Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hay should be doled out if there is a question as to having enough...
Absolutely! (but I hate it, lol) It is a royal pia to peel it off and put it in racks - but that's just the way it is right now. As Jan mentioned - it cuts the waste to nearly zero. I'm hand-feeding it twice a day. I wish they could go at it all day long because they are dry-lotted and they WANT to eat all day. But, conditions dictate what and how things need to be done right now.
Back into triple digits today but hopefully this is the last of it. A front is on the move in our direction. We've got a 60% chance of rain starting tonight and going into tomorrow. Just in time. I've been watering the concrete slab foundation of my house. Hopefully I got it in time and we won't have any cracks. One of my doors wasn't closing properly and after watering it is almost back to normal now.

I started a couple more worm buckets after losing my first bucket o' worms to ants. Grrrrrr! My bad - I took 'em outside because there were some gnats swarming the bucket. When I went out to get them and bring them back in ants were swarming them. Ants have been horrible since it's been so dry. Not just at my house - but friends that I've spoken to spread over several counties are having the same ant problems.

I neeeeeed to fish so I neeeeeed worms. I get outside in nature and can meditate or not meditate, think or not think, remember or not remember, cry or not cry. It has become 'church' to me. Found a place close to home. I can get fancy and take lots of different lures, poles and equipment or just grab my little Zebco pole and some worms. I can spend 5 hours or just one and be happy. Just catching little blue gill mostly, but I'm ok with it.

My neighbor is expanding my puddle pond. Hope to get it to about an eighth of an acre - or close. When that happens I'll be fishing for some of those little blue gill to toss into my own pond.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It was time. Ugh! Went through my dresser today and did a purge. I've lost a little weight so either tossed or set aside for donation several bags of clothes. Need to go through the closet next even though I did it a couple years ago. Need to do it again.

I had a check-up yesterday with DH's cardiologist. Woo Hoo, I passed the EKG with flying colors!! Have to go back for a sonogram and stress test. Double ugh!

Also, put a buck and doe together and the magic happened, lol. Babies in mid-February if things went well. What a wonderful time to have babies. What was I thinking??? Actually, I was thinking I need some dang babies around here - that's what I was thinking.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wellllll, it happened. I knew it would happen at some point and it happened this morning. For some unknown reason I decided to climb to the top of the gumbo mountain to check on the progress of the grass seed. I did NOT descend into the pond to spread gravel - that would be akin to suicide or an even funnier escapade than I already experienced.

Trotted right up the side of the gumbo guestimate is that it's about 8 foot tall. I was careful and walked in the bulldozer tracks because they make cute itty bitty stair steps. No problems going up. I tried not to walk around tooo much on top lest I track away grass seeds on my boots. Said boots at this point were at least 3 lbs apiece heavier from the gumbo mud that was hitching a ride. However, I was feeling pretty pleased at this point because I see sprigs of green making an appearance. Ok - I went, I climbed and I saw what I wanted to see. Perfect, right?

What I didn't count on was the descent being so exciting! At this point I'm not really walking on the treaded bottoms of my boots - I'm walking on a 2 - 3 inch buildup of gumbo clinging to the bottom of my boots. And guess what? Gumbo is slickery! Took about two steps thinking "I got this." I didn't. THIS - got me!

Feet decided to go way fast down the slope - almost like mud skiing. At this point I've already figured out that this isn't going to end well, lol. Decided to cut my losses lest I start rolling down and pick up mud on the way like a giant mud ball. I figured no one would ever be able to dig me out of a mud ball composed of me in the middle and about 3 feet of mud all around. PLUS - had I started rolling I would have rolled not only down the mud mountain, but across the 10 ft flat buffer and right on down into the pond, perhaps never to be seen again! Only thing to do was to drop my a$$ down into the mud and hope it would act like a giant brake! Sorta worked. Until I tried to get up again. Lather, rinse, repeat...sigh!

The good news is that I made it! Undressed on the back porch and have the washing machine going. Is it too early for a bottle of wine?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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What a difference another inch of rain makes.

This is yesterday morning. This was pic 3 yesterday:


This morning after raining all day yesterday.


Still need lots more rain and no more in the forecast until the weekend. That's ok - it gives me time to get the gravel in there. I think I'll spread a tarp from the top of the pond down to the spawning shelves and just pour the gravel down the tarp.

After that - I'll very likely run some hoses out there and start adding well water. Need fish! Fish need water!

I'm excited - this is going to happen!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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another day of observation might be good, to watch the stats.
Too late! We're home. :celebrate

Told DH that he's not allowed to get sick not ever!

Turns out this seems to have been caused by a medication imbalance from new meds started after his last hospitalization. Don't really feel great about that. What the heck does person have to do to get decent care? And, what happened to the good ol' doc who took care of your whole body? Now there's a team and/or a specialist for each body part. Do they ever get on the same page? My guess is rarely - if ever.

Got home and looked out the window and all the goats are exactly where they don't belong. They're scattered out all over the pasture. WTH? Maybe I left a gate open somewhere? Don't really think so because i didn't go out to the pasture so didn't open a gate. I need to go feed and do some investigation and then find something healthy to feed the man.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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YAY! I sold three goats today. Two wethers and a young buck. Three less mouths to feed and more moolah in the goat account. I need to take some of those dollahs and go to TSC to pick up some more cattle/hog panels. I'm out - and I use them all the time all over the place. Gotta re-stock....might pick up a few gates while I'm there - need more of those too! Retirement is going to allow me the time to catch up with all those great ideas I have, lol!