For REAL!??????

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Jan 24, 2009
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Amos said:
FarmerDenise said:
That may be fine and dandy where you live, but not for those of us who are surrounded by brainless idiots who brandish guns to make themselves feel like bigshots.
You don't have to convince me twice! As I posted on BYC one time, when my parents and I went to rent a goat buck for breeding, the guy who owned the buck made 'persuasive comments and movements' you could say, about and with his hand gun. Little did he know, that innocent little me was in the pickup with a shotgun tucked under the seat. Just in case. Nothing esculated, but thats what I'm talking about, I'd rather know that I have the possibilty to protect myself at all time, rather than have restrictions on it. Personally, I think people who do use weapons in unnecessary ways and to make themselves feel better shouldn't be allowed the even touch one, but you can't take the jelly out and still have a PBJ.
It's strange. I used to have confrontations with people when I was a youngster. Kept a 3ft pipe in the backseat just in case. There was more than once when I had occasion to brandish that weapon. When I stopped carrying it around I somehow stopped having confrontations. I think it happened when I moved to San Jose and read the news about a guy getting shot to death because he flipped off a gang banger.

I think when you don't have a gun in your car or in a holster it takes away a degree of bravado. You mind your own business and communicate in a less intimidating manner. I think guns for home protection are great. Carry permits are a little over the top. In 50 years I've never been in a situation when a gun was needed. Of course I don't look for trouble and I don't live or travel in areas where there's much chance of needing a gun. If someone walks up to your car and sticks a gun in your face they're going to get your car. If you have a gun under your seat they're going to get a gun too. Either way your going to be sitting in the street. If you try to go for your gun you'll probably just have a bullet in you to boot.



Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
The Second Amendment was written for a reason, mainly to protect me from people who want to disarm me. I'm happy for you, that you don't see the need. You fortunately don't have the power to take away my CC permit - yet.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb." - Benjamin Franklin

I've obviously read enough of this, and am having a hard time moderating myself. I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry one bit. I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop, and those of you who think it isn't going to really need to get a clue.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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reinbeau said:
The Second Amendment was written for a reason, mainly to protect me from people who want to disarm me. I'm happy for you, that you don't see the need. You fortunately don't have the power to take away my CC permit - yet.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb." - Benjamin Franklin

I've obviously read enough of this, and am having a hard time moderating myself. I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry one bit. I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop, and those of you who think it isn't going to really need to get a clue.
Well said, Ann! :clap


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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If guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns!! Get a clue people! these criminals who brandish these guns in your face to rob & shot you are not using a registered to them gun, it was stolen out of a law abiding citizens house as was the ammo, so to use it to trace to solve crimes will not happen. I am sure the guns that were stolen out of my db's house last yr are in Mexico & being used in these kidnappings/murders that are happening in vast quantities over there now. They got his shotgun my parents bought him when he was 9 or 10. Did he ever use it for anything illegal? No just hunting as it was intended, & we are sure it is sawed off & ruined now. The only gun they did not get was the one he kept in his pickup.

The second ammendment says absolutely nothing about having to register guns or have a permit to own one or to show ID to purchase ammo &/or ammo making supplies. That is another freedom that is limited at this point. And believe me the bleeding heart control freaks are just waiting for us to turn our backs again & strip us of this right completely.
Again I am a Constitusionalist & believe this country needs to get back to the fundamentals of the constitution to run & govern this great nation. The gov't should not have the right to set salaries for businesses as they now are doing too.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Big Daddy said:
I don't see the problem with registering guns or ammo. From a law enforcement perspective it's a no brainer. Of course I don't have a deep seated fear of the Feds taking my guns. If I was afraid of that, then I wouldn't want to register anything either. Taking away millions of guns would be quite an undertaking though. Be a lot of dead people having guns pried from their cold dead hands. Probably a lot of dead law enforcement people too. So I don't see it happening.
I don't want to stir the hive, so to speak, but this really makes a lot of sense to me. Just consider the logistics of disarming an entire nation. Yikes! I don't see it happening!

