Need imput/approval regarding new official journal "questions" list...


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Wildsky said:
I still wish folks would write more in normal threads, with a clear subject line, I don't have the time to get into everyone's journals, and I just know I'm missing some good stuff.

I prefer things in their own little threads - that can be easily found and read, just a few pages instead of wading through hundreds of journal pages to find info or read news...
I agree. I do'have time to read the journals, (i will pop in if the title is interesting, but not always)and when you are searching for something, journals pop up all the time. It is difficult to sort throught eh chatter andthe meat when you have 700 pages to go through.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
You can sort your search results by POST instead of TOPIC, and that helps a lot when trying to find stuff. Yet I still can have a hard time finding stuff I know I wrote! :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
FarmerJamie said:
savingdogs said:
You are right, they are! I'll fix that. I guess I'm really interested in what people are growing! :lol:
Maybe a difference between the garden and the basement? :D
Huh? I don't understand this comment.
SD, you're too protected! We need to get you out more often. :cool:


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
dragonlaurel said:
savingdogs said:
FarmerJamie said:
Maybe a difference between the garden and the basement? :D
Huh? I don't understand this comment.
Either somebody is starting seeds for spring planting -or- growing something they can't talk about too openly.
Not me! Do the kombacha, cheese, or fermentation count?


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Denim Deb said:
savingdogs said:
FarmerJamie said:
Maybe a difference between the garden and the basement? :D
Huh? I don't understand this comment.
SD, you're too protected! We need to get you out more often. :cool:
And here I thought you were talking about mushrooms.... that's where my dad used to put his ****ake log.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Icu4dzs said:
Friends all,
The suggestion SD is making is a good one and I like many of the questions that have been suggested. However there are some concerns I have about the depth of some of those questions and I will share them with you all here.

First, I have no idea where to find the original list of questions so finding this one should be easier technically, I would hope. The questions in that list appear to reach for a specific socio/cultural perspective that tells us how much we are "alike" and really divulges very little factual/important information about us and our "resources". Yes, Disneyworld has more to offer adults...but it educates children. Do you remember "The Land"? It was the reason I have been there twice.

Second, I would refer you to a post I intiated a while ago about "Who reads what we write" and then ask you some questions about the current proposal. Most of us do share the same goals and aspirations to be as completely ss as possible. Many have a variety of reasons all of which are valid, particularly to those whose reasons they are. However, it appears to me that the answers to some of the questions are perhaps a little TMI. It would seem kind of reasonable to keep ones' personal information just a bit more private unless that is the type of information you want publicised to the entire world. As I said in my other post, I would assume there are folks reading these posts (lurking I think you call it) who are doing internet reconaissance for their own (sometimes nefarious) purposes. The question therefore is just how much information do you want to share with them?

On the other hand, we use this list of questions to establish a baseline of shared purpose in what it is that we as SS'ers do. It might be wise to share the more "personal" or financial detailed answers as "PM" rather than out in the open unless you just don't care who knows what you have, where you have it and why you have it. I'm not convinced all our readers are as honorable as we would like to believe. We've seen some "interesting characters" come and go. What do you think their purpose has been? Does anyone actually know what is true? Does anyone really tell you their "real" information? Remember, this IS the Internet. How many of us actually know that one of the readers is NOT in some other country that might want to do you harm?

While I have been on this Forum, I have enjoyed the conversations wth the SS'ers here. Without a doubt the folks who are truly making the effort (the "ants" in our society) are easy to distinguish in their approach to the subjects and issues we face.

I am not convinced however that everyone who comes and goes here or anywhere on the Internet for that matter has the same honorable purpose. I guess I am suggesting we be a bit more careful about what really personal information we divulge in terms of issues that could cause us certain problems or disastrous consequences later.

As one of you signs their notes "Ignoring reality does not relieve you of the consequences of ignoring reality" (or words to that effect. with apologies to the author) The answers to some of these questions can be easily extrapolated for use by those who would collect "INTEL" for purposes other than "witty banter" between good, well-meaning friends.

The world is no longer a safe place for anyone. Our country is (in some places) no longer safe. How many of you have walked through a barrio in Lost Angeles or NYC or Detroit or even a smaller city/town near you? 911 has shown us that we are still asleep on this issue. We have learned that our country has been infiltrated by the enemy. Any of you who doubt this need only look around you. Do you absolutely trust everyone you have met or know? My guess is that there are some "new folks" who may have moved into your area; about whom you know little if anything, but they just seem to be able to "show up" at interesting times. Some are coming as workmen who weren't called by you, some are any number of "disguises" but they manage to "show up" at your place and "oops, wrong address, sorry!" and leave. What did they learn on their "fact finding trip"? They move in and out of areas with no particular rhyme or reason. Many of them are on "General Assistance" or what ever you call welfare. Where do they come from and where do they go? How many of them wear "colors" on their heads? Why?

Now all of you who immediately assume that I am insufferably paranoid, might just think about what I am saying before making that diagnosis. You may be right but after you have seriously considered what I am saying and really look at what is around you, the answers to these questions may or may not be the things you want some folks to know.

In the immortal words of Siegmund Freud, "even paranoid people have enemies". The "rules have changed" and we Americans are still trusting of every one around us because they are here in America. I am suggesting that this may not be as wise a decision as it once was for we who so trusting of our friends and neighbors might think. Additionally, this loss of trust of our neighbors and friends has to be examined as that is the intial step in destroying our society. Think back to East Berlin. Think to any tyranny that has neighbors "informing" on each other. It is a technique by an opposing "force" to destroy the fabric of our American society and to break our American Spirit. We need to be able to see it and defend ourselves from it if we are to stop what they are doing, and YES, it is THEY. This is not a single individual it is a movement and we need to be able to see it for what it is.

Sorry this is so dark, but things are changing around us at a velocity that is difficult to comprehend. "Keep your butt down, your head on a swivel and your powder dry" folks!

Remember, if you want to know, Think Right, too!
... --- ... / ... --- ...
// -... - //

I see nothing dark in your reply! It is what it is, and have older generations agreeing with you! I'm virtually "new' here and overly excited about being back and finally "living the life"!

It's NOT us we need to worry about, it's the one's that can read and that don't participate that are the ones to worry about. Not all of them could/would be a problem, but why take the risk.... I've been thinking about that a lot!

More to say later...


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I think this might be a good place to remind people that our journals are NOT meant to be diaries......


I try to use my journal as a way of telling the world what i see. If the world doesn't like my reporting, that's too bad. Poor little naive world just has to get over it. The facts. Just the facts, please!