Sustainability Master
My canned potatoes had an off flavor. Sorta like reconstituted milk powder tastes a bit odd.
Did I do something wrong?
not enough butter and cream
My canned potatoes had an off flavor. Sorta like reconstituted milk powder tastes a bit odd.
Did I do something wrong?
Is the link.
Here's the thing -- worries me but, I ordered one & an ice cream maker. They had issues with the PayPal -- never have! -- used a different method. they declined the charge on a credit card and I got a text from card Co asking, did I buy??!!!!
. When I said yes, they allowed the chg. If it's a screw job, I'll report fraud!! If it's legit and they ship workable stuff, I'll be glad. Lol But 2 companies felt the need to warn me.
Concerned but hopeful. Will know by wed
Rushing to find any co reviews!
Sooo......found 58.8 score...
Overall, all these scores for bestbuysavings.com are consistent, so there is some medium-risk involved. Therefore, caution is advised if you're about to engage.