Do you ever feel like giving up...but didn't? New strength to go on...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Beekissed said:
Hey, Aly....going to put that milk cow and her calf up for sale. You interested in a cow/calf pair and bred back? :D
Absolutely! (And I'm serious!) Pm me your asking price, Ernie and I will discuss it and see if we can come up with a trailer to haul home and I'll let you know!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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It is the season and for us ladies, hormones...LOL

I always want to give up when early spring comes and then by now my mind is frazzled from the SS farm lifestyle (cause I sell this as a business and work very hard at it) along with all the other summer stuff like mowing, etc. etc.

I am 48 with a 4 year old daughter. Hormones are kicking in definitely along with some mood changes included!! I know, I can tell when they are coming..HA HA HA

In late fall and winter, I am much more happy. I hate the weather time then, but my workload is so much slower and easier.

So hang in there, fall and winter are coming and it becomes easier....and yes, I am getting the aches and pains in the old body....I know!!!!

Just remember when you eat those veggies you canned, or that meat you raised, YUMMY, beats the store every time!! Makes it worth the work then....when you are doing the work and dealing with tons of animals like I do, then it seems like you want to give up!!! When the workload slows in winter, then it seemed worth it..HA HA HA


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I read about half of this thread. Can I crash this pity PARTY!!
When my DH lost his job with AT&T he took another job and his wages have been literally cut in half with the loss of bonuses and perks! We never lived beyond our means before but we lived right up to them.
The boys went to camp this weekend...the paper clearly said it was $25. When I picked the boys up the ranger commander said there must have been some miscommunication because it was $45 per kid...that is times three for me! That is another $60 I have to come up with by Wednesday. I nearly had a meltdown!! We drained our bank account down to ZERO dollars before DH got paid on Friday. By the time he pays for gas to go back and forth to work we do not have enough money to buy groceries or pay bills! The boys would not have gone on the camping trip if I would have known it was that much. Plus I had to give them $25 for food for on the way down and back.
DH's boss showed him the order paper and said they do not have any orders for the month of August at all!! And only a very small order for the month of July. They already laid off 17 people at his work a little over a month ago.
I feel like I have been doing terrible at being SS because I have no money to do anything with! Right now we are eating up all of our food storage.
We have already dropped everything for the kids...Tae Kwon Do, piano, ect. Rangers is the only thing left that they are doing.
I need to get some of my chickens butchered because feed is about killing us. But DH will not help butcher them in any way. Most of my chicks that I hatched are not even big enough to go in the freezer so it is kind of pointless to butcher them...but then they are eating feed like crazy!
I have not even felt like sewing.
I feel like I would have moved into the pity party house and paid rent if I had enough money to cover the rent!!
I just do not see a light at the end of this tunnel and that is what makes it seem so much harder!!
OK! Done whinning!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 13, 2009
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Bee I hope you feel better soon. I do know where near as much SS work as you do but we are only 4 years apart in age and I know hormones are a total bitch!

I will be on medication for life because of them, and have certainly had my bad days, spent 6 months in hospital because of it over the recent years. Sending peace and love to you.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
Hey PamsPride,

Dont ever feel guilty about having to drop your kids extra activities! There is plenty to do and learn at the family farm.

Instead of camp for my daughter one year, I signed her up for all the different church camps (day time only, but that's ok). She had such a good time learning everything about all the different churches. I (as a single mother) got a fantastic break without having to spend any money. Those church camp dates are all staggered too, which makes it a flexible alternative.

Keep your chin up.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Oh, Pamspride! I feel so bad about whining about the little stuff when you have all that going on! I will pray for your life to smooth out soon, I've been where you are at and it is hard to explain to kids why they can't do what their peers are doing because the cash flow is dammed up. Its a desparate feeling and it hits you most when you go to bed at night and start to think about it.

I think its good to know that we have troubles, each and every one, and the SS road is not always the smoothest path. Its also good that we can reveal that to each other....not as a weakness, but as an equalizer. Most of us have been there~money troubles, health problems, family problems, too much to do and no time to do it all in.

Group hug and group prayer is in order......huddle up, folks! :hugs :bow


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Quail_Antwerp said:
Beekissed said:
Hey, Aly....going to put that milk cow and her calf up for sale. You interested in a cow/calf pair and bred back? :D
Absolutely! (And I'm serious!) Pm me your asking price, Ernie and I will discuss it and see if we can come up with a trailer to haul home and I'll let you know!
Hey, Aly, PM me an offer and I let you know if I can afford to accept it....we'll go from there. I must admit that I've never sold a cow before, so this is all new territory for me. :hu


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
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Springbrook, Ontario
Ohhh Bee, I OFTEN feel like that! ... When I look outside and realize that the picket fence isn't finished, the garden is being swarmed by... WEEDS, the rock garden isn't done, the chicken run could be finished, The duck house needs cleaning, and so on and so on and I've got a $2300.00 Visa bill, and I really need gas for the mower and CATERPILLARS are eating my freaking apple trees and I just want to shut down and give up. BUT I haven't yet, it's worth really is, and I have learnt a lot from the mistakes I've made, like our raised beds are going in because we just cannot battle the weeds in a plot garden here, and the visa is being paid down, and I've sprayed the apple trees with insecticidal soap and bought dormant spray for the spring.

It's all worth it. Out of all of this, mum has made her cleaning business completely green, we have some monster tomatoes in the works humming along nicely in our tomato garden, the peppers are looking great, and I'm putting in the new raised bed to start more corn, spinach, and lettuce to make up for the early season losses I had.


Maa Maa Mama
Jan 25, 2009
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Wow, it really must have been going around last week. I sat and cried late into the night several times last week. My life isn't as complicated as all yours seem to be, but I am raising a bottle lamb by remote, and between driving and feedings, I was only getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night, and maybe a nap during the day.

I was so tired I got sick and that made everything worse. I wasn't paying attention moving the lamb pen and ripped my toenail off. Then I was so tired I couldn't see straight and fell down a flight of stairs. Fortunately I didn't break anything.

Then my husband found out that his job may require even more deployments, and I thought of doing this all alone forever, and this isn't even everything. I thought about how much easier everything would be if I just bought my meat from a supermarket, my veggies from a can, and lived in a darn apartment, so I wouldn't even have a lawn to mow.

I do get tired of SS life. I get tired of all the work involved, both physical, and mental. Of the worry of animals and a garden, and having to constantly defend my lifestyle and choices.

I have to tell myself that everything doesn't have to be perfect, that there is always tomorrow, or next week, or next year. And money is only money. If I spent too much of it on whatever, I have to tell myself it would have been spent on something else eventually. And I have to let myself sleep. Even if everything seems terribly important and urgent, if I don't get enough sleep I will get sick and not be able to do it anyway.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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There is SO MUCH to do every single day!

Time to give ourselves a break!!!

And learn to "just go with the flow" and not try to do it all! Advice I sure need to take to heart! :)