Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Wifezilla said:
Measuring to make sure you have enough room for some goats? :D
She can always put them on the roof! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol i think id have to,not sure w many goats you can squeeze into a 700 sqft house lol.
i do know however that i might have someone coming ount to I've me a quote on some brushogging...if h can do it for me and i can afford it, means fences over the winter and goats in the spring.....woooot!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well I accomplished e big thing I wanted to this week...other than signing the papers that is...

The fence is up...not the whole fencing of course, but there's now a n approximately 20 x 25 area off the carport that is fenced that is doggy land, at least for now, it's nothing but clay under there ring now due to the big ole possibly pecan tree, so it's perfect for them to get dirty in and pee all over. Eventually the fence will be expanded back around the back of e property and the area that's currently known as doggy land will become a nice seating patio meditation area with a fire pit, seats and a small above grade pond and some nice shade loving plants that won't mind the shade form the free, there's some hostas currently planted at the front of the house that look like he'll that I'm planning on moving into at area, some ferns, coral bells and whatever other shade lovers I can find that will happily live in the dappled light of the tree.

I do need to Jerry rig something about 14 ft long to block off the carport front itself to Finnish the dog area, but I don't want to spend a fortune on it as it will be temporary, eventually the carport will become a screened in room, and this week I still need to use it for parking, I'm a tad paranoid when it comes to the rental car lol.
I've got a white metal playpen that couldnwork but I think it's only about 12 ft long...I'll figure it out lol.
Or I could just get a couple of peices of the plastic lattice it'll get used on the front of the house once I screen the room, not yet sure what I want to grow up the house though, clematis, maypop/passion flower and climbing roses all make me swoon, the house is a slate grey color and right now the front door is dark green, and the trim is white...the door is soooo getting paints barn red once I get to that point so I'm thinking either red climbing rose and white sweet autum clematis, or oneof the red clematis and cream roses...or a red and cream rose....gah.
I want the front of the house to be mostly red white and pink flowers with the odd pop of bright yellow for contrast.

But yeah as I was saying, the little fenceis up and it's not the prettiest fence, it's not the most tint of fences (no stretcher) and it's certainly unlikely ti be the straightest of fences (my measuring tape is only 12 ft lol). But it's up it's sturdy and my god those t-posts rant going anywhere.

I'm sooooo glad I invested in a post setter, we used the posts in ct and they were such a chore to get in, couldn't get them past rocks or roots they'd twist and wobble and you need 2 for it I decided since I'm doing this myself I'm not playing that game and sent the extra 25 for thepost setter, I figure there's plenty more fences to come it'll certainly get used more than once...
Oh my goodness, I couldn't have done it withoutt that stupid thing! The ground is clay and very dry right now (apparently finger onlygot a drizzle when the rest of TN got dumped on lol) and there's no chance in he'll I would have been able to get them in more than an inch without it...

Wo would have thunk heavy mettal tube with handles could be such a great invention. The posts whent in straight, no mauling no fuss, no me throwing my back out on a swing or smacking myself with a mallet...just lift andlet it drop a few times and Ta da!

I do think however that I need to be very careful when puttijjg posts in...these things rant going anywhere, they won't even wiggle and I'm sure once it rains and that TN clay gets washed in even more and setsup...yeah I think there permanent.

I also know at I'm going to have to hire someone with a post hole digger for any wooden corner posts that need to go in...and in the future 2 stron men will be buying and putting the fencenin for me, I'll put the t-posts up no problem...
But I whent I today with the wacky intention of saving cash by buying the 350 ft roll of woven...yeah not happening, couldn't even begin t move it...
So I tried he 150' I could have rolled it around but getting it out of my car and lifting it to stand it against the pt I ended up spending a little extra for 2 50ft rolls of the field fence. (4th height)
It worked because I could easily handle it on my own, but fencing and cross fencing 4 1/2 acres in 59ft rolls, would cost me a small fortune...
And eventually I would like a woven wire perimeter fence to help keep critters out and mine in should a paddock fence fail ect.
Plus I'm a firm believer f good fences make good neighbors lol.
And at least if I can get 2 big burly men to house he 350ft'll save me a lot in the long run.

Any who...feeling very accomplished.
I ate out today too at the Casey jobs village, had the buffet because I'd pay about the same for a meal anywhere else, lovely fod and had my very first each cobbler. Yumm.
Will have a sammich for dinner a little later.

Tomorrow I've got a guy coming out to give me an idea on how much to brush hog this place...fingers crossed it's not too expensive, I'd like to get it done ASAP so I can get a better idea of the layout of the land, and get the goat fence and at least 1 chicken pen done before spring.
Tomorrow afternoon then I plan on heading to chick saw state park for a nice horseback ride and dinner at their resturaunt
And Saturday is the flea market in crump and Adamsville music festival in the morning, fill up the gas tank and then home to pack and take a nap. Need to leave for the airport by about 1:30am, will probably need to fill up the gas tank again in Nashville but the less I have to put in there the better, that's if I can find anyplace open at that time in the morning for gas...

I may have to go early just so I can fill up before dropping the rental car big deal though.

Had a nice convo with my neighbor, apparently there's a dance at the community center every Friday night so I may just have to go there tomorrow night and take a peek and introduce myself...

