truck for inspection. And of course, the check engine light came on on Saturday, so I failed. :/ Seems like every time I have to go to inspection, the light comes on. :barnie And while I was over that way, I went into the Wal-Mart there. It's been years since I've been in that one.

Stopped at the farm on my way home to check for eggs one last time. Right when I was getting ready to leave I get a phone call from PT. RU is sick, some of the horses need hay, could I come out and put it out since she doesn't know how to run the tractor? And, she was willing to give me gas money. Since I was there, I just headed over and put out the hay.

Now I'm home, relaxing. Think I'll go to bed early tonight. I'm tired.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Now that Mr. Anderson has posted he stopped for the ducklings, I can add that to today! I wasn't going to just in case he didn't want it posted. And, he gave me a hand. I had a big wire spool in the field. We were using it as a work table when we were building the coop. I needed it out of there, but couldn't tip it over on my own. Helps having a strong guy around. He tipped it over, and rolled it out of the field for me. Only problem being? There's a bare spot in the field! Maybe I'll take some seed out w/me and put it down there. We're supposed to get some rain tomorrow, so that should help.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
In TX, an inspection guy told me that if the check engine light came on, take the battery cables off (as close to the inspection site as possible), wait 10 minutes, hook them back up, make sure the vehicle had cooled down, then go get it inspected. Don't know if that works. I just went to advance, had them read my code (O2 sensor), clear it, then bought the sensor and replaced it. I hate those stupid sensors! My Mazda's rear sensor would trip every time it snowed more than a few inches and I let it warm up before driving it! So irritating!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We tried disconnecting the battery cables-it didn't work. :(

The "chipmunks" are getting big. Hubby insists that one of them is actually a cock. But, he keeps changing his mind as to which it is. I can't fill their water bottle. They keep flying up and sitting on it, then fighting over who gets to sit on it. And, they slosh the water out. Other night I had to change their bedding at 10:30 pm! It was soaked, so I don't put much water in. It's made a difference in how dry it stays there. It just means I have to give them water a few times a day. :/

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