Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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What beautiful day! It actually got up to 70* today! I so wish I didn't have my appointments today, I would have gotten more done outside, but even so, I got quite a bit done.

I cleaned up the remains of 2 RBs. There was still good hay in it, but my guys weren't touching it. So, I raked it all up and dumped it in CL's field. Her horses were eating it when I left, don't know if they'll eat all of it or if there's some stuff in it that's no good.

Started doing a lot of cleaning up around my RBs. I got most of it done, and unless it rains in the morning, I'll finish that up tomorrow. I have some good hay to put out, but had enough out for the day. I had had to move the wires around the RBs because one bale had fallen on it's side, so it was touching the wires. The wires are now back in place, and I got some of my pallets stacked up out of the way. Hopefully they'll be all moved tomorrow.

I got some more firewood cut and split. I've been working on it bit by bit and bringing it inside. My wood holder in the basement is almost full. I don't know that I'll be able to do any wood tomorrow since it could rain in the afternoon.

I got more of my front garden cleaned out. I didn't get quite done as far as I wanted to, but close. I'm planning on working in the garden tomorrow morning. That way, if it does rain in the afternoon, I'll be able to work in the kitchen instead.

I was going to get some seeds started, but ran out of time. So, I'll try to get them going in the morning.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I don't see how you could have managed to get anything more done lol
It wasn't near so warm here and stayed cloudy all day. I was disappointed!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was warmer here than it felt due to the clouds. It got up to 75, but felt colder.

It feels good to sit down and relax for a few minutes. The rain held off long enough that I was able to get everything done that I wanted to do outside! I got another section done in my front garden. I may be able to finish it tomorrow. I got out the splitter and split up some wood I couldn't split w/the axe. I finished getting cleaned up around my RBs. And, the other wire is back in place. I also filled the hay nets and hung them in the run in. That way, my horses will hopefully stay dry. It's supposed to be colder tomorrow, and I'm hoping that if they don't get soaked, they won't need their blankets on. It was just too warm to put them on today since it got up to 75*!

I also got some of my seeds started. And while I don't have an organic sweet tater, I took one, poked some holes in it so I could stick it a glass of water, and have it sitting in my living room. Right now, everything that I got started is in there. I haven't had time to mess w/either my green house, or that old fridge.

I've been working on getting my kitchen good and cleaned. Today, I got all of the cabinets on the north side of the house washed as well as that wall. I've gotten them partially rearranged, but didn't have enough time to finish. And I cleaned the rest of the kitchen!

Now I'm relaxing for just a few. I need to get dinner, do dishes, and make a fire. I'm thinking I just might do leftovers for dinner. It's going to depend on what I have left in the freezer.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yesterday felt colder than it actually was. The wind did not stop blowing all day long. My horses didn't have blankets on, and Misty was shivering so I had to put her's back on. Plus we could get more snow on Monday! :hit I didn't even attempt to do anything outside. I hope to get to it today, but we'll see. And, it was so cold yesterday that I spent the morning hiding in RU's house-we didn't have Bible study.

Right now, I'm exhausted. I haven't slept well for the past 2 days. I would have like to have gotten to bed early last night, but I had dinner to go to. I was so tired I was having trouble staying awake during a speech. And I didn't leave until almost 9:00. I would have liked to have gone straight to bed, but I had taken the sheets off the bed and hadn't put clean ones on B4 I left, so I had to do that.

I need to leave early today. I have to go to friend's house and feed her horses for her as well as go to the feed store. RU and I might go and get the fencing for my new field. If we can do that and get the fence posts we need, we can get started on putting the new fence up next week! I'm not even attempting to make a list right now. I know what I have to get done and just don't have the time to make a list. It's still getting done and I am slowly starting to see progress both inside and out. I've started taking some B4 photos and will be taking after photos later on.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Not yet, but the wind did flip my canoe over. I'll be going out tomorrow and covering some stuff back up and flipping my canoe back over. I'll be busy this weekend since we can get snow on Monday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, it's snowing out. And, I had stuff that I needed to do first. I had to blanket the horses. This is the best they've ever stood for it, so I think they're getting used to it. I also filled and hung the hay nets so they could get out of the snow if it was really bad. And, w/all the wind that we've been getting, I had to put part of my hay shelter back together. CL was there when I went to put the tarp back up, so that made it easier. I tied the "door" on better, so that should help.

At home, I needed to do some wood. I still had some wood needing to be cut and/or split from the last time I got wood. I got most of it done. I still have enough for another day or two, then I hope to be able to get another load. I'm hoping to get a load a week. And if I do it right, I'd be able to fill up the wood shelter, then clean up where I want to put the next shelter. Then I can get that filled. And, if there's still more wood out there, then I plan on piling that up next to the sheds, and use that up first. I'm hoping there's enough out there for at least another winter or two.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby's working all kinds of overtime, so I stayed up late last night so I could spend a bit of time w/him. After he left this morning, I went back to sleep. I need to get moving. I have a lot to do today. I'm going to start putting fake eggs in a little house that's in my broody pen. I'm going to try and get one of my hens to go broody in there since I can shut the door, and won't have to worry about any one else laying eggs in there.

I candled my duck eggs last night, and have at least 10 that are developing! I'll check them again next Monday, and if I can't see any evidence that the others are, they'll get tossed.

After yesterday's snow, it's supposed to be warmer and sunny today. I don't think I'll be able to finish the last of the wood that I need to cut in the woodshed, so I'll probably just bring some in. I don't know if I'll be able to get any wood this week or not.