Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like your garden is going good. Good luck with the weeding - it's my favorite thing in life to do.... NOT!

Glad you got the belt for the bike!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Didn't post yesterday, I was just too upset.

My pet bunny, Butterscotch, just hasn't been doing well. I don't know if she hurt or back or what. But she wasn't hopping that well. Plus, she wasn't using her litter pan any more, and at times was laying in her own poop and pee. I can butcher a chicken and think nothing of it. I can purposely run over a ground hog and not feel bad. But, I couldn't put her down-and neither could hubby. So, right B4 we left to do some errands, I asked the neighbor who hunts if he'd be willing to do it for me. I could tell she was suffering, and I couldn't let her do that. He was willing and did it while we were gone.

It seems strange to see that empty cage. I've lost both my bunnies in less than 2 weeks. The cage was right under my window, and at times, they'd wake me up thumping. I miss that sound. I want another bunny, but won't get one right now. I'll be waiting at least until the end of the summer.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't post this yesterday, just didn't feel like posting a lot, but I have to share this.

Hubby came out to the farm w/me yesterday. He brought some tools so he could work on the mower. And, he was able to get it started. Of course, it didn't run that well. So, he makes the brilliant comment. This mower doesn't run very good.

No duh! Haven't I been complaining for MONTHS now that I'm having trouble w/it? He worked on it for quite some time, and was able to get it running. But, he also couldn't keep it running. He checked out the gas tank, and says there's some stuff in it, so he thinks the fuel lines are clogged. And, there could be other problems w/it, he's not sure. So today, I hooked up the trailer and went to put the mower in the back. (We found some planks that were PERFECT to use for a ramp!) The mower started right up. I drive up to the planks, found the one wasn't quite positioned right, get off, get it where it belongs and go to drive up. The mower's running great and I'm even wondering if I need to take it home. I start to drive up the ramp, get almost all the way up-and the mower dies. :barnie And, I couldn't put it in neutral to push it up. It wasn't up quite far enough to do that. Both PT and CL were there, so they gave me a hand getting it in. Of course, I did the hardest part. I sat on the mower, and moved it into neutral when they started to push. :D

Yesterday, I moved Emily and the nuggets into the broody pen. It's so nice to see it being used for what it was designed for. And, they're doing great. She's proving to be a great mother. I think one of the nuggets found a little worm today. It went running away from all the others to be by itself. They're so funny to watch. Who needs TV when you can watch chicks? Or, would you call it a chick flick?


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Western Canada
Hi, Deb. I couldn't tell if you wrote about your mower because you were concerned, technically, about the engine not running, but if so - check out this post I made here at SS some months back:

Also, this thread gives directions for finding an EXCELLENT youtube channel concerned with small engines - diagnosing, overhauling, and tuning them:

When I read something like what you posted, I ask myself what I'd do about the issue.

Anyhow good luck.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
deb so sorry to hear of your bunny...
good luck getting the mower fixed...a definite essential

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Joel, thanks for the links. I don't have the time right now, but I'll be checking them out. I keep telling hubby that I want to know how to work on small motors so I'm not dependent on him for that-and it would make less work for him. (He knows how to fix them.) I brought home the mower so he could work on it tonight. But, I don't know that that is going to happen. We have more rain moving in! Good for the garden, but bad for doing outside projects.

Besides this mower, I also have a push mower, and a small generator. Both of them were from people that were just getting rid of them because they didn't run, and both of which would come in handy out at the farm. I can't use the riding mower around my tack shed, nor right along the fence-I can't get quite close enough, especially in the corners.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know if I'm upset w/the weatherman, or happy. The forecast was for scattered showers. Well, it rained most of the day! I had planned on taking the bike-that was out. But, I did have one good thing happen. KN called. She was near the farm, and wanted to know if I'd like for her to feed my horses. Of course, I said yes. So, I stayed at home and did housework. I did dishes for about 1/2 an hour, and worked on cleaning up the kitchen. I've got about 1/4 of it done. :th

I also ran out and planted some more corn and picked peas. I should be about done w/my peas now, instead I'm just starting to pick them! But, w/as cold as it was, they weren't really doing anything. And, I had one tomato that wasn't doing anything-bug damage-so I pulled that out, then took a sucker off of another plant and put that in there. I figure w/as wet as it was, it should have a pretty good chance to root.

Got out to the farm, gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, fed CL's horses, gave one of LF's horses meds and took care of my chickens. Emily is turning into a great mother. The chicks are looking good. The fencing that I put up is working-they can't get out! So, that's good.

I managed to time it just right. It was raining while I was driving out and it rained while I was driving home. But, it didn't rain while I was out at the farm, so that was good.

I had stuck a load of shirts in the washer last night, planning to hang them out today. That didn't happen. So, they're all on hangers scattered around the basement. I think I have to wash another load, but there's no room to hang them, so they'll have to go in the dryer.

I made a turkey casserole for dinner, and I have a loaf of chocolate chip banana bread in the bread maker. I was going to cook it in the oven, but decided I'd do it this way instead. I mixed it up, then stuck it in the pan. I've never tried doing it this way B4, so I'm curious to see how it works.

And, now that I can ride my bike again, they're calling for rain most of the week! :hit I just can't win.


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
I'm sorry about Butterscotch, Deb. Can't let them suffer but it's so hard to let go! Sounds like life is good for your chickies though!