I'll tell you somehtingn though, today has kicked my tush, I'm really tired in that accomplished kinda way..and what a lovely evening it is!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well my fence got the seal of approval from the brush hog guy...he said, "wait you did that?, it looks dang good!" now imagine what I could do if I had more than a vague idea of what I was doing and the right tools...woot!

Any who guy came out this morning, very nice guy, took a wander around the edge of the clearing...
Gonna probably cost in e $1500-$2000 range to clear the entire 4.3 acres but he'll get me a more accurate quote on that, there's a lot that simply can't be brush hogged and for that he'd bring in the dozer, chainsaws and push hog too, so considering how much there is to do and how young of a job it would be, I don't think thats all too bad really, the biggest issues are the groves of very thick bushes, he'll have to takle those with a chainsaw first to get them to a managable point, and then thie frot corner where the ore wikis owners dumped some junk there's a downed building and a bumper from a car that I can see, so lord knows what else is back there
He'll have to take a dozer to that area and it's tough because that's where e big oaks are...

He's goig to draw me up a price for everything then break it down into smaller jobs too...he has a gps unit so can mark my boundaries out before hand and flag it for me and we can go from there. The other option I have right now is to build a lean to and put up so,e kind of coral panels (the ones with wire)for spring and get a couple goat keep them in there at night and when I'm not around to supervise but during the day take em out on chains obviously fully supervised) and let them start clearing it for me...
I've no idea how long that would take, there a lot of weeds and shrubs and bushes
I'll probably meet somewhere in the middle, have him clear as much of the property in the left half as possible, that's mostly brush and weds, no huge trees to work around, and the temp pen for a couple goats to start working on the rig hand side of the property.

But well see what happens. He's general construction so not only can he mark and hog the property but he'll also do me a good deal when I'm ready to get the fencing started on the large scale...

It'll get there slowly but surely.
First things I need in are the orchard space, a spot for the chickens and a place, even just temporary for the goats....


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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...and so it begins.... :lol:

Looking forward to seeing your experiences throughout this journey.

Just remember to take a mental break from it all now and then. There will always be "something to be done".

Good luck with all of this!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well..thats odd.

Let me preface this by saying I didn't check my water because I didn't bring any hand towels or paper towels, I have whips and hand sanitized so I wouldn't have to wory about paper and therefore more trash or toting an extra hand towel.

But yeah I've been using the toilet in my house no problem since flushes and refills just fine so I didn't think anything of it...
Well this morning I wasn't quite awake enough and wanted to give my face a cold swill...
No water would give a moment of quick spurt, then all i got was a trickle...
Then I checked the hot water...cause I'm an idiot and didn't do it before hand, no hot

So this afternoon I took a trip into selmer, needed to get the water put into my name anyway and figured I could ask about the pressure...the house is old, it's been sat, mane the pipe from the main needs cleaning...

Well folks it turns ut my house has NO water, the water hasn't been switched on at this place since 2005!
blink blink...

Lovely lady at the utilities Dept looked at me nag oes "well isn't that say the toilet works fine?". Yeshiva, but I've got no real water preside in any of the faucets..."well that jis really odd, because showing no dingy water to that house since 2005! Seems you have a magical toilet!"

I couldn't help but laugh...according to their records there is no water on at this house, has not been water on in many years..and despite at, my toilet happily flushes and refills it's tank...the faucets don't do much of anything...but the toilet...oh it works just fine, good suction on it too, could probably suck ya in!

Any who ere coming out on Monday to switch the water on...
And eighth now were all a little baffled as to how my toilet is still alive, it should have drained dry long before now according to their records.

Now also keep in mind thhtat this past winter this house was not winterized at all, water was supposedly on...electric has been on the whole time.
So eier it's a screw up in their records, my toilet is magical, I'm on some kind of additional well/spring that's providingjust enough to act as a back up system...or I'm "stealing" water from the neighbor...

Made sure they had the right screws, made sure I had the right screws...according to the tax man my a dress is the house utilities is saying I have no water at....

I like the idea that my toilet is makes me feel special!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Oh and cute but married brushoged guy got back to me with a. Quote, to tear down the old shed that's currently about 1 good gust before collapsing, haul the none recyclable and none burnable junk and hog, chainsaw and bulldoze back as far as he can and rip out as much as possible to make accessing the back property line doable, plus him doing my countries too will be about $700

Not bad as I was expecting almost double that.

So I'm hoping to have enoh left after moving costs and bills for sept and October to get it done...
However it may have to wait untill spring as I've got soo much to do and I can get started on what I already have cleared...
There's plenty of room for my first chicken tractor (it'll eventually be a rabbit tractor for my meaty buck, but for now il get started on some chicks lol) and a small temporary pen for a couple of goaties. Wich I could even take out while I'm home and let them start brush hoggin!

Lots to ut onnthe list..the good news is I finally fond the color they painted my kitchen cabinets with so now I can actually work on finding a color that will work nice in there, rig now I'm thinking a copper backsplash a nice copper on one wall and cream on the others with lots of red and gree accent pieces, a slightly Mexican flare I think, warm welcoming and will go nicely within the red and cream theme I'm planning for the living room. Te guest bedroom will be blue and chocolate and the front bedroom which will be my bedroom is going pink and green, because I want to :p

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