

Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
Quail_Antwerp said:
Beekissed said:
Quail_Antwerp said:
My secret wish was/is to own a thousand acres, have my homestead right smack in the middle, where no one could see it or find it from any major road, and have it completely fenced off!

Not like that will ever happen, but one can dream!

DH wants to move to Montana and build a ranch!
I have the same dream...and it takes place in Montana also! :D
We have wanted to move to Montana forever!! and raise beef!

One of these years, we will do it!
Let's all form a commune and go. :lol:
But, seriously me & DH think of something like this all the time. Even a hundred or so acres here in TN would be ideal.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
My parents own a 180 acre farm, and my dh's cousin owns a 160 acre farm not too far from us. Both places would be open to us if we ever need them. I'd be packing up and going to which ever one makes more sense at the time:>)
This little cabin we are building on our property rightnow is real practice for when we might have to do it ourselves...


Power Conserver
Sep 17, 2008
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And the voice of doom speaks (but she means well): Never let anyone see your preps!!!!! They may be fine people but if they say something to someone else and they say something and on and on..... you may have unwanted guests as soon as things get tough. And they may not even be people you know.

If you look at Katrina you can see a good example of what happens when things go bad. The government was expected to come in and save everyone but it didn't work out that way. Never rely on the government. Not that I'm an anarchist or anything but you really should be able to provide food, water and comfort for your family for at least 5 days and hopefully longer. The government recommends 3 days but I like to see people with extra! Just store things you use everyday and keep it rotated. Back to Katrina, there was looting, rapes and murders and then the government decided to take legally owned guns from their owners. So be prepared for everything. Burying a weapon is a good idea if you don't need to use it quickly. Same thing with burying food. Make sure you have enough stocked up to not have to run out in the middle of winter or in the middle of a fight to dig up your canned food. Your home is your castle .... make it so you are safe in it and prepare for the worst but pray for the best. And the voice of doom goes back to washing her dishes. Something else .... if you plan to use paper plates .... how are you going to deal with your garbage situation? Just a little thing to think about! Washing dishes takes precious water and paper plates make trash. I'm still looking for the best mix!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
if huge problems happen, then burning trash on your property would be best than having it pile up. I definitely have a supply of paper plates.....not styrafoam...paper. They burn. Means for disposal is something to consider also when planning.

just little things to think about. if times got horrible to some degree, washing plates might not be in the time frame of what is happening. who knows? crap shoot regarding what emergencies we are discussing.

a fire pit available in one's yard is a good prep. if you can have one..LOL..I am sure zoning kills that in some areas..LOL


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
FarmerChick said:
... a fire pit available in one's yard is a good prep. if you can have one..LOL..I am sure zoning kills that in some areas..LOL
Of course, in most of the scenarios discussed, zoning laws would be the last thing to worry about.:D

Of course, if someone lived in an apartment, it would make the whole fire pit thing a bit tougher, but for everyone else it would be the way to go.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
so true KOxxx

if all heck broke loose, I sure won't be worrying about zoning laws, or burning down an apt. building..HA HA

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
I think it is more realistic when thinking about defending youself and yours, to picture the most things that are likely to go wrong. If you live in an isolated place where no one knows where you are, can you treat the broken leg when you slipped on a mossy rock or the wound when the axe slipped or the pneumonia or fall into the frozen pond, etc etc etc. Or help those with you?
Or that in a scenario where there are people roving the countryside, desperate for provisions, is a person more likely to be shot when they step out the door by that former special services guy who is really good at sneaking up on things? All bad people are not dumb.
If there are really, really hungry times, all the deer will pretty much disappear immediately as many can hunt. Living off wild food takes adjustment and a well-conditioned digestive system. And good worm and bacteria resistance. Or at least how to treat them.

There were times I remember when meat got very expensive, that animals were slaughtered in their fields , the hindquarters cut off and taken and the rest left. Chickens disappear. No gun battles at all. Just attrition.

What if there are a bazillion preps in a house that some one has just set fire to? If something is buried, will a bear happily unbury it?Bugs find a way in? Cans freeze?
What if you are the person going to a neighbor for something to save a family memember?
In the things I have read about homesteading in really wild areas what that the person who was most hardworking, thoughtful, unimplusive and flexible did best-a woman who could work herself near to death to insure her family survived illness and privations was successful. And success was that most of the children lived past childhood.
A person who could meet the challenges of the long haul. And almost never alone or even with an immediate family only.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
IMAO, during a worst case scenario, a family alone would almost never make it. There are just too many things that are needed, that one family would not have the skills or manpower to do or make. And you can't constantly be in a defensive posture and still maintain crops, the homestead, animals, etc. Small towns would be your best bet for survival.

Personally, I can't see things getting that bad except in possibly a post nuclear strike or civil war scenario. More realistic would be a severe economic depression, and I believe any civil unrest would be limited to the larger population centers. Most of us would be in the same situation as our parents or grandparents during the 1930's, and this is the type of situation that I plan for. I hope and pray that it will never come to that, and if it doesn't I haven't lost anything, I've just gained some independence and a little peace of mind.

If things were to get to the worst case, all that I can hope to do is seek like minded individuals and work together. There are too many variables to plan for such a thing adequately, I believe.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I agree KOxxx

the scenarios can be so varied.

storm type---1-2-3 weeks without power possible
nuclear disaster for the area...??who knows
war in our country ??doubtful but who knows
just financial crash like before???

one thing we all agree....we are working towards steps to ensure that we can make "some time" livable....after that it is a crapshoot....well you know what I mean.

we can never control a disaster or anything. control is not real at all. we can do our best, then ??????????? as it is for every soul!

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