POTUS Impeachment Trials


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
I am glad it is being done, but doubt there will be much outcome, no matter the decision. I remember Clinton's impeachment and it was.... dare I say nearly a non-event?

I think Trump is a national embarrassment. I'm appalled that I have neighbors who voted for him. I didn't vote for him.... or Hillary. No way! I voted for someone who I thought is qualified and not corrupt. Interestingly, I actually agreed with most of Trumps written platform. His approach to diplomacy is terrifying.

Both parties have gone too extreme, it's a political nightmare. We need for people to be unafraid to break party affiliations and vote their conscience rather than their fears. On both sides! I'll vote for candidates of different parties on the same ticket. Lately, the most moderate politician who ran the cleanest campaign gets my vote. Run a dirty campaign? no vote for you!

We need people to get involved in their local politics. I follow representatives closely, even those I didn't vote for. I follow what's going at state level and share my opinions and gratitude. I am not fond of the finger pointing on either side. It's actually possible to disagree without blaming the other side. Our political systems NEEDS disagreement to function, there's nothing wrong with different of opinion and there's no reason why disagreement needs to lean to extremism.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I am sick and tired of the corruption on both sides and want term limits. The President has term limits to prevent the office becoming a dictatorship. The Senate and House of Representatives need term limits too. The only way to get some of the worst of the worst, most corrupt OUT of office is for them to die. I can't believe people vote for the same-o same-o and expect different results. These people get elected, are paid their salaries and can some one explain to me how they become wealthy millionaires? There should be a 2 term limit. Period.

Haha, then people would actually have to think for themselves and vote for somebody different rather than the same, corrupt, self serving thief over and over.


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier
My dislike of Trump stems from the 80s and 90s when he was an example in our school economics classes of how not to run a business. You can only run a business like he does if you have connections that will continuously bail you out of your bad decisions. He learned all that from his father, though. We studdied him as well. Any normal business would have been under permanently and quickly.

I'm an independent. Both side have good and bad as well as a seemingly increasing amount of radical morons.

I think kids these days need to have nuclear blast drills like I had in school. The major dam next to us along with the one of the army chemical weapons dumps and a nuclear powerplant used for enriching just up river made us at risk if the cold war ever went hot. Put some real fear of how politics can effect their life.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
In 1789, Madison proposed twelve amendments to the federal Constitution, the first ten of which were ratified in 1791 and became the federal Bill of Rights. One of the proposed amendments, which was not ratified at that time, was an amendment that became the Twenty-Seventh Amendment and which forbade congressional pay increases from taking effect until there had been an intervening election of members of Congress. Madison did not want Congress to have power over its own pay without limitation. But he also did not want the President to control congressional salaries, since that would give the President too much power over Congress. So instead, he proposed that an election had to happen before any pay raise could take effect. If the public opposed an overly generous congressional pay raise, the public could throw the offending congressmen out of office when they ran for re-election. (from The National Constitution Center).

Maybe if this had passed back in the 1700's, salaries wouldn't be so bloated. If the public had paid attention to what their elected representatives were doing, they would have voted them out when it became apparent that they were just in it to make money.
Personally, I think an elected rep's salary should be the same as the average middle class American. Maybe then they would try harder to protect the middle class, lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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OCD made me look up that salaries of congress:

Compensation The compensation for most Senators, Representatives, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico is $174,000. The only exceptions include the Speaker of the House (salary of $223,500) and the President pro tempore of the Senate and the majority and minority leaders in the House and Senate (salary of $193,400).

1 These levels have remained unchanged since 2009. Subsequent scheduled annual adjustments were denied by P.L. 111-8 (enacted March 11, 2009), P.L. 111-165 (May 14, 2010), P.L. 111-322 (December 22, 2010), P.L. 112-175 (September 28, 2012), P.L. 112-240 (January 2, 2013), P.L. 113-46 (October 17, 2013), P.L. 113-235 (December 16, 2014), P.L. 114-113 (December 18, 2015), P.L. 114-254 (December 10, 2016), and P.L. 115-141 (March 23, 2018).

Taken from: https://www.senate.gov/CRSpubs/9c14ec69-c4e4-4bd8-8953-f73daa1640e4.pdf

Not really the salaries that make millionaires. A common Joe like most people here could never afford to run for congress.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I am so loving hearing from everyone and your input. What a great group, even if we don't agree the respect is there. Thank you, CC for starting this post. God's Blessings to this great country we call home and to all who reside in it.

YW I wouldn't dare raise such a thread anywhere else, but the group here on SS are respectful of each other and very intelligence. I just thought it an important topic, considering the magnitude of how this will end and the impact it will have on the country. We can disagree, we all are unique and bring a different perspective to the table. Contrary to what many would have you think, there's absolutely nothing wrong with disagreement. Handled in a respectful and civil way, disagreements are actually quite healthy and constructive.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Well we are coming up on two weeks now, I still have not seen or read of anything that I think would qualify as an impeachable offense. As a matter of fact I've seen just the opposite. And when I did try and watch it on TV, I feel asleep, its nothing but a snooze feast, waste of my tax payer dollars.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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I try my hardest to be accepting of everyone's personal opinions. I have no problem if you want to call yourself a Democrat or a Republican. Personally, I feel I am an Independant Voter with a conservative bent. I cannot/will not blindly follow what either "National Party" tells me. Two of my sisters are very liberal, two of my sisters are more conservative like me. It makes for interesting holidays.

But, I find myself in a quandary. I have been buying my spices from an specific store for about as long as they have been in business. They have a number of spice blends that I regularly use for cooking and I am starting to run low. However, since the presidential election I have been receiving emails almost weekly from this company that are spewing hate for President Trump and anything Republican. They are practically foaming at the mouth about the impeachment hearings and such. I have been deleting their emails as soon as I see that it is another tirade against our sitting president - and they have been having some pretty good sales too..

I am having a hard time placing an order with a company that feels it is necessary to continually instigate the hatred that has gripped this country. My DH thinks I should just ignore the guys personal op-ed and just order those things that I need.
Am I being too sensitive? Am I being a part of the problem by not buying from this company that is going out of its way to offend me and belittle certain beliefs that I hold?


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I've seen numerous elections and I've never seen the rabid hatred that I've seen during this presidency. Some people were even calling for Trump's impeachment before he had taken his oath of office! Almost every other president has had to deal with people not liking them and/or their policies, but not like this. I just haven't seen anything that would indicate that Trump is any better or worse than any others, from BOTH parties.