Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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happy 10-10-10!!! whooot! now if i can remember to run right in at 10:10 and get that date stamp on a post! whoot!

there's more turkey pipping! our little one from yesterday got stuck. his membrane dried out and he couldnt budge. so i swooped him up and helped get him mostly free of his pod. the cats were VERY interested in what was going on.

and we have a 3rd hatching also! our first little guy is really impatient and has the run-arounds. he's going around to the eggs and moving them all over. its very very funny.

and Lori - whats a little poop in your bra when you get those cute little faces looking up at you!

isnt it great that so many of us had such wonderful grandma's? wow! my Grandma Minnie was the tops - she had 7 children and 30ish grandkids and i dont even know how many great-grands..and she loved us all. i was so grateful that she taught me her work ethic, how to cook, and frankly...a little (a lot?) about being a good wife. i'm glad i learned that from her and not Desperate Housewives.

it kinda makes me sad that many grandparents now dont have these skills - let alone ldychef's "heritage skills." we had a full on turkey supper almost every sunday at my grandparents.. and now a lot of folks cant even have a turkey supper for thanksgiving. i'm waiting for it to become a microwave affair. anyway.

i'm holding on to all of my grandma's (i can count 4 between me and the big man) lessons. all were hard working, Godly women who loved their families. none of the other grandkids wanted any of the grandma's cooking tools or books... i have many of them. and lots of their hand written recipes. they are my treasures.

my favorite Grandma Minnie joke was when we were making dinner one nite (of course i always helped her) she was telling me about her day and she said "...and so i laid on egg on the stove and...."

but i couldnt let her finish her story because i burst out laughing and said: "Grandma! how did you get up on the stove! And since when do you lay eggs!?!"

we always laughed about that.

and yeah, SD, sometimes i feel out of touch.. but then i see it and i'm glad we just do our own thing. Karen said it well yesterday.. you can see where the country is going. i feel kinda old when i say that.. but we could use a little straightening up and flying right.

and yep FD, we are a nutty little group... but really, i think folks are interested, even if they do make fun of us along the way.

someone asked me if we ever grow any of our turkeys to eat. um...yes, honey, yes we do - most of them. they were shocked. when they asked why i was so thrilled with a big old stainless steel stockpot i got (thanks BR!) i told them that i needed it for making cheese and they couldnt believe it was possible. at that point i couldnt even tell them about cutting the cheese b/c their head probably would have exploded so i just showed them some canned goods and watched their eyes spin around to the back of their heads. they couldnt believe it.

"you mean you dont get food at the store?"

me: nope not so much
he: where do you get it?
me: my yard
he: everything?
me: well a lot of things
he: what if its not what you want to eat?
me: we eat what we have

at that point i coulda just told him that we fly to mars and get green beans there b/c he just couldnt imagine it was possible. or that we wouldnt run out and pander to every whim we had... but used what we got, made do, wore it out, and such. i could just hear him screaming internally "but what if its not what you WANT!"


btw, i had a turkey breast (b/c we are so poor we have to eat turkey from our yard, sheesh!) and green beans-n-bacon for supper last nite. my standing up time was less than it would take to call and order something. i was chowing down in the time it would have taken to have it delivered. now thats my kinda fast food.

happy 10-10-10!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
Several years I collected recipes from my family (including aunts, uncles, cousins)and made each of them a copy. I included a page with births, deaths, anniversary dates, etc. Anyway, one of my aunts sent me a copy of a recipe for making sugar-cured ham, hand-written by my grandmother in 1984. She had been taught by her father when she was just a child. I really treasure this little bit of my grandmother's wisdom. Brings tears to my eyes every time I look at it. I had many breakfasts at her house when she served up biscuits, gravy, ham, red-eye gravy - all cooked on a wood stove in her cozy kitchen.

