Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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What a long, tiring day! Hubby's mom came home today, so he was over there for quite some time so I just kept going and going and going. But, for the first time in months, MY KITCHEN IS CLEAN!!!!!! :weee I was able to sit down at my table and eat for the first time in months! I found a few dishes when I was cleaning, so I didn't quite get the dishes all done, but I feel so much better about what I did get done.

I didn't go to the NC. I called up and found she didn't really need my help. I had to go to the post office and I was NOT happy about it. I had to go pick up a letter and for some reason, the card said I was supposed to go to the PO in another, bigger town. It made no sense to me, especially since the PO near me is only a couple of miles away. So, I get there and found out that they used the wrong card. The letter was at the LOCAL PO. So, I had to go all the way to the other one. Got my letter and went home.

Got the majority of the weeding done around my tack shed! It looks so much better now. I have one big thing that it looks like I'm going to have to do. Years ago, I took out a truck tool box. I was going to use it to store feed, but found that it didn't work. For some reason, a bunch of KN's stuff was put in there. I have asked her several times to get it out. I have no use for it and want to sell it. Well, since she hasn't done it yet, I'm going to find something to put all of it in so I can sell it! Right now, it's right next to my tack shed. When I get that out of there, I want to put up a hitching post. That will mean that I have a place to tie my horses to other than a trailer.

Did a bit of work in the garden. I forgot to put that on my list, but did it anyway.

Managed to figure out how to save stuff w/my tree project. So, I'm planning on working on it tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. I'm hoping to get it all done by then so I can send it off, then I can work on my 4-H lessons for the year!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And how! It wasn't easy taking that first step, but once taken it's made it that much easier to keep going.

Is it Sunday yet? I need a day to relax!

OK, time for today's list

1. Put away clothes
2. Wash and hang out some blankets
3. Work in bedroom
4. Feed animals
5. Pick field
6. Do more weeding around tack shed
7. Go to Bible study
8. Feed Stormy, take care of Cindy and chickens
9. Take my parents to the airport. They're going to CA to visit my aunt.
10. Work in garden
11. Feed goats
12. Make and eat dinner
13. Practice piano
14. Work on tree project
15. Collapse

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I have 4 things left to do, put clean sheets on the bed, do dishes, work on my tree project and collapse!

Taking my parents to the airport was interesting, to say the least. My dad drove, so I sat in the backseat. I don't know if it was the car or my dad, but he kept quick steering to the one side. Made me dizzy every time. Then, once they got there and I drove home, I found that driving their car is not something I want to do a lot. I think it was because of how low the car sits as compared to my truck. But, I had stuff flashing in the side mirror, then flash into my eyes. That was NOT good. I'm just hoping it doesn't trigger a vertigo attack. I'm glad that my brother will be picking them up. Their flight gets in next Wednesday night at 10:05 pm! If I was picking them up, I'd probably get almost no sleep that night since I'd get home past my bedtime by quite a bit and would have trouble winding down and going to sleep. Then, I'd have to get up at 5:00, so glad I DON'T have to do that.

Hubby complained last night that I didn't make him any dinner. He got home so late I figured that his SIL probably made dinner and took it to his MIL's. Well, she didn't and I sure wasn't going to make him something that late. I had made something for myself earlier and I was beat. So tonight, I made salmon loaf, baked potatoes and peas for dinner. (It was good) And he calls me to tell me that he's in Philly for a tailgate party. :angry: At least that gives me some food for a couple of other meals.

I didn't have a whole lot of time out at the farm today, but was still able to get some more weeding done. Don't know if I'll work on it any tomorrow or not. I'm getting hay and I really need to get that new post in. I have 2 others that I need to replace, but not sure I'll get them in tomorrow or not.

Next week, I'm going to be changing gears a bit. I'm going to start working w/the horses more. I was going to do it this week, but w/my cold, I just wasn't up to it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I didn't get to bed until 11:00. And not because I was working but because hubby came home w/out calling. He didn't stay in Philly long, then went back to his mother's. I know he ate some of the salmon loaf so I'm wondering if I have dirty dishes now. It was so nice last night, I got done all the dishes and looked around for more. I was almost shocked when I couldn't find any. I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning since I can sleep in.

OK, here's today's list.
1. Wash clothes-namely my Carhartts! I wear them when I ride my bike in colder weather and could have used them a couple of days!
2. Practice piano
3. Work on cleaning basement
4. Get hay
5. Feed animals and bag feed
6. Pick field
7. Unload hay and cover it good
8. Replace at least 1 post if not all 3
9. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of chickens and Cindy
10. Work in garden
11. Feed goats
12. Make and eat dinner
13. Do dishes
14. Work on tree project
15. Collapse


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
You need to add something to your daily list. Something like, ....Relax with a warm/cool drink and a good book... or something like that. You work way too hard.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had a change of plans today. I get my trailer all hooked up and go to get my hay only to find out that they had something come up and forgot to call me! There was no one there except the guy's wife, and she couldn't run anything to get the hay. So, I since I was closer to home than to the farm, I went back home, parked the truck and trailer, got my helmet and keys and took the bike out.

