Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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She is okay this morning. Her finger looks really sickening, but she refuses to go to the Dr. over it. She says she'll be fine, it's not too sore. Good thing she's actually pretty tough even though she gets over excited and fainty at the sight of her own blood. Poor dumb kid will learn some day that I'm not so stupid and my warnings are valid mostly from my own stupidity :p I couldn't even be mad at her it was so dumb, I just hugged her and told her it was incredibly stupid to do what I have warned her about a bajillion times. Then I made her laugh by telling her her makeup looked like crap now because she'd been crying and had mascara down to her chin :lol: She'll be fine....hopefully the stupid won't kill her. All I can do some days is just shake my head at her. :hu We've all been stupid at times, so maybe she'll learn from it and NOT do it again. I'm hopeful, at least.

Today I have to go put a fence up for the neighbors. I just got done loading the post after I went and got the post driver from mom's. I guess it'll be a longish day. It's only about 300 or so feet they want fenced off, but it'll take several hours with the twins(age 4) at my heels "helping" all day. Those kids are so funny, gotta love the little nuggets ;) I remember when DD was that size and followed me like a little pup wanting to do everything I was doing. *sigh* Anyway, before i start to ramble, I guess I better head out. Time to make the doughnuts :p

See you all this afternoon, and a last word to the wise....don't hit jars against a tree to loosen lids :p Have a great Thursday folks!!!!!!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Lunch break :p

I got a call a while ago to come get a truckload of fruit this afternoon. So I guess I know what I'll be doing later. I have to haul off a load of steel today and pick up the neighbors kid from school since I'll be going that way anyway to the recyclers. Then after I bring her back home I'll be off for the truck load of produce, then take it around distributing and that should tie up the end to my day :)

I busted blood vessel in my hand with the post driver :/ It hurts :barnie We have most of the posts already driven and we're taking a short break. I guess we'll get the rest of the posts in today and pull wire tomorrow. I won't have time to get it all done today like I had thought I would, but she's really in no rush anyway, so long as we get finished by the weekend we should be fine on time. So, basically I have 3 days counting today, and it shouldn't take anywhere even close to that long to get it done. The nuggets were helping, and I have stickers from my wrist to as high as they could reach on my arms and shirt. :lol: Minnie Mouse, some pink pig, and LOTS of flowers. Ya'll try not to be jealous ;)

I'm going to stuff my face and head back out :frow


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I find stickers in the darnedest places sometimes...my husband looked at me all funny once and started laughing. I was like "what?" and he says "nice nipple"...my son had put a sticker on my boob right where my nipple would be...like a star or something...hubby got a good laugh about it.

I hope her finger is okay, that sounded like it really hurt!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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elijahboy said:
i have a 5yr old son thats exactley the same therefore he is not allowed in the front yard...you wanna ride your bike guy ride it in the 1000 sq ft of dirt backyard...i can see him crashing into a parked car while looking backwards if i were to let him on the street. can you say lawsuit...

Wannabefree said:
When do kids finally learn to listen?!? I had DD emptying a few jars that still had contents that I got from a friend. We have had to do that before with some jars that were gifted. Last time I found her hitting them against a tree to loosen the lid. i TOLD her not to EVER do that, that the jar will break and she'll get cut, and I got the infamous eyeroll and arguement, but she did stop, at least while I was watching......do ya think she REALLY listened though??!?!?! I guess she will next time :/ She has half her fingertip dangling, and a cut on her middle finger as well. And the child gets so over excited!!! When she freaked out she RAN to the house(20 steps) she FELL across the threshold of the porch almost knocking her head on the concrete. There was blood everywhere because she was bleeding like a stuck hog, and she was laying there crying when I jumped up to run out there and see what was wrong after she screamed from falling. Then she almost passed out from the site of her own blood *sigh* I couldn't even be mad at the nut. SEE why she is NEVER driving as long as she lives in this house!??! She is dangerous!!! She doesn't listen, and thinks I'm stupid :rolleyes: :he :he HOW am I s'posed to trust her in a vehicle?
My son ran into something w/his bike-me! He pitched over the handle bars and I ended up taking him to the ER.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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She is okay. I think her hip looks worse than her finger. I didn't realize till this afternoon when she showed me her hip just how hard she had hit the concrete trying to get in the house. She has a huge BLACK...not purple or blue, but BLACK raised knot right beside her hip bone a little further to the side :ep She does bruise easily but WOW that one looks bad!

Well I got the food give out FINALLY! I am so tired. I just got supper done and ate. Now I am supposed to go back down to the neighbors and work on the fence some more. I reaaaaaaally don't feel like it at this point, but I did leave my tools down there, and we don't lack much more...soo...when DH gets back and eats I will head back down there. I haven't seen him but in passing ALL day :(


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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lorihadams said:
I find stickers in the darnedest places sometimes...my husband looked at me all funny once and started laughing. I was like "what?" and he says "nice nipple"...my son had put a sticker on my boob right where my nipple would be...like a star or something...hubby got a good laugh about it.
Wait until they put them on your forehead and you forget and walk into the store like that :p Yeah, I have. Niecey was sticker happy too.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Finally I am DONE for the day :woot We got the last of the posts driven in, and tomorrow we'll start the wire. Now I have to go do dishes :(


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Feeling kinda strange this morning. Hopeful and sad at the same time. The wind is changing around here, and I'm not sure what to make of all of it. There is a possibility we all will be seperated again. With DD in P.S. and the farm going...DH may be headed out of town again for work. Before, I had wanted him to be able to go back to work in his field. Now....I really do, for him, but then I really don't, for "us," if that makes any sense to anybody but me. The thought of him leaving again makes me want to cry. Church won't be the same. Home won't be the same. I won't be the same. I hate feeling like this :barnie Just the idea of it has put me in a funk this morning. I haven't said anything to him, but part of me is REALLY hoping he won't even get the offer. A buddy of his will be leaving in May to go to Kentucky to work, and there is a possibility of another opening. Nothing is for sure yet, but it's looming. Kentucky right now seems soooooooooooo far away, like another country, like too much space between us. I feel horrible for hoping it doesn't happen considering he has been unemployed for a few years now, but I'm selfish, I want him HERE. I don't want to be the good wifey anymore that just hides behind a smile every weekend he has to pack up his clothes and go off to work a stupid long hard job and come back to a cold hotel room and cook or buy his own dinner while I manage here with DD. I WANT TO TAKE CARE OF HIM :hit I want him to come in and put stuff in my way and get on my nerves and keep the TV on the weather channel too long till that stupid music makes me want to scream and throw a shoe through the TV. :( I even want him to keep me up all night snoring sometimes so I can fuss at him in the morning :lol: *sigh* Maybe I want too much..I dunno...I just know my take on money has changed, and I'd rather be without at this point, than have him go off to another state while I tackle the whole shebang of raising a teen and keeping the house and farmlette up. But.....until we get this house paid off, do I really have much choice? Not really. So I guess I'm feeling whiney about it :tongue Sometimes life just sucks. Good things sure have their bad side.

Maybe if I just ignore it.......nah...prolly won't go away :/ Darn it!

Thankfully I don't have too much time to think about it, as I have a fence to finish at the neighbors today, and a bajillion things to do here when I get done with that. I may get another truck of produce to go sell for fuel for the big truck. Then I may get yet another to give out. Then I have to haul a load of steel off and cook dinner. Soooooooo......yeah I welcome the long day!!

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