Bourbon Red

Power Conserver
Dec 7, 2009
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ohiofarmgirl said:
... and now a lot of folks cant even have a turkey supper for thanksgiving. i'm waiting for it to become a microwave affair. anyway.
Ummm - OFG - it already is. Did you know you can actually get mashed potatoes at the store? Seriously - already mashed in a bag or something. Then you heat them up. The neighbor was at a school function recently and was asked about the potatoes they grew. The woman wasn't sure what people would do with them. I mean, how do you, ya know, get them on the table. They only have them as occasional treats and them it's out of the bag. Potatoes that is. Seriously. He just kind of looked at her then his wife drug him away before he could ask just how %$I@#$ stoooopid she really was....


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
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pine county, mn
I used to run a natural foods co-op, and the local home ec classes would come tour the store and "learn" about food - it was always interesting in the produce aisle because, believe it or not, one of the foods most of the kids could not identify were: potatoes!

I kid you not. And when they learned they were potatoes, the kids would be shocked. Shocked kids, shocked co-op staff.

In their world, potatoes come from the frozen food aisle, in bags.

thats when I figured the world truly was going to h-e-double hockey sticks.

Also when I was filling in for one of my staff who was AWOL, and doing her "customer helper" shift, I had a grown woman ask me how to cook potatoes - her husband asked her to make "homemade potatoes".

And yes, I helped her without showing my total astonishment. And yes, she was American.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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golly - i hope you didnt tell them that 'taters grow IN THE GROUND. yikes!

this is reminding me that i stopped taking Sunset Magazine - my last link to the left coast - when their "holiday" issue was all about the drudgery and hassle of making a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal.

i think folks are crazy.

we have another hatch! turkey poult#3 escaped his pod! and i put a few more shots of getting #2 out of his pod - he needed a little help - on my blog. he's the dickens and when his little eyes opened for the first time he saw me. i'm doomed. i know he loves me now. oh golly....


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 26, 2009
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pine county, mn
(sternly telling myself: go plant garlic, you can look at OFG's blog when the daylight is gone)

never mind. can't resist. gonna look.

write later.

how many poults in your shirt today?


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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One of the first things I did with my children was teach them what all the different fruits and vegetables were whenever we saw them.

It kills me that people don't know what to do with a pumpkin other that carve it up and let it rot on the front porch. Are you kidding me?

I really want to experiment with growing new things in the garden next year. Things we've never eaten before. Teach my kids to think outside the box and try new things, even if you don't like them in the end.

I still have to convince my husband that it's okay to mop the floors with vinegar water. :rolleyes: If it was good enough for granny it's good enough for me!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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If it was good enough for granny it's good enough for me!
whoot! them grannies really knew how to git 'er done!

all the poults have been moved out of my bra and into a brooder. i havent seen any other trying to bust out of their eggs yet.. and of course i keep looking and you know what they say... a watched poult wont pip.

or something like that


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Glad you got them in the brooder....I was afraid you were gonna have to go get a bigger bra the way this was headed! :lol:


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
kcsunshine said:
Speaking of Grandma's - back in the 60's and 70's (yes I wore jeans with flowers embroidered on them) if I happened to go to my grandmother's house with a short skirt on, she would she would say, "Honey come on in here and let me sew a ruffle on that skirt." I bet if I had gotten close enough she would have, too. :lol:
We even had a Great grandma! When cousin T proudly went to show Babcia her new going to church dress, Babcia asked what skirt whe was going to wear with that blouse :lol: Those were the days I used to roll up my skirt at the waist as soon as I was out the front door :p Until my homeroom teacher figured it out and told my mother :/

Yup, I learned sooo much from my dear grandmother. I hope to be like her. I have been teaching and showing the kids in my life good oldfashioned skill, whenever I have had the chance.
DD cannot believe how many people her age don't know how to do all this basic stuff, like cooking, mending, simple repairs around the house etc. One of the first things she gave up, when her budget got tight, was coffee at the local coffee hangout. She bought herself a nice coffee maker and started saving a bundle. She still goes there occasionally for the socializing, but then it is a treat, opposed to her morning coffee.

I can't even get out of my bed without having two cups of coffee first, I don't know how people can drive to go get their morning cuppa joe. And then to spend as much on one cup as I do for a weeks worth of coffee.