I thought about at least doing the posts. But, while I was doing some work, I hear RU start the tractor up. A few minutes later, I hear it sputtering-then it shuts down. She was out of gas. I honestly don't understand it. Every time I use the tractor, I put gas in it first. However, she'll run it until it runs out of gas. Then, depending on where she is on the farm, she has to walk from there, go get a can, go to the gas station and get more gas, then run it down to the tractor. Then she has to take her vehicle back to the house then walk back to the tractor. :idunno She did get more gas-I heard the tractor start up later, but by then I was already doing something else. I no longer put gas in the tractor until I get it over in my area. There's been too many times that I've put gas in it first-only to have the tractor not start, then RU gets it running and uses up all the gas that I put in. It's much cheaper for me to do it this way.

Since I didn't do anything w/the tractor today, I decided I'd work instead on weeding. I not only got the rest of the area by my tack shed weeded, but I also did the area where I'll be parking my trailer once I leave one out there! I'll be getting the hay tomorrow, but I'm not going to try and do the posts then. I'm thinking I'll probably do them one day next week. We could get some rain tomorrow night, which would make it easier to dig the holes. Truthfully, I was just as happy NOT to do the hay today. It got hot again, up into the 80s. I much prefer it in the 70s-or even the 60s!

I actually found myself sitting down and reading for a bit today. I was just so beat. Dinner I did pizza again. Hubby's not home-he says he's at his mother's. I just hope he really is. And, I did the dishes after I ate! There weren't a whole lot, and I thought about skipping it, but decided I much prefer to keep them caught up. That way, if I were to get sick or have a bad vertigo attack, there's hopefully not a ton of dirty dishes since I KNOW that no one else will do them if I can't.

I had several shirts that I had hung down in the basement awhile ago to dry. And, they smelled a bit musty. So, I hung them out when I did my Carhartts today. That means I have more shirts to iron. And here I thought I was done for awhile. :lol:

Didn't do a whole lot in the garden, only worked for about 5, 10 minutes. But, every little bit done is a step in the right direction.

I'm going to relax on here for a bit, then work on my tree project for just a bit. I am so tired I want to get to bed real early tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Didn't really get to bed early, but I did wake up late. And, I was glad to wake up. I kept having weird dreams all night long. I'm going out to breakfast this morning and all I can say, after the one dream, they'd better have decaf and it better be hot!

Not sure what all I'm going to do today. It's too much up in the air and depends on other people and the weather. But this is what I am hoping to get done at the very least:
1. Go out to breakfast
2. Get hay and unload
3. Cover hay properly
4. Pick field
5. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
6. Work on goat house-we could get an inch of rain or more tonight and they need a new roof
7. Go grocery shopping
8. Feed goats
9. Make and eat dinner
10. Do dishes
11. Work on tree project

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I didn't get everything done. RU decided to have a riding club meeting. I honestly could not tell you when the last time was that we HAD a meeting. But, someone called her about a weekend trail ride and she wants to go, so we had a meeting. So, by the time I was able to get home, it was too late to work on the goat roof, or go shopping. I just hope we don't have really nasty winds. If we do, I don't think the tarp will stay on the goat pen, and I'm not sure about over my hay. I didn't get it tied down as good as I wanted.

Speaking of hay, next year I'm definitely going w/sbs instead of RBs. Getting the hay how I want it where I want it it very difficult to do by myself w/the tractor. Then, once I do get it where it belongs, it's hard to cover w/a tarp. So next year, I'm going to make a hay shelter where I have my RBs. It will be made out of 4x4s, 2x4s and tarps. And, my hay guy is planning on doing sbs next year! This year, he didn't. But I'm thinking he's thinking it will be easier to get rid of the sbs. And the price and the weight he told me is perfect! My horses really like this hay, so it will work out.

I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight. I think one more good night of sleep and I should feel really good for next week. If so, I'm hoping I can get a ton more done at home. I NEED to get Cindy home. She's just not looking good and I can't keep her healthy out at the farm.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I didn't get to the dishes last night. Hubby fell asleep real early, and if I do dishes, it wakes him up. So, I'll have to do them later. My list for today is short. I need a day to relax. I'm hoping to do a lot of my tree project because that involves sitting in a chair and not doing much of anything. There's nothing that needs to be washed or ironed for tomorrow, and unless there's a real reason for it, not much to do at the farm except daily stuff. Even picking my field only takes at the most 30 minutes if I do it every day.

1. Go to church
2. Work on tree project
3. Make and eat dinner
4. Do dishes
5. Feed the goats
6. Pick field
7. Feed Stormy, put out hay, take care of Cindy and the chickens
8. Go to the evening service
9. Collapse