Let's consider what other things are on record--home ownership, car registration, driver's license, children being given SS#. I guess I just don't buy into the slippery slope argument. I think such hard-core refusal to budge just makes a person so unreasonable that the other side HAS to force the issue into some commonsense ground. JMO.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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But there would be more fools who would just hand over their weapons & ammo than wouldn't "because the gov't said to". So who is using fear now? Not me. Would i just hand over our guns & ammo? No I would not, would my dad or brother? Not one your life! Why? Because it is a right given to us in the constitution "The right to keep & bear arms". This adminstration won't succeed at it any time soon, as Reid & Piglosi do not believe in arms control(only positive I have found about either of them). That is what this countries freedom was fought & won for the freedom to make these choices & decisions ourselves, not big brother looking over our shoulder telling us how to live our lives. For those who really want to see change in Washington, send a message next election do not vote for the satus quo help clean house & put new people & new ideas in there. Get rid of the Barney's & Teddy's!!!


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Homesteadmom said:
The second ammendment says absolutely nothing about having to register guns or have a permit to own one or to show ID to purchase ammo &/or ammo making supplies. That is another freedom that is limited at this point. And believe me the bleeding heart control freaks are just waiting for us to turn our backs again & strip us of this right completely.
No, and it doesn't say anything about property taxes, speed limits for transportation or keeping food melamine free. As for the "bleeding heart control freaks," I have never in my life heard someone propose stripping Americans of their guns. If there is a plan to do so, it is so incredibly well hidden that nobody has even heard of it.

If you consider the spirit of the Constitution and its amendments, it seems to always be balancing rights with responsibilities.

I suppose name calling and insisting people who disagree are like ostriches with their heads in the sand helps vent some frustration. But, even young children learn that rights must be counterbalanced with responsibility.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Homesteadmom said:
But there would be more fools who would just hand over their weapons & ammo than wouldn't "because the gov't said to". So who is using fear now? Not me. Would i just hand over our guns & ammo? No I would not, would my dad or brother? Not one your life! Why? Because it is a right given to us in the constitution "The right to keep & bear arms". This adminstration won't succeed at it any time soon, as Reid & Piglosi do not believe in arms control(only positive I have found about either of them). That is what this countries freedom was fought & won for the freedom to make these choices & decisions ourselves, not big brother looking over our shoulder telling us how to live our lives. For those who really want to see change in Washington, send a message next election do not vote for the satus quo help clean house & put new people & new ideas in there. Get rid of the Barney's & Teddy's!!!
There seems to be a persisting misunderstanding of the spelling of the name "Pelosi." Just want to straighten that out :)


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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reinbeau said:
The Second Amendment was written for a reason, mainly to protect me from people who want to disarm me. I'm happy for you, that you don't see the need. You fortunately don't have the power to take away my CC permit - yet.

I've obviously read enough of this, and am having a hard time moderating myself. I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry one bit. I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop, and those of you who think it isn't going to really need to get a clue.
I have to agree with that.. I don't think I need to explain myself to have a point.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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me&thegals said:
Homesteadmom said:
The second ammendment says absolutely nothing about having to register guns or have a permit to own one or to show ID to purchase ammo &/or ammo making supplies. That is another freedom that is limited at this point. And believe me the bleeding heart control freaks are just waiting for us to turn our backs again & strip us of this right completely.
No, and it doesn't say anything about property taxes, speed limits for transportation or keeping food melamine free. As for the "bleeding heart control freaks," I have never in my life heard someone propose stripping Americans of their guns. If there is a plan to do so, it is so incredibly well hidden that nobody has even heard of it.

If you consider the spirit of the Constitution and its amendments, it seems to always be balancing rights with responsibilities.

I suppose name calling and insisting people who disagree are like ostriches with their heads in the sand helps vent some frustration. But, even young children learn that rights must be counterbalanced with responsibility.
there have been for yrs people trying to get more arms control in this country & that includes taking guns away from everyone but the police & military. When Reagan was shot it was all over the news & I was a teenager then & I remember it. Every time there is a school shooting or a disgruntled employee shooting a bunch of co-workers it comes up again.
As to the responsibility part most gun owners are responsible it is the criminals who think they are above the law that ruin it for the others.
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