Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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It's the hours sis as far as I know. I just usually put a regular incandescent on them, but have used CFL's...makes no difference which kind in my experience.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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excellent, means solar will work :D

oh and someone wants to trade the bobwhites for some A&M 3-4 week olds and a bunch of A&M eggs.
the downside with the A&M's cant be color sexed...the upside, they get pretty dang big...
hoping to make at least one breeding group, after that, if youd like some :D any extra males will go to freezer camp. figured its a good deal gives me my first try at incubating quail eggs, and ill likelyhave at least a couple at the beginning of October for meat :D

having some breakfast, then gotta get dressed and get Talies Day Pack sorted out before heading out to selmer. want to stop at the park, need to stop at the feed store, and then off to a friends house for lunch. :)

weather this morning is beautiful, windows are open, I had to wear a light weater to do chores, were sitting right at 62 degrees with a proposed high of 75...THIS is my kind of weather!!! give me this and a heated pool/hot tub and id NEVER have a weather related issue again!

so yeah, gonna go mae a start to the day.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Awesome deal sis! Who cares if ya can't sex them really...they will be dog food anyway :hu The A&M's now don't get any or much bigger than the regular Jumbo Browns anyway. The larger size has pretty much been bred out of them. It sucks, but for your purposes it doesn't truly make a difference. These eggs are super easy to hatch. I have heard folks have trouble with them, but I never have :hu Usually 18 days and I have a bunch of babies.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah one of the guys at the co-op aid hatching is easy heck stick em in a bowl in the sun and 2 weeks later babies! after that however they seem to look for ways to kill themselves...
but honestly the Cotx I got form you seem fairly mellow, they come to he front when I go to feed an water and watch me and chatter away at me no launching themselves at the cage roof yet LOL!

oh well time to get with the clothes and head on down to selmer...first stop, feed store, then to the park.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah, they are pretty mellow. I LOVE that about these!! Have a good day at the park sis!!!! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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today whent wonderfully, Tallie acted exactly how she should.
whent to the feed store where the guy goes..."oh that a pretty min...wait its feet are huge!" lol
it seemed to be the theme of the morning, everyone thought she was a min pin until they saw her feet LOL!
from the feed store we whent to the park. se was not keep on the idea of walking over to where the crowds were so I carried her to a quiet spot neer everything but not clos enough to be in the cnter of the craziness and we sat, and he acted PEREcTLy she observed, the loudness of the speakers didn't bother her and when strangers approached she walked away calmly looked at me and waited for some kind of direction
I would thenhave her sit, tell the apoaching person if they asked to pet her that they could but they had to crouch/kneel down and put out there hand and let them approach her, once they were on her level I told her to "say hello" and she tentitivly did. once she got a good sniff she let them pet for a few seconds then came right back and sat by me.
PERFECT. we worked on some sits and some waits in the midsts of all the craziness and she did exceptionally!

from there off to a frineds for a BBQ lunch/early dinner.
their foster dog has had some dog gression issues in the past so I was a little guarded, and had her hok her to a leash and walk her with me and Tallie...I placed myself in the middle so I could step betweenshoudl any issues arise. there was a little growing and plenty of tension but they pretty uch ignored eachother...PERFECT...they don't have to like eachother but both need ot eb able to ignore eachother, especially since she would like to train this dog as a ervice dog for herself (hearing)
the afternoon whent great a few interactions, id NEVER leave the 2 to play together or anything at this point, but enough that sniffing was ok.
tallie did great the tentire afternoon, hung out quietly, snuggled, pretty much said her quick hellos to the other people before giving them the dobe stare (its an almost "your not my mother' glare LOL!

I lefther in their care for a few potty breaks and it became very apparent that while not overly anxious about the separation she was watching closely for a vry short time shes become very bonded (a trait of the breed anyway) but im hoping that these visits will help her feel morecomfortable if I do need ot hand her off to a "not momy" in the future whil I run to the bathroom or something

we chilled out, came home and got th livestock to bed. prepped the desert and the pasta for the pasta salad for toorrows picnic and now its time to chill out for a little while before bed. Tallie is fast asleep LOL!
all in all a good day!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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shes definatly something! :D

traded the bobwhites for the A&M's this morning. gonna have to wait for croswing before ill know sexs, but its a nice group of 6 PLUS he gave me 30 eggs to set. so those are in the incubator now.
ive also got plans to get a final group of jumbo browns form another friend, probably early October...her lines are huge (about 1lb a piece by 8 weeks) so im hoping between the 4 groups ill have some great breedings for meat production.

need to finnish up the pasta salad, get changed and then will be heading out. gonna hit up lows and pick up a couple t-posts. decided the blocks just don't get the cages high enough off the ground for my liking for the quail, so gona pick up some 3ft t-posts and get them hoisted just a little bit higher for their safety.
gotta stop for gas too
so time to get moving I think.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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picnic went swimmingly!
she did great we had a blast and it was a realy nice afternoon...
2 days in a row of "activity" should be good right?!
oh heck no, yesterday she was a beast, mauling the kittens constantly on the go...ahh puppy energy lol.

today 2 kittens whent home...
I just have the little ginger one left to send to his new home.
momma is slated to get spayed next month.
this is awesome news becaue with the kittens gone that's a lot less hungry mouths, which cuts the feed bill back down again! for itty bitty things they sure ate a lot!
and once the quail ae producing fairly steadily the cats will get switched to raw too and tHAT should make a huge difference in the budget (if I don't end up putting it all back into quail food LOL!) still waiting on this newest batch to start crowing so I can start separating them out hoping to get a breeding group of 4f:1m out of the 6...but we'll see.

later today ive got someone coming to pick up my grimey old range...a frineds redowing all their apliances, they've offered me their not much younger than mine, but its white...clean...and not missing 1/2 the control knobs lol.
im thinking of using the aplance pray paint to paint my fridge white when I get some free time too...theres just something about the off white/almond that makes things look dirty.

so the "new" oven is supposed to be coming either tomorrow or I put my current one on craiglsit, free to a deserving family...and its supposed to be picked up about 5pm for a newly single mother with twins.

nce that's gone ill scrub the floor under it and itll be ready for the new one to arrive when it arrives. I don't realy use it much, I much prefer my toaster oven...but I do use the cook top, and if I ever come to sell a full range is gonna go over better than just a cook top.

im also in the process of respraying for fleas. had a break out of them and ive been getting nipped on the ankles...the stuff I got I residual for up to 3 moths BUT if theres anew population moving in, a light resray wont do any harm...
bedroom and dogs beds are done...gonna go empty out the cooker (I us the oven for storage) so its ready then im going to start cleaning/spraying the back bedroom...once the cookers gone ill clean the kitchen floorand do some kitche cleaning in general, and then sort the livingroom...figure ill spray the livingroom furniture before bed so itll be dry by morning.

tomorrow all the critters get flea topical too (its due tomorrow) and heartworm preventative. and hopefully we'll get the upper hand on the fleas again. I HATE fleas!

and yeah that's it for